2023-01-03 14:42:54 +01:00

30 lines
1.3 KiB

from flask import Flask, render_template
def register_errorhandlers(app: Flask) -> None:
def bad_request(e) -> tuple:
content: dict = {'title': 'Bad Request',
'content': [('HTTP Status 400', 'The request is malformed and cannot be processed.')]}
return render_template('generic.html', **content), 400
def not_found(e) -> tuple:
content: dict = {'title': 'Not Found',
'content': [('HTTP Status 404', 'The requsted ressource was not found.')]}
return render_template('generic.html', **content), 404
def method_not_allowed(e) -> tuple:
content: dict = {'title': 'Method Not Allowed',
'content': [('HTTP Status 405', 'The requested method is not allowed for this ressource.')]}
return render_template('generic.html', **content), 405
def internal_server_error(e) -> tuple:
content: dict = {'title': 'Internal Server Error',
'content': [('HTTP Status 500', 'The request cannot be answered due to an internal server error.')]}
return render_template('generic.html', **content), 500