2023-01-03 14:42:54 +01:00

92 lines
3.7 KiB

from unittest import TestCase
from flask import Flask
from rfcartography import create_app
from rfcartography.index_parser import RFC, NotIssued, STD, BCP, FYI, DocType
from rfcartography.rfcartographer import RFCartographer
class TestDetailsPages(TestCase):
def setUp(self):
"""create an app object for testing purposes"""
self.app:Flask = create_app()
self.app.config.update({'TESTING': True})
rfc42: RFC = RFC(42)
rfc23: NotIssued = NotIssued(23)
std42: STD = STD(42)
bcp42: BCP = BCP(42)
fyi42: FYI = FYI(42)
index: dict[DocType: dict[int, Document]] = {DocType.RFC: {42: rfc42,
23: rfc23},
DocType.STD: {42: std42},
DocType.BCP: {42: bcp42},
DocType.FYI: {42: fyi42},
DocType.NIC: {},
DocType.IEN: {},
DocType.RTR: {}}
self.app.cartographer = RFCartographer(index)
def test_rfc_details(self):
"""testing the details page for RFCs"""
client: FlaskClient = self.app.test_client()
response: TestResponse = client.get('/RFC0042')
self.assertEqual(response.status, '200 OK')
def test_rfc_not_issued_details(self):
"""testing the details page for not issued RFCs"""
client: FlaskClient = self.app.test_client()
response: TestResponse = client.get('/RFC0023')
self.assertEqual(response.status, '200 OK')
def test_not_existing_rfc_details(self):
"""testing the details page requests for not existing RFCs"""
client: FlaskClient = self.app.test_client()
response: TestResponse = client.get('/RFC0666')
self.assertEqual(response.status, '404 NOT FOUND')
def test_std_details(self):
"""testing the details page for STDs"""
client: FlaskClient = self.app.test_client()
response: TestResponse = client.get('/STD0042')
self.assertEqual(response.status, '200 OK')
def test_not_existing_std_details(self):
"""testing the details page requests for not existing STDs"""
client: FlaskClient = self.app.test_client()
response: TestResponse = client.get('/STD0666')
self.assertEqual(response.status, '404 NOT FOUND')
def test_bcp_details(self):
"""testing the details page for BCPs"""
client: FlaskClient = self.app.test_client()
response: TestResponse = client.get('/BCP0042')
self.assertEqual(response.status, '200 OK')
def test_not_existing_bcp_details(self):
"""testing the details page requests for not existing BCPs"""
client: FlaskClient = self.app.test_client()
response: TestResponse = client.get('/BCP0666')
self.assertEqual(response.status, '404 NOT FOUND')
def test_fyi_details(self):
"""testing the details page for FYIs"""
client: FlaskClient = self.app.test_client()
response: TestResponse = client.get('/FYI0042')
self.assertEqual(response.status, '200 OK')
def test_not_existing_fyi_details(self):
"""testing the details page requests for not existing FYIs"""
client: FlaskClient = self.app.test_client()
response: TestResponse = client.get('/FYI0666')
self.assertEqual(response.status, '404 NOT FOUND')