gitk: Implement a user-friendly Edit View dialog
Originally gitk required the user to specify all limiting options manually in the same field with the list of commits. It is rather unfriendly for new users, who may not know which options can be used, or, indeed, that it is possible to specify them at all. This commit modifies the dialog to present the most useful options as individual fields. Note that options that may be useful to an extent, but produce a severely broken view, are deliberately not included. It is still possible to specify options in the commit list field, but when the dialog is reopened, they will be extracted into their own separate fields. Signed-off-by: Alexander Gavrilov <> Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -3467,8 +3467,8 @@ proc shellsplit {str} {
# Code to implement multiple views
proc newview {ishighlight} {
global nextviewnum newviewname newviewperm newishighlight
global newviewargs revtreeargs viewargscmd newviewargscmd curview
global nextviewnum newviewname newishighlight
global revtreeargs viewargscmd newviewopts curview
set newishighlight $ishighlight
set top .gitkview
@ -3477,59 +3477,173 @@ proc newview {ishighlight} {
set newviewname($nextviewnum) "[mc "View"] $nextviewnum"
set newviewperm($nextviewnum) 0
set newviewargs($nextviewnum) [shellarglist $revtreeargs]
set newviewargscmd($nextviewnum) $viewargscmd($curview)
set newviewopts($nextviewnum,perm) 0
set newviewopts($nextviewnum,cmd) $viewargscmd($curview)
decode_view_opts $nextviewnum $revtreeargs
vieweditor $top $nextviewnum [mc "Gitk view definition"]
set known_view_options {
{perm b . {} {mc "Remember this view"}}
{args t50= + {} {mc "Commits to include (arguments to git log):"}}
{all b * "--all" {mc "Use all refs"}}
{dorder b . {"--date-order" "-d"} {mc "Strictly sort by date"}}
{lright b . "--left-right" {mc "Mark branch sides"}}
{since t15 + {"--since=*" "--after=*"} {mc "Since date:"}}
{until t15 . {"--until=*" "--before=*"} {mc "Until date:"}}
{limit t10 + "--max-count=*" {mc "Max count:"}}
{skip t10 . "--skip=*" {mc "Skip:"}}
{first b . "--first-parent" {mc "Limit to first parent"}}
{cmd t50= + {} {mc "Command to generate more commits to include:"}}
proc encode_view_opts {n} {
global known_view_options newviewopts
set rargs [list]
foreach opt $known_view_options {
set patterns [lindex $opt 3]
if {$patterns eq {}} continue
set pattern [lindex $patterns 0]
set val $newviewopts($n,[lindex $opt 0])
if {[lindex $opt 1] eq "b"} {
if {$val} {
lappend rargs $pattern
} else {
set val [string trim $val]
if {$val ne {}} {
set pfix [string range $pattern 0 end-1]
lappend rargs $pfix$val
return [concat $rargs [shellsplit $newviewopts($n,args)]]
proc decode_view_opts {n view_args} {
global known_view_options newviewopts
foreach opt $known_view_options {
if {[lindex $opt 1] eq "b"} {
set val 0
} else {
set val {}
set newviewopts($n,[lindex $opt 0]) $val
set oargs [list]
foreach arg $view_args {
if {[regexp -- {^-([0-9]+)$} $arg arg cnt]
&& ![info exists found(limit)]} {
set newviewopts($n,limit) $cnt
set found(limit) 1
catch { unset val }
foreach opt $known_view_options {
set id [lindex $opt 0]
if {[info exists found($id)]} continue
foreach pattern [lindex $opt 3] {
if {![string match $pattern $arg]} continue
if {[lindex $opt 1] ne "b"} {
set size [string length $pattern]
set val [string range $arg [expr {$size-1}] end]
} else {
set val 1
set newviewopts($n,$id) $val
set found($id) 1
if {[info exists val]} break
if {[info exists val]} continue
lappend oargs $arg
set newviewopts($n,args) [shellarglist $oargs]
proc editview {} {
global curview
global viewname viewperm newviewname newviewperm
global viewargs newviewargs viewargscmd newviewargscmd
global viewname viewperm newviewname newviewopts
global viewargs viewargscmd
set top .gitkvedit-$curview
if {[winfo exists $top]} {
raise $top
set newviewname($curview) $viewname($curview)
set newviewperm($curview) $viewperm($curview)
set newviewargs($curview) [shellarglist $viewargs($curview)]
set newviewargscmd($curview) $viewargscmd($curview)
set newviewname($curview) $viewname($curview)
set newviewopts($curview,perm) $viewperm($curview)
set newviewopts($curview,cmd) $viewargscmd($curview)
decode_view_opts $curview $viewargs($curview)
vieweditor $top $curview "Gitk: edit view $viewname($curview)"
proc vieweditor {top n title} {
global newviewname newviewperm viewfiles bgcolor
global newviewname newviewopts viewfiles bgcolor
global known_view_options
toplevel $top
wm title $top $title
wm transient $top .
# View name
frame $top.nfr
label $ -text [mc "Name"]
entry $ -width 20 -textvariable newviewname($n)
grid $ $ -sticky w -pady 5
checkbutton $top.perm -text [mc "Remember this view"] \
-variable newviewperm($n)
grid $top.perm - -pady 5 -sticky w
message $ -aspect 1000 \
-text [mc "Commits to include (arguments to git log):"]
grid $ - -sticky w -pady 5
entry $top.args -width 50 -textvariable newviewargs($n) \
-background $bgcolor
grid $top.args - -sticky ew -padx 5
pack $top.nfr -in $top -fill x -pady 5 -padx 3
pack $ -in $top.nfr -side left -padx {0 30}
pack $ -in $top.nfr -side left
message $ -aspect 1000 \
-text [mc "Command to generate more commits to include:"]
grid $ - -sticky w -pady 5
entry $top.argscmd -width 50 -textvariable newviewargscmd($n) \
-background white
grid $top.argscmd - -sticky ew -padx 5
# View options
set cframe $top.nfr
set cexpand 0
set cnt 0
foreach opt $known_view_options {
set id [lindex $opt 0]
set type [lindex $opt 1]
set flags [lindex $opt 2]
set title [eval [lindex $opt 4]]
set lxpad 0
message $top.l -aspect 1000 \
if {$flags eq "+" || $flags eq "*"} {
set cframe $$cnt
incr cnt
frame $cframe
pack $cframe -in $top -fill x -pady 3 -padx 3
set cexpand [expr {$flags eq "*"}]
} else {
set lxpad 5
if {$type eq "b"} {
checkbutton $cframe.c_$id -text $title -variable newviewopts($n,$id)
pack $cframe.c_$id -in $cframe -side left \
-padx [list $lxpad 0] -expand $cexpand -anchor w
} elseif {[regexp {^t(\d+)$} $type type sz]} {
message $cframe.l_$id -aspect 1500 -text $title
entry $cframe.e_$id -width $sz -background $bgcolor \
-textvariable newviewopts($n,$id)
pack $cframe.l_$id -in $cframe -side left -padx [list $lxpad 0]
pack $cframe.e_$id -in $cframe -side left -expand 1 -fill x
} elseif {[regexp {^t(\d+)=$} $type type sz]} {
message $cframe.l_$id -aspect 1500 -text $title
entry $cframe.e_$id -width $sz -background $bgcolor \
-textvariable newviewopts($n,$id)
pack $cframe.l_$id -in $cframe -side top -pady [list 3 0] -anchor w
pack $cframe.e_$id -in $cframe -side top -fill x
# Path list
message $top.l -aspect 1500 \
-text [mc "Enter files and directories to include, one per line:"]
grid $top.l - -sticky w
text $top.t -width 40 -height 10 -background $bgcolor -font uifont
pack $top.l -in $top -side top -pady [list 7 0] -anchor w -padx 3
text $top.t -width 40 -height 5 -background $bgcolor -font uifont
if {[info exists viewfiles($n)]} {
foreach f $viewfiles($n) {
$top.t insert end $f
@ -3538,15 +3652,19 @@ proc vieweditor {top n title} {
$top.t delete {end - 1c} end
$top.t mark set insert 0.0
grid $top.t - -sticky ew -padx 5
pack $top.t -in $top -side top -pady [list 0 5] -fill both -expand 1 -padx 3
frame $top.buts
button $top.buts.ok -text [mc "OK"] -command [list newviewok $top $n]
button $top.buts.apply -text [mc "Apply (F5)"] -command [list newviewok $top $n 1]
button $top.buts.can -text [mc "Cancel"] -command [list destroy $top]
bind $top <Control-Return> [list newviewok $top $n]
bind $top <F5> [list newviewok $top $n 1]
bind $top <Escape> [list destroy $top]
grid $top.buts.ok $top.buts.can
grid $top.buts.ok $top.buts.apply $top.buts.can
grid columnconfigure $top.buts 0 -weight 1 -uniform a
grid columnconfigure $top.buts 1 -weight 1 -uniform a
grid $top.buts - -pady 10 -sticky ew
grid columnconfigure $top.buts 2 -weight 1 -uniform a
pack $top.buts -in $top -side top -fill x
focus $top.t
@ -3567,13 +3685,13 @@ proc allviewmenus {n op args} {
# doviewmenu $viewhlmenu 1 [list addvhighlight $n] $op $args
proc newviewok {top n} {
proc newviewok {top n {apply 0}} {
global nextviewnum newviewperm newviewname newishighlight
global viewname viewfiles viewperm selectedview curview
global viewargs newviewargs viewargscmd newviewargscmd viewhlmenu
global viewargs viewargscmd newviewopts viewhlmenu
if {[catch {
set newargs [shellsplit $newviewargs($n)]
set newargs [encode_view_opts $n]
} err]} {
error_popup "[mc "Error in commit selection arguments:"] $err" $top
@ -3589,10 +3707,10 @@ proc newviewok {top n} {
# creating a new view
incr nextviewnum
set viewname($n) $newviewname($n)
set viewperm($n) $newviewperm($n)
set viewperm($n) $newviewopts($n,perm)
set viewfiles($n) $files
set viewargs($n) $newargs
set viewargscmd($n) $newviewargscmd($n)
set viewargscmd($n) $newviewopts($n,cmd)
addviewmenu $n
if {!$newishighlight} {
run showview $n
@ -3601,7 +3719,7 @@ proc newviewok {top n} {
} else {
# editing an existing view
set viewperm($n) $newviewperm($n)
set viewperm($n) $newviewopts($n,perm)
if {$newviewname($n) ne $viewname($n)} {
set viewname($n) $newviewname($n)
doviewmenu .bar.view 5 [list showview $n] \
@ -3610,15 +3728,16 @@ proc newviewok {top n} {
# entryconf [list -label $viewname($n) -value $viewname($n)]
if {$files ne $viewfiles($n) || $newargs ne $viewargs($n) || \
$newviewargscmd($n) ne $viewargscmd($n)} {
$newviewopts($n,cmd) ne $viewargscmd($n)} {
set viewfiles($n) $files
set viewargs($n) $newargs
set viewargscmd($n) $newviewargscmd($n)
set viewargscmd($n) $newviewopts($n,cmd)
if {$curview == $n} {
run reloadcommits
if {$apply} return
catch {destroy $top}
Reference in New Issue
Block a user