archimport: Add the accurate changeset applyer
And make it the default. This includes stats tracking to verbose mode Signed-off-by: Eric Wong <> Signed-off-by: Martin Langhoff <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -25,6 +25,9 @@ See man (1) git-archimport for more details.
- audit shell-escaping of filenames
- hide our private tags somewhere smarter
- find a way to make "cat *patches | patch" safe even when patchfiles are missing newlines
- sort and apply patches by graphing ancestry relations instead of just
relying in dates supplied in the changeset itself.
tla ancestry-graph -m could be helpful here...
=head1 Devel tricks
@ -66,18 +69,18 @@ my $git_dir = $ENV{"GIT_DIR"} || ".git";
$ENV{"GIT_DIR"} = $git_dir;
my $ptag_dir = "$git_dir/archimport/tags";
sub usage() {
print STDERR <<END;
Usage: ${\basename $0} # fetch/update GIT from Arch
[ -o ] [ -h ] [ -v ] [ -T ] [ -a ] [ -D depth ] [ -t tempdir ]
[ -f ] [ -o ] [ -h ] [ -v ] [ -T ] [ -a ] [ -D depth ] [ -t tempdir ]
repository/arch-branch [ repository/arch-branch] ...
getopts("Thvat:D:") or usage();
getopts("fThvat:D:") or usage();
usage if $opt_h;
@ARGV >= 1 or usage();
@ -95,6 +98,10 @@ my %reachable = (); # Arch repositories we can access
my %unreachable = (); # Arch repositories we can't access :<
my @psets = (); # the collection
my %psets = (); # the collection, by name
my %stats = ( # Track which strategy we used to import:
get_tag => 0, replay => 0, get_new => 0, get_delta => 0,
simple_changeset => 0, import_or_tag => 0
my %rptags = (); # my reverse private tags
# to map a SHA1 to a commitid
@ -288,29 +295,69 @@ sub old_style_branchname {
*git_branchname = $opt_o ? *old_style_branchname : *tree_dirname;
# process patchsets
foreach my $ps (@psets) {
$ps->{branch} = git_branchname($ps->{id});
sub process_patchset_accurate {
my $ps = shift;
# switch to that branch if we're not already in that branch:
if (-e "$git_dir/refs/heads/$ps->{branch}") {
system('git-checkout','-f',$ps->{branch}) == 0 or die "$! $?\n";
# ensure we have a clean state
if (`git-diff-files`) {
die "Unclean tree when about to process $ps->{id} " .
" - did we fail to commit cleanly before?";
# remove any old stuff that got leftover:
my $rm = safe_pipe_capture('git-ls-files','--others','-z');
rmtree(split(/\0/,$rm)) if $rm;
die $! if $?;
# Apply the import/changeset/merge into the working tree
my $dir = sync_to_ps($ps);
# read the new log entry:
my @commitlog = safe_pipe_capture($TLA,'cat-log','-d',$dir,$ps->{id});
die "Error in cat-log: $!" if $?;
chomp @commitlog;
# skip commits already in repo
if (ptag($ps->{id})) {
$opt_v && print " * Skipping already imported: $ps->{id}\n";
# grab variables we want from the log, new fields get added to $ps:
# (author, date, email, summary, message body ...)
parselog($ps, \@commitlog);
print " * Starting to work on $ps->{id}\n";
if ($ps->{id} =~ /--base-0$/ && $ps->{id} ne $psets[0]{id}) {
# this should work when importing continuations
if ($ps->{tag} && (my $branchpoint = eval { ptag($ps->{tag}) })) {
# find where we are supposed to branch from
$branchpoint) == 0 or die "$! $?\n";
# remove any old stuff that got leftover:
my $rm = safe_pipe_capture('git-ls-files','--others','-z');
rmtree(split(/\0/,$rm)) if $rm;
# If we trust Arch with the fact that this is just
# a tag, and it does not affect the state of the tree
# then we just tag and move on
tag($ps->{id}, $branchpoint);
ptag($ps->{id}, $branchpoint);
print " * Tagged $ps->{id} at $branchpoint\n";
return 0;
} else {
warn "Tagging from unknown id unsupported\n" if $ps->{tag};
# allow multiple bases/imports here since Arch supports cherry-picks
# from unrelated trees
# update the index with all the changes we got
system('git-ls-files --others -z | '.
'git-update-index --add -z --stdin') == 0 or die "$! $?\n";
system('git-ls-files --deleted -z | '.
'git-update-index --remove -z --stdin') == 0 or die "$! $?\n";
system('git-ls-files -z | '.
'git-update-index -z --stdin') == 0 or die "$! $?\n";
return 1;
# the native changeset processing strategy. This is very fast, but
# does not handle permissions or any renames involving directories
sub process_patchset_fast {
my $ps = shift;
# create the branch if needed
@ -338,7 +385,7 @@ foreach my $ps (@psets) {
tag($ps->{id}, $branchpoint);
ptag($ps->{id}, $branchpoint);
print " * Tagged $ps->{id} at $branchpoint\n";
return 0;
die $! if $?;
@ -348,16 +395,17 @@ foreach my $ps (@psets) {
if ($ps->{type} eq 'i' || $ps->{type} eq 't') {
apply_import($ps) or die $!;
} elsif ($ps->{type} eq 's') {
# prepare update git's index, based on what arch knows
# about the pset, resolve parents, etc
my $tree;
my @commitlog = safe_pipe_capture($TLA,'cat-archive-log',$ps->{id});
die "Error in cat-archive-log: $!" if $?;
@ -404,14 +452,13 @@ foreach my $ps (@psets) {
unless (-d dirname($to)) {
mkpath(dirname($to)); # will die on err
print "moving $from $to";
# print "moving $from $to";
rename($from, $to) or die "Error renaming '$from' '$to': $!\n";
system('git-update-index','--remove','--',$from) == 0 or
die "Error in git-update-index --remove: $! $?\n";
system('git-update-index','--add','--',$to) == 0 or
die "Error in git-update-index --add: $! $?\n";
if (my $mod = $ps->{modified_files}) {
@ -421,9 +468,46 @@ foreach my $ps (@psets) {
die "Error in git-update-index: $! $?\n";
return 1; # we successfully applied the changeset
if ($opt_f) {
print "Will import patchsets using the fast strategy\n",
"Renamed directories and permission changes will be missed\n";
*process_patchset = *process_patchset_fast;
} else {
print "Using the default (accurate) import strategy.\n",
"Things may be a bit slow\n";
*process_patchset = *process_patchset_accurate;
foreach my $ps (@psets) {
# process patchsets
$ps->{branch} = git_branchname($ps->{id});
# ensure we have a clean state
if (my $dirty = `git-diff-files`) {
die "Unclean tree when about to process $ps->{id} " .
" - did we fail to commit cleanly before?\n$dirty";
die $! if $?;
# skip commits already in repo
if (ptag($ps->{id})) {
$opt_v && print " * Skipping already imported: $ps->{id}\n";
return 0;
print " * Starting to work on $ps->{id}\n";
process_patchset($ps) or next;
# warn "errors when running git-update-index! $!";
$tree = `git-write-tree`;
my $tree = `git-write-tree`;
die "cannot write tree $!" if $?;
chomp $tree;
@ -494,6 +578,65 @@ foreach my $ps (@psets) {
print " + commit $commitid\n";
$opt_v && print " + commit date is $ps->{date} \n";
$opt_v && print " + parents: ",join(' ',@par),"\n";
if (my $dirty = `git-diff-files`) {
die "22 Unclean tree when about to process $ps->{id} " .
" - did we fail to commit cleanly before?\n$dirty";
if ($opt_v) {
foreach (sort keys %stats) {
print" $_: $stats{$_}\n";
exit 0;
# used by the accurate strategy:
sub sync_to_ps {
my $ps = shift;
my $tree_dir = $tmp.'/'.tree_dirname($ps->{id});
$opt_v && print "sync_to_ps($ps->{id}) method: ";
if (-d $tree_dir) {
if ($ps->{type} eq 't') {
$opt_v && print "get (tag)\n";
# looks like a tag-only or (worse,) a mixed tags/changeset branch,
# can't rely on replay to work correctly on these
} else {
my $tree_id = arch_tree_id($tree_dir);
if ($ps->{parent_id} && ($ps->{parent_id} eq $tree_id)) {
# the common case (hopefully)
$opt_v && print "replay\n";
} else {
# getting one tree is usually faster than getting two trees
# and applying the delta ...
$opt_v && print "apply-delta\n";
} else {
# new branch work
$opt_v && print "get (new tree)\n";
# added -I flag to rsync since we're going to fast! AIEEEEE!!!!
# '--exclude','.arch-inventory',
"$tree_dir/",'./') == 0 or die "Cannot rsync $tree_dir: $! $?";
return $tree_dir;
sub apply_import {
@ -896,7 +1039,7 @@ sub safe_pipe_capture {
@output = (<$child>);
close $child or die join(' ',@_).": $! $?";
} else {
exec(@_) or die $?; # exec() can fail the executable can't be found
exec(@_) or die "$! $?"; # exec() can fail the executable can't be found
return wantarray ? @output : join('',@output);
Reference in New Issue
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