gitk: Show changes in index and changes in working directory separately
This makes gitk show up to two fake commits when there are local changes in the repository; one to represent the state of the index and one to represent the state of the working directory. The commit representing the working directory is colored red as before; the commit representing the index state is colored magenta (as being between red and blue in some sense). Signed-off-by: Paul Mackerras <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -262,11 +262,11 @@ proc chewcommits {view} {
set tlimit [expr {[clock clicks -milliseconds] + 50}]
set more [layoutmore $tlimit $allread]
if {$allread && !$more} {
global displayorder nullid commitidx phase
global displayorder commitidx phase
global numcommits startmsecs
if {[info exists pending_select]} {
set row [expr {[lindex $displayorder 0] eq $nullid}]
set row [first_real_row]
selectline $row 1
if {$commitidx($curview) > 0} {
@ -437,6 +437,19 @@ proc readrefs {} {
# skip over fake commits
proc first_real_row {} {
global nullid nullid2 displayorder numcommits
for {set row 0} {$row < $numcommits} {incr row} {
set id [lindex $displayorder $row]
if {$id ne $nullid && $id ne $nullid2} {
return $row
# update things for a head moved to a child of its previous location
proc movehead {id name} {
global headids idheads
@ -1871,7 +1884,7 @@ proc showview {n} {
} elseif {$selid ne {}} {
set pending_select $selid
} else {
set row [expr {[lindex $displayorder 0] eq $nullid}]
set row [first_real_row]
if {$row < $numcommits} {
selectline $row 0
} else {
@ -2643,7 +2656,7 @@ proc layoutmore {tmax allread} {
proc showstuff {canshow last} {
global numcommits commitrow pending_select selectedline curview
global lookingforhead mainheadid displayorder nullid selectfirst
global lookingforhead mainheadid displayorder selectfirst
global lastscrollset
if {$numcommits == 0} {
@ -2676,7 +2689,7 @@ proc showstuff {canshow last} {
if {[info exists selectedline] || [info exists pending_select]} {
set selectfirst 0
} else {
set l [expr {[lindex $displayorder 0] eq $nullid}]
set l [first_real_row]
selectline $l 1
set selectfirst 0
@ -2700,48 +2713,93 @@ proc doshowlocalchanges {} {
proc dohidelocalchanges {} {
global lookingforhead localrow lserial
global lookingforhead localfrow localirow lserial
set lookingforhead 0
if {$localrow >= 0} {
removerow $localrow
set localrow -1
if {$localfrow >= 0} {
removerow $localfrow
set localfrow -1
if {$localirow > 0} {
incr localirow -1
if {$localirow >= 0} {
removerow $localirow
set localirow -1
incr lserial
# spawn off a process to do git diff-index HEAD
# spawn off a process to do git diff-index --cached HEAD
proc dodiffindex {} {
global localrow lserial
global localirow localfrow lserial
incr lserial
set localrow -1
set fd [open "|git diff-index HEAD" r]
set localfrow -1
set localirow -1
set fd [open "|git diff-index --cached HEAD" r]
fconfigure $fd -blocking 0
filerun $fd [list readdiffindex $fd $lserial]
proc readdiffindex {fd serial} {
global localrow commitrow mainheadid nullid curview
global localirow commitrow mainheadid nullid2 curview
global commitinfo commitdata lserial
set isdiff 1
if {[gets $fd line] < 0} {
if {[eof $fd]} {
close $fd
return 0
if {![eof $fd]} {
return 1
return 1
set isdiff 0
# we only need to see one line and we don't really care what it says...
close $fd
if {$serial == $lserial && $localrow == -1} {
# now see if there are any local changes not checked in to the index
if {$serial == $lserial} {
set fd [open "|git diff-files" r]
fconfigure $fd -blocking 0
filerun $fd [list readdifffiles $fd $serial]
if {$isdiff && $serial == $lserial && $localirow == -1} {
# add the line for the changes in the index to the graph
set localirow $commitrow($curview,$mainheadid)
set hl "Local changes checked in to index but not committed"
set commitinfo($nullid2) [list $hl {} {} {} {} " $hl\n"]
set commitdata($nullid2) "\n $hl\n"
insertrow $localirow $nullid2
return 0
proc readdifffiles {fd serial} {
global localirow localfrow commitrow mainheadid nullid curview
global commitinfo commitdata lserial
set isdiff 1
if {[gets $fd line] < 0} {
if {![eof $fd]} {
return 1
set isdiff 0
# we only need to see one line and we don't really care what it says...
close $fd
if {$isdiff && $serial == $lserial && $localfrow == -1} {
# add the line for the local diff to the graph
set localrow $commitrow($curview,$mainheadid)
set hl "Local uncommitted changes"
if {$localirow >= 0} {
set localfrow $localirow
incr localirow
} else {
set localfrow $commitrow($curview,$mainheadid)
set hl "Local uncommitted changes, not checked in to index"
set commitinfo($nullid) [list $hl {} {} {} {} " $hl\n"]
set commitdata($nullid) "\n $hl\n"
insertrow $localrow $nullid
insertrow $localfrow $nullid
return 0
@ -3338,12 +3396,14 @@ proc drawcmittext {id row col} {
global commitlisted commitinfo rowidlist parentlist
global rowtextx idpos idtags idheads idotherrefs
global linehtag linentag linedtag markingmatches
global mainfont canvxmax boldrows boldnamerows fgcolor nullid
global mainfont canvxmax boldrows boldnamerows fgcolor nullid nullid2
# listed is 0 for boundary, 1 for normal, 2 for left, 3 for right
set listed [lindex $commitlisted $row]
if {$id eq $nullid} {
set ofill red
} elseif {$id eq $nullid2} {
set ofill magenta
} else {
set ofill [expr {$listed != 0? "blue": "white"}]
@ -4582,16 +4642,19 @@ proc goforw {} {
proc gettree {id} {
global treefilelist treeidlist diffids diffmergeid treepending nullid
global treefilelist treeidlist diffids diffmergeid treepending
global nullid nullid2
set diffids $id
catch {unset diffmergeid}
if {![info exists treefilelist($id)]} {
if {![info exists treepending]} {
if {$id ne $nullid} {
set cmd [concat | git ls-tree -r $id]
if {$id eq $nullid} {
set cmd [list | git ls-files]
} elseif {$id eq $nullid2} {
set cmd [list | git ls-files --stage -t]
} else {
set cmd [concat | git ls-files]
set cmd [list | git ls-tree -r $id]
if {[catch {set gtf [open $cmd r]}]} {
@ -4608,12 +4671,14 @@ proc gettree {id} {
proc gettreeline {gtf id} {
global treefilelist treeidlist treepending cmitmode diffids nullid
global treefilelist treeidlist treepending cmitmode diffids nullid nullid2
set nl 0
while {[incr nl] <= 1000 && [gets $gtf line] >= 0} {
if {$diffids ne $nullid} {
if {[lindex $line 1] ne "blob"} continue
if {$diffids eq $nullid} {
set fname $line
} else {
if {$diffids ne $nullid2 && [lindex $line 1] ne "blob"} continue
set i [string first "\t" $line]
if {$i < 0} continue
set sha1 [lindex $line 2]
@ -4622,8 +4687,6 @@ proc gettreeline {gtf id} {
set fname [lindex $fname 0]
lappend treeidlist($id) $sha1
} else {
set fname $line
lappend treefilelist($id) $fname
@ -4645,7 +4708,7 @@ proc gettreeline {gtf id} {
proc showfile {f} {
global treefilelist treeidlist diffids nullid
global treefilelist treeidlist diffids nullid nullid2
global ctext commentend
set i [lsearch -exact $treefilelist($diffids) $f]
@ -4653,15 +4716,15 @@ proc showfile {f} {
puts "oops, $f not in list for id $diffids"
if {$diffids ne $nullid} {
set blob [lindex $treeidlist($diffids) $i]
if {[catch {set bf [open [concat | git cat-file blob $blob] r]} err]} {
puts "oops, error reading blob $blob: $err"
if {$diffids eq $nullid} {
if {[catch {set bf [open $f r]} err]} {
puts "oops, can't read $f: $err"
} else {
if {[catch {set bf [open $f r]} err]} {
puts "oops, can't read $f: $err"
set blob [lindex $treeidlist($diffids) $i]
if {[catch {set bf [open [concat | git cat-file blob $blob] r]} err]} {
puts "oops, error reading blob $blob: $err"
@ -4789,11 +4852,13 @@ proc getmergediffline {mdf id np} {
proc startdiff {ids} {
global treediffs diffids treepending diffmergeid nullid
global treediffs diffids treepending diffmergeid nullid nullid2
set diffids $ids
catch {unset diffmergeid}
if {![info exists treediffs($ids)] || [lsearch -exact $ids $nullid] >= 0} {
if {![info exists treediffs($ids)] ||
[lsearch -exact $ids $nullid] >= 0 ||
[lsearch -exact $ids $nullid2] >= 0} {
if {![info exists treepending]} {
gettreediffs $ids
@ -4809,22 +4874,41 @@ proc addtocflist {ids} {
proc diffcmd {ids flags} {
global nullid
global nullid nullid2
set i [lsearch -exact $ids $nullid]
set j [lsearch -exact $ids $nullid2]
if {$i >= 0} {
set cmd [concat | git diff-index $flags]
if {[llength $ids] > 1} {
if {[llength $ids] > 1 && $j < 0} {
# comparing working directory with some specific revision
set cmd [concat | git diff-index $flags]
if {$i == 0} {
lappend cmd -R [lindex $ids 1]
} else {
lappend cmd [lindex $ids 0]
} else {
# comparing working directory with index
set cmd [concat | git diff-files $flags]
if {$j == 1} {
lappend cmd -R
} elseif {$j >= 0} {
set cmd [concat | git diff-index --cached $flags]
if {[llength $ids] > 1} {
# comparing index with specific revision
if {$i == 0} {
lappend cmd -R [lindex $ids 1]
} else {
lappend cmd [lindex $ids 0]
} else {
# comparing index with HEAD
lappend cmd HEAD
} else {
set cmd [concat | git diff-tree --no-commit-id -r $flags $ids]
set cmd [concat | git diff-tree -r $flags $ids]
return $cmd
@ -4834,7 +4918,7 @@ proc gettreediffs {ids} {
set treepending $ids
set treediff {}
if {[catch {set gdtf [open [diffcmd $ids {}] r]}]} return
if {[catch {set gdtf [open [diffcmd $ids {--no-commit-id}] r]}]} return
fconfigure $gdtf -blocking 0
filerun $gdtf [list gettreediffline $gdtf $ids]
@ -4877,7 +4961,7 @@ proc getblobdiffs {ids} {
global diffinhdr treediffs
set env(GIT_DIFF_OPTS) $diffopts
if {[catch {set bdf [open [diffcmd $ids {-p -C}] r]} err]} {
if {[catch {set bdf [open [diffcmd $ids {-p -C --no-commit-id}] r]} err]} {
puts "error getting diffs: $err"
@ -5468,7 +5552,7 @@ proc mstime {} {
proc rowmenu {x y id} {
global rowctxmenu commitrow selectedline rowmenuid curview
global nullid fakerowmenu mainhead
global nullid nullid2 fakerowmenu mainhead
set rowmenuid $id
if {![info exists selectedline]
@ -5477,7 +5561,7 @@ proc rowmenu {x y id} {
} else {
set state normal
if {$id ne $nullid} {
if {$id ne $nullid && $id ne $nullid2} {
set menu $rowctxmenu
$menu entryconfigure 7 -label "Reset $mainhead branch to here"
} else {
@ -5596,18 +5680,12 @@ proc mkpatchrev {} {
proc mkpatchgo {} {
global patchtop nullid
global patchtop nullid nullid2
set oldid [$patchtop.fromsha1 get]
set newid [$patchtop.tosha1 get]
set fname [$patchtop.fname get]
if {$newid eq $nullid} {
set cmd [list git diff-index -p $oldid]
} elseif {$oldid eq $nullid} {
set cmd [list git diff-index -p -R $newid]
} else {
set cmd [list git diff-tree -p $oldid $newid]
set cmd [diffcmd [list $oldid $newid] -p]
lappend cmd >$fname &
if {[catch {eval exec $cmd} err]} {
error_popup "Error creating patch: $err"
@ -7522,6 +7600,8 @@ if {$i >= [llength $argv] && $revtreeargs ne {}} {
set nullid "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
set nullid2 "0000000000000000000000000000000000000001"
set runq {}
set history {}
@ -7550,7 +7630,8 @@ set stopped 0
set stuffsaved 0
set patchnum 0
set lookingforhead 0
set localrow -1
set localirow -1
set localfrow -1
set lserial 0
Reference in New Issue
Block a user