git-svn: add Git::SVN module (to avoid global variables)
This should make it easier to improve multi-fetch and --follow-parent by avoiding global variables. Signed-off-by: Eric Wong <>
This commit is contained in:
@ -1907,6 +1907,491 @@ sub show_commit_normal {
package Git::SVN;
use strict;
use warnings;
use vars qw/$default/;
use Carp qw/croak/;
use File::Path qw/mkpath/;
use IPC::Open3;
# properties that we do not log:
%SKIP_PROP = map { $_ => 1 } qw/svn:wc:ra_dav:version-url
svn:special svn:executable
sub init {
my ($class, $id, $url) = @_;
my $self = _new($class, $id);
if (defined $url) {
$url =~ s!/+$!!; # strip trailing slash
s_to_file($url, "$self->{dir}/info/url");
$self->{url} = $url;
open my $fh, '>>', $self->{db_path} or croak $!;
close $fh or croak $!;
sub new {
my ($class, $id) = @_;
my $self = _new($class, $id);
$self->{url} = file_to_s("$self->{dir}/info/url");
sub refname { "refs/remotes/$_[0]->{id}" }
sub ra {
my ($self) = shift;
$self->{ra} ||= Git::SVN::Ra->new($self->{url});
sub copy_remote_ref {
my ($self) = @_;
my $origin = $::_cp_remote ? $::_cp_remote : 'origin';
my $ref = $self->refname;
if (command('ls-remote', $origin, $ref)) {
command_noisy('fetch', $origin, "$ref:$ref");
} elsif ($::_cp_remote && !$::_upgrade) {
die "Unable to find remote reference: $ref on $origin\n";
sub traverse_ignore {
my ($self, $fh, $path, $r) = @_;
$path =~ s#^/+##g;
my ($dirent, undef, $props) = $self->ra->get_dir($path, $r);
my $p = $path;
$p =~ s#^\Q$self->{ra}->{svn_path}\E/##;
print $fh length $p ? "\n# $p\n" : "\n# /\n";
if (my $s = $props->{'svn:ignore'}) {
$s =~ s/[\r\n]+/\n/g;
chomp $s;
if (length $p == 0) {
$s =~ s#\n#\n/$p#g;
print $fh "/$s\n";
} else {
$s =~ s#\n#\n/$p/#g;
print $fh "/$p/$s\n";
foreach (sort keys %$dirent) {
next if $dirent->{$_}->kind != $SVN::Node::dir;
$self->traverse_ignore($fh, "$path/$_", $r);
# returns the newest SVN revision number and newest commit SHA1
sub last_rev_commit {
my ($self) = @_;
if (defined $self->{last_rev} && defined $self->{last_commit}) {
return ($self->{last_rev}, $self->{last_commit});
my $c = verify_ref($self->refname.'^0');
if (defined $c && length $c) {
my $rev = (cmt_metadata($c))[1];
if (defined $rev) {
($self->{last_rev}, $self->{last_commit}) = ($rev, $c);
return ($rev, $c);
my $offset = -41; # from tail
my $rl;
open my $fh, '<', $self->{db_path} or
croak "$self->{db_path} not readable: $!\n";
seek $fh, $offset, 2;
$rl = readline $fh;
defined $rl or return (undef, undef);
chomp $rl;
while ($c ne $rl && tell $fh != 0) {
$offset -= 41;
seek $fh, $offset, 2;
$rl = readline $fh;
defined $rl or return (undef, undef);
chomp $rl;
my $rev = tell $fh;
croak $! if ($rev < 0);
$rev = ($rev - 41) / 41;
close $fh or croak $!;
($self->{last_rev}, $self->{last_commit}) = ($rev, $c);
return ($rev, $c);
sub parse_revision {
my ($self, $base) = @_;
my $head = $self->ra->get_latest_revnum;
if (!defined $::_revision || $::_revision eq 'BASE:HEAD') {
return ($base + 1, $head) if (defined $base);
return (0, $head);
return ($1, $2) if ($::_revision =~ /^(\d+):(\d+)$/);
return ($::_revision, $::_revision) if ($::_revision =~ /^\d+$/);
if ($::_revision =~ /^BASE:(\d+)$/) {
return ($base + 1, $1) if (defined $base);
return (0, $head);
return ($1, $head) if ($::_revision =~ /^(\d+):HEAD$/);
die "revision argument: $::_revision not understood by git-svn\n",
"Try using the command-line svn client instead\n";
sub tmp_index_do {
my ($self, $sub) = @_;
my $old_index = $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE};
$ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $self->{index};
my @ret = &$sub;
if ($old_index) {
$ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $old_index;
} else {
wantarray ? @ret : $ret[0];
sub assert_index_clean {
my ($self, $treeish) = @_;
$self->tmp_index_do(sub {
command_noisy('read-tree', $treeish) unless -e $self->{index};
my $x = command_oneline('write-tree');
my ($y) = (command(qw/cat-file commit/, $treeish) =~
/^tree ($::sha1)/mo);
if ($y ne $x) {
unlink $self->{index} or croak $!;
command_noisy('read-tree', $treeish);
$x = command_oneline('write-tree');
if ($y ne $x) {
::fatal "trees ($treeish) $y != $x\n",
"Something is seriously wrong...\n";
sub get_commit_parents {
my ($self, $log_msg, @parents) = @_;
my (%seen, @ret, @tmp);
# commit parents can be conditionally bound to a particular
# svn revision via: "svn_revno=commit_sha1", filter them out here:
foreach my $p (@parents) {
next unless defined $p;
if ($p =~ /^(\d+)=($::sha1_short)$/o) {
push @tmp, $2 if $1 == $log_msg->{revision};
} else {
push @tmp, $p if $p =~ /^$::sha1_short$/o;
if (my $cur = verify_ref($self->refname.'^0')) {
push @tmp, $cur;
push @tmp, $_ foreach (@{$log_msg->{parents}}, @tmp);
while (my $p = shift @tmp) {
next if $seen{$p};
$seen{$p} = 1;
push @ret, $p;
# MAXPARENT is defined to 16 in commit-tree.c:
last if @ret >= 16;
if (@tmp) {
die "r$log_msg->{revision}: No room for parents:\n\t",
join("\n\t", @tmp), "\n";
sub check_upgrade_needed {
my ($self) = @_;
if (!-r $self->{db_path}) {
-d $self->{dir} or mkpath([$self->{dir}]);
open my $fh, '>>', $self->{db_path} or croak $!;
close $fh;
return unless verify_ref($self->{id}.'-HEAD^0');
my $head = verify_ref($self->refname.'^0');
if ($@ || !$head) {
fatal("Please run: $0 rebuild --upgrade\n");
sub do_git_commit {
my ($self, $log_msg, @parents) = @_;
if (my $c = $self->rev_db_get($log_msg->{revision})) {
croak "$log_msg->{revision} = $c already exists! ",
"Why are we refetching it?\n";
my ($name, $email) = author_name_email($log_msg->{author}, $self->ra);
my $tree = $log_msg->{tree};
if (!defined $tree) {
$tree = $self->tmp_index_do(sub {
command_oneline('write-tree') });
die "Tree is not a valid sha1: $tree\n" if $tree !~ /^$::sha1$/o;
my @exec = ('git-commit-tree', $tree);
foreach ($self->get_commit_parents($log_msg, @parents)) {
push @exec, '-p', $_;
defined(my $pid = open3(my $msg_fh, my $out_fh, '>&STDERR', @exec))
or croak $!;
print $msg_fh $log_msg->{log} or croak $!;
print $msg_fh "\ngit-svn-id: $self->{ra}->{url}\@$log_msg->{revision}",
" ", $self->ra->uuid,"\n" or croak $!;
$msg_fh->flush == 0 or croak $!;
close $msg_fh or croak $!;
chomp(my $commit = do { local $/; <$out_fh> });
close $out_fh or croak $!;
waitpid $pid, 0;
croak $? if $?;
if ($commit !~ /^$::sha1$/o) {
die "Failed to commit, invalid sha1: $commit\n";
command_noisy('update-ref',$self->refname, $commit);
$self->rev_db_set($log_msg->{revision}, $commit);
$self->{last_rev} = $log_msg->{revision};
$self->{last_commit} = $commit;
print "r$log_msg->{revision} = $commit\n";
return $commit;
sub do_fetch {
my ($self, $paths, $rev) = @_; #, $author, $date, $msg) = @_;
my $ed = SVN::Git::Fetcher->new($self);
my ($last_rev, @parents);
if ($self->{last_commit}) {
$last_rev = $self->{last_rev};
$ed->{c} = $self->{last_commit};
@parents = ($self->{last_commit});
} else {
$last_rev = $rev;
unless ($self->ra->do_update($last_rev, $rev, '', 1, $ed)) {
die "SVN connection failed somewhere...\n";
$self->make_log_entry($rev, \@parents, $ed);
sub write_untracked {
my ($self, $rev, $fh, $untracked) = @_;
my $h;
print $fh "r$rev\n" or croak $!;
$h = $untracked->{empty};
foreach (sort keys %$h) {
my $act = $h->{$_} ? '+empty_dir' : '-empty_dir';
print $fh " $act: ", uri_encode($_), "\n" or croak $!;
warn "W: $act: $_\n";
foreach my $t (qw/dir_prop file_prop/) {
$h = $untracked->{$t} or next;
foreach my $path (sort keys %$h) {
my $ppath = $path eq '' ? '.' : $path;
foreach my $prop (sort keys %{$h->{$path}}) {
next if $SKIP{$prop};
my $v = $h->{$path}->{$prop};
if (defined $v) {
print $fh " +$t: ",
uri_encode($ppath), ' ',
uri_encode($prop), ' ',
uri_encode($v), "\n"
or croak $!;
} else {
print $fh " -$t: ",
uri_encode($ppath), ' ',
uri_encode($prop), "\n"
or croak $!;
foreach my $t (qw/absent_file absent_directory/) {
$h = $untracked->{$t} or next;
foreach my $parent (sort keys %$h) {
foreach my $path (sort @{$h->{$parent}}) {
print $fh " $t: ",
uri_encode("$parent/$path"), "\n"
or croak $!;
warn "W: $t: $parent/$path ",
"Insufficient permissions?\n";
sub make_log_entry {
my ($self, $rev, $parents, $untracked) = @_;
my $rp = $self->ra->rev_proplist($rev);
my %log_entry = ( parents => $parents || [], revision => $rev,
revprops => $rp, log => '');
open my $un, '>>', "$self->{dir}/unhandled.log" or croak $!;
$self->write_untracked($rev, $un, $untracked);
foreach (sort keys %$rp) {
my $v = $rp->{$_};
if (/^svn:(author|date|log)$/) {
$log_entry{$1} = $v;
} else {
print $un " rev_prop: ", uri_encode($_), ' ',
uri_encode($v), "\n";
close $un or croak $!;
$log_entry{date} = parse_svn_date($log_entry{date});
$log_entry{author} = check_author($log_entry{author});
$log_entry{log} .= "\n";
sub fetch {
my ($self, @parents) = @_;
my ($last_rev, $last_commit) = $self->last_rev_commit;
my ($base, $head) = $self->parse_revision($last_rev);
return if ($base > $head);
if (defined $last_commit) {
my $inc = 1000;
my ($min, $max) = ($base, $head < $base + $inc ? $head : $base + $inc);
my $err_handler = $SVN::Error::handler;
$SVN::Error::handler = \&skip_unknown_revs;
while (1) {
my @revs;
$self->ra->get_log([''], $min, $max, 0, 1, 1, sub {
my ($paths, $rev, $author, $date, $msg) = @_;
push @revs, $rev });
foreach (@revs) {
my $log_entry = $self->do_fetch(undef, $_);
$self->do_git_commit($log_entry, @parents);
last if $max >= $head;
$min = $max + 1;
$max += $inc;
$max = $head if ($max > $head);
$SVN::Error::handler = $err_handler;
sub set_tree_cb {
my ($self, $log_entry, $tree, $rev, $date, $author) = @_;
# TODO: enable and test optimized commits:
if (0 && $rev == ($self->{last_rev} + 1)) {
$log_entry->{revision} = $rev;
$log_entry->{author} = $author;
$self->do_git_commit($log_entry, "$rev=$tree");
} else {
sub set_tree {
my ($self, $tree) = (shift, shift);
my $log_entry = get_commit_entry($tree);
unless ($self->{last_rev}) {
fatal("Must have an existing revision to commit\n");
my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
my $ed = SVN::Git::Editor->new({ r => $self->{last_rev},
ra => $self->ra->dup,
c => $tree,
svn_path => $self->ra->{svn_path}
$log_entry->{log}, sub {
$tree, @_);
my $mods = $ed->apply_diff($self->{last_commit}, $tree);
if (@$mods == 0) {
print "No changes\nr$self->{last_rev} = $tree\n";
sub skip_unknown_revs {
my ($err) = @_;
my $errno = $err->apr_err();
# Maybe the branch we're tracking didn't
# exist when the repo started, so it's
# not an error if it doesn't, just continue
# Wonderfully consistent library, eh?
# 160013 - svn:// and file://
# 175002 - http(s)://
# 175007 - http(s):// (this repo required authorization, too...)
# More codes may be discovered later...
if ($errno == 175007 || $errno == 175002 || $errno == 160013) {
croak "Error from SVN, ($errno): ", $err->expanded_message,"\n";
# rev_db:
# Tie::File seems to be prone to offset errors if revisions get sparse,
# it's not that fast, either. Tie::File is also not in Perl 5.6. So
# one of my favorite modules is out :< Next up would be one of the DBM
# modules, but I'm not sure which is most portable... So I'll just
# go with something that's plain-text, but still capable of
# being randomly accessed. So here's my ultra-simple fixed-width
# database. All records are 40 characters + "\n", so it's easy to seek
# to a revision: (41 * rev) is the byte offset.
# A record of 40 0s denotes an empty revision.
# And yes, it's still pretty fast (faster than Tie::File).
sub rev_db_set {
my ($self, $rev, $commit) = @_;
length $commit == 40 or croak "arg3 must be a full SHA1 hexsum\n";
open my $fh, '+<', $self->{db_path} or croak $!;
my $offset = $rev * 41;
# assume that append is the common case:
seek $fh, 0, 2 or croak $!;
my $pos = tell $fh;
if ($pos < $offset) {
print $fh (('0' x 40),"\n") x (($offset - $pos) / 41)
or croak $!;
seek $fh, $offset, 0 or croak $!;
print $fh $commit,"\n" or croak $!;
close $fh or croak $!;
sub rev_db_get {
my ($self, $rev) = @_;
my $ret;
my $offset = $rev * 41;
open my $fh, '<', $self->{db_path} or croak $!;
if (seek $fh, $offset, 0) {
$ret = readline $fh;
if (defined $ret) {
chomp $ret;
$ret = undef if ($ret =~ /^0{40}$/);
close $fh or croak $!;
sub _new {
my ($class, $id) = @_;
$id ||= $Git::SVN::default;
my $dir = "$ENV{GIT_DIR}/svn/$id";
bless { id => $id, dir => $dir, index => "$dir/index",
db_path => "$dir/.rev_db" }, $class;
package Git::SVN::Prompt;
package Git::SVN::Prompt;
use strict;
use strict;
use warnings;
use warnings;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user