remove shellquote usage for tags

use ',' to encode '/' in "archivename/foo--bar--0.0" so we can allow
"--branch"-less trees which are valid in Arch ("archivename/foo--0.0")

Signed-off-by: Eric Wong <>
Signed-off-by: Martin Langhoff <>
This commit is contained in:
Eric Wong 2005-11-12 01:25:33 -08:00 committed by Martin Langhoff
parent a8883288fa
commit a7fb51d3d4

View File

@ -52,6 +52,7 @@ $ENV{'TZ'}="UTC";
my $git_dir = $ENV{"GIT_DIR"} || ".git";
$ENV{"GIT_DIR"} = $git_dir;
my $ptag_dir = "$git_dir/archimport/tags";
our($opt_h,$opt_v, $opt_T,
@ -195,16 +196,19 @@ unless (-d $git_dir) { # initial import
opendir(DIR, "$git_dir/archimport/tags")
|| die "can't opendir: $!";
while (my $file = readdir(DIR)) {
# skip non-interesting-files
next unless -f "$git_dir/archimport/tags/$file";
next if $file =~ m/--base-0$/; # don't care for base-0
# skip non-interesting-files
next unless -f "$ptag_dir/$file";
# convert first '--' to '/' from old git-archimport to use
# as an archivename/c--b--v private tag
if ($file !~ m!,!) {
my $oldfile = $file;
$file =~ s!--!,!;
print STDERR "converting old tag $oldfile to $file\n";
rename("$ptag_dir/$oldfile", "$ptag_dir/$file") or die $!;
my $sha = ptag($file);
chomp $sha;
# reconvert the 3rd '--' sequence from the end
# into a slash
# $file = reverse $file;
# $file =~ s!^(.+?--.+?--.+?--.+?)--(.+)$!$1/$2!;
# $file = reverse $file;
$rptags{$sha} = $file;
closedir DIR;
@ -581,19 +585,20 @@ sub parselog {
# write/read a tag
sub tag {
my ($tag, $commit) = @_;
$tag =~ s|/|--|g;
$tag = shell_quote($tag);
# don't use subdirs for tags yet, it could screw up other porcelains
$tag =~ s|/|,|;
if ($commit) {
or die "Cannot create tag $tag: $!\n";
print C "$commit\n"
or die "Cannot write tag $tag: $!\n";
or die "Cannot write tag $tag: $!\n";
print " * Created tag ' $tag' on '$commit'\n" if $opt_v;
print " * Created tag '$tag' on '$commit'\n" if $opt_v;
} else { # read
or die "Cannot read tag $tag: $!\n";
$commit = <C>;
chomp $commit;
@ -608,15 +613,16 @@ sub tag {
# reads fail softly if the tag isn't there
sub ptag {
my ($tag, $commit) = @_;
$tag =~ s|/|--|g;
$tag = shell_quote($tag);
# don't use subdirs for tags yet, it could screw up other porcelains
$tag =~ s|/|,|g;
unless (-d "$git_dir/archimport/tags") {
my $tag_file = "$ptag_dir/$tag";
my $tag_branch_dir = dirname($tag_file);
mkpath($tag_branch_dir) unless (-d $tag_branch_dir);
if ($commit) { # write
or die "Cannot create tag $tag: $!\n";
print C "$commit\n"
or die "Cannot write tag $tag: $!\n";
@ -626,10 +632,10 @@ sub ptag {
unless $tag =~ m/--base-0$/;
} else { # read
# if the tag isn't there, return 0
unless ( -s "$git_dir/archimport/tags/$tag") {
unless ( -s $tag_file) {
return 0;
or die "Cannot read tag $tag: $!\n";
$commit = <C>;
chomp $commit;
@ -779,12 +785,7 @@ sub commitid2pset {
chomp $commitid;
my $name = $rptags{$commitid}
|| die "Cannot find reverse tag mapping for $commitid";
# the keys in %rptag are slightly munged; unmunge
# reconvert the 3rd '--' sequence from the end
# into a slash
$name = reverse $name;
$name =~ s!^(.+?--.+?--.+?--.+?)--(.+)$!$1/$2!;
$name = reverse $name;
$name =~ s|,|/|;
my $ps = $psets{$name}
|| (print Dumper(sort keys %psets)) && die "Cannot find patchset for $name";
return $ps;