Merge branch 'for-junio' of git://

* 'for-junio' of git://
  git-svn: use SVN::Ra::get_dir2 when possible
  git-svn: add space after "W:" prefix in warning
  git-svn: (cleanup) remove editor param passing
  git-svn: prepare SVN::Ra config pieces once add specified name to tempfile template
  git-svn: disable _rev_list memoization
  git-svn: save a little memory as fetch progresses
  git-svn: remove unnecessary DESTROY override
  git-svn: reload RA every log-window-size
  git-svn.txt: advertise pushurl with dcommit
  git-svn: remove mergeinfo rev caching
  git-svn: cache only mergeinfo revisions
  git-svn: reduce check_cherry_pick cache overhead
  git-svn: only look at the root path for svn:mergeinfo
  git-svn: only look at the new parts of svn:mergeinfo
This commit is contained in:
Junio C Hamano 2014-10-31 11:50:20 -07:00
commit ef59f324b0
4 changed files with 145 additions and 91 deletions

View File

@ -252,6 +252,10 @@ Use of 'dcommit' is preferred to 'set-tree' (below).
config key: svn-remote.<name>.commiturl
config key: svn.commiturl (overwrites all svn-remote.<name>.commiturl options)
Note that the SVN URL of the commiturl config key includes the SVN branch.
If you rather want to set the commit URL for an entire SVN repository use
svn-remote.<name>.pushurl instead.
Using this option for any other purpose (don't ask) is very strongly

View File

@ -1294,8 +1294,11 @@ sub _temp_cache {
$tmpdir = $self->repo_path();
my $n = $name;
$n =~ s/\W/_/g; # no strange chars
($$temp_fd, $fname) = File::Temp::tempfile(
'Git_XXXXXX', UNLINK => 1, DIR => $tmpdir,
"Git_${n}_XXXXXX", UNLINK => 1, DIR => $tmpdir,
) or throw Error::Simple("couldn't open new temp file");

View File

@ -1178,7 +1178,7 @@ sub find_parent_branch {
or die "SVN connection failed somewhere...\n";
print STDERR "Successfully followed parent\n" unless $::_q > 1;
return $self->make_log_entry($rev, [$parent], $ed);
return $self->make_log_entry($rev, [$parent], $ed, $r0, $branch_from);
return undef;
@ -1210,7 +1210,7 @@ sub do_fetch {
unless ($self->ra->gs_do_update($last_rev, $rev, $self, $ed)) {
die "SVN connection failed somewhere...\n";
$self->make_log_entry($rev, \@parents, $ed);
$self->make_log_entry($rev, \@parents, $ed, $last_rev, $self->path);
sub mkemptydirs {
@ -1433,7 +1433,7 @@ sub check_author {
sub find_extra_svk_parents {
my ($self, $ed, $tickets, $parents) = @_;
my ($self, $tickets, $parents) = @_;
# aha! svk:merge property changed...
my @tickets = split "\n", $tickets;
my @known_parents;
@ -1478,9 +1478,9 @@ sub find_extra_svk_parents {
sub lookup_svn_merge {
my $uuid = shift;
my $url = shift;
my $merge = shift;
my $source = shift;
my $revs = shift;
my ($source, $revs) = split ":", $merge;
my $path = $source;
$path =~ s{^/}{};
my $gs = Git::SVN->find_by_url($url.$source, $url, $path);
@ -1537,7 +1537,7 @@ sub _rev_list {
sub check_cherry_pick {
sub check_cherry_pick2 {
my $base = shift;
my $tip = shift;
my $parents = shift;
@ -1552,7 +1552,8 @@ sub check_cherry_pick {
delete $commits{$commit};
return (keys %commits);
my @k = (keys %commits);
return (scalar @k, $k[0]);
sub has_no_changes {
@ -1597,9 +1598,8 @@ sub tie_for_persistent_memoization {
mkpath([$cache_path]) unless -d $cache_path;
my %lookup_svn_merge_cache;
my %check_cherry_pick_cache;
my %check_cherry_pick2_cache;
my %has_no_changes_cache;
my %_rev_list_cache;
@ -1608,11 +1608,11 @@ sub tie_for_persistent_memoization {
LIST_CACHE => ['HASH' => \%lookup_svn_merge_cache],
memoize 'check_cherry_pick',
memoize 'check_cherry_pick2',
LIST_CACHE => ['HASH' => \%check_cherry_pick_cache],
LIST_CACHE => ['HASH' => \%check_cherry_pick2_cache],
@ -1621,14 +1621,6 @@ sub tie_for_persistent_memoization {
SCALAR_CACHE => ['HASH' => \%has_no_changes_cache],
memoize '_rev_list',
LIST_CACHE => ['HASH' => \%_rev_list_cache],
sub unmemoize_svn_mergeinfo_functions {
@ -1636,9 +1628,8 @@ sub tie_for_persistent_memoization {
$memoized = 0;
Memoize::unmemoize 'lookup_svn_merge';
Memoize::unmemoize 'check_cherry_pick';
Memoize::unmemoize 'check_cherry_pick2';
Memoize::unmemoize 'has_no_changes';
Memoize::unmemoize '_rev_list';
sub clear_memoized_mergeinfo_caches {
@ -1648,7 +1639,8 @@ sub tie_for_persistent_memoization {
return unless -d $cache_path;
for my $cache_file (("$cache_path/lookup_svn_merge",
"$cache_path/check_cherry_pick", # old
"$cache_path/has_no_changes")) {
for my $suffix (qw(yaml db)) {
my $file = "$cache_file.$suffix";
@ -1702,11 +1694,49 @@ sub parents_exclude {
return @excluded;
# Compute what's new in svn:mergeinfo.
sub mergeinfo_changes {
my ($self, $old_path, $old_rev, $path, $rev, $mergeinfo_prop) = @_;
my %minfo = map {split ":", $_ } split "\n", $mergeinfo_prop;
my $old_minfo = {};
my $ra = $self->ra;
# Give up if $old_path isn't in the repo.
# This is probably a merge on a subtree.
if ($ra->check_path($old_path, $old_rev) != $SVN::Node::dir) {
warn "W: ignoring svn:mergeinfo on $old_path, ",
"directory didn't exist in r$old_rev\n";
return {};
my (undef, undef, $props) = $ra->get_dir($old_path, $old_rev);
if (defined $props->{"svn:mergeinfo"}) {
my %omi = map {split ":", $_ } split "\n",
$old_minfo = \%omi;
my %changes = ();
foreach my $p (keys %minfo) {
my $a = $old_minfo->{$p} || "";
my $b = $minfo{$p};
# Omit merged branches whose ranges lists are unchanged.
next if $a eq $b;
# Remove any common range list prefix.
($a ^ $b) =~ /^[\0]*/;
my $common_prefix = rindex $b, ",", $+[0] - 1;
$changes{$p} = substr $b, $common_prefix + 1;
print STDERR "Checking svn:mergeinfo changes since r$old_rev: ",
scalar(keys %minfo), " sources, ",
scalar(keys %changes), " changed\n";
return \%changes;
# note: this function should only be called if the various dirprops
# have actually changed
sub find_extra_svn_parents {
my ($self, $ed, $mergeinfo, $parents) = @_;
my ($self, $mergeinfo, $parents) = @_;
# aha! svk:merge property changed...
@ -1715,14 +1745,15 @@ sub find_extra_svn_parents {
# history. Then, we figure out which git revisions are in
# that tip, but not this revision. If all of those revisions
# are now marked as merge, we can add the tip as a parent.
my @merges = split "\n", $mergeinfo;
my @merges = sort keys %$mergeinfo;
my @merge_tips;
my $url = $self->url;
my $uuid = $self->ra_uuid;
my @all_ranges;
for my $merge ( @merges ) {
my ($tip_commit, @ranges) =
lookup_svn_merge( $uuid, $url, $merge );
lookup_svn_merge( $uuid, $url,
$merge, $mergeinfo->{$merge} );
unless (!$tip_commit or
grep { $_ eq $tip_commit } @$parents ) {
push @merge_tips, $tip_commit;
@ -1738,8 +1769,9 @@ sub find_extra_svn_parents {
# check merge tips for new parents
my @new_parents;
for my $merge_tip ( @merge_tips ) {
my $spec = shift @merges;
my $merge = shift @merges;
next unless $merge_tip and $excluded{$merge_tip};
my $spec = "$merge:$mergeinfo->{$merge}";
# check out 'new' tips
my $merge_base;
@ -1759,19 +1791,17 @@ sub find_extra_svn_parents {
# double check that there are no missing non-merge commits
my (@incomplete) = check_cherry_pick(
my ($ninc, $ifirst) = check_cherry_pick2(
$merge_base, $merge_tip,
if ( @incomplete ) {
warn "W:svn cherry-pick ignored ($spec) - missing "
.@incomplete." commit(s) (eg $incomplete[0])\n";
if ($ninc) {
warn "W: svn cherry-pick ignored ($spec) - missing " .
"$ninc commit(s) (eg $ifirst)\n";
} else {
"Found merge parent (svn:mergeinfo prop): ",
$merge_tip, "\n";
warn "Found merge parent ($spec): ", $merge_tip, "\n";
push @new_parents, $merge_tip;
@ -1797,23 +1827,20 @@ sub find_extra_svn_parents {
sub make_log_entry {
my ($self, $rev, $parents, $ed) = @_;
my ($self, $rev, $parents, $ed, $parent_rev, $parent_path) = @_;
my $untracked = $self->get_untracked($ed);
my @parents = @$parents;
my $ps = $ed->{path_strip} || "";
for my $path ( grep { m/$ps/ } %{$ed->{dir_prop}} ) {
my $props = $ed->{dir_prop}{$path};
if ( $props->{"svk:merge"} ) {
($ed, $props->{"svk:merge"}, \@parents);
if ( $props->{"svn:mergeinfo"} ) {
my $props = $ed->{dir_prop}{$self->path};
if ( $props->{"svk:merge"} ) {
$self->find_extra_svk_parents($props->{"svk:merge"}, \@parents);
if ( $props->{"svn:mergeinfo"} ) {
my $mi_changes = $self->mergeinfo_changes
($parent_path, $parent_rev,
$self->path, $rev,
$self->find_extra_svn_parents($mi_changes, \@parents);
open my $un, '>>', "$self->{dir}/unhandled.log" or croak $!;

View File

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ package Git::SVN::Ra;
use vars qw/@ISA $config_dir $_ignore_refs_regex $_log_window_size/;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Memoize;
use SVN::Client;
use Git::SVN::Utils qw(
@ -76,6 +77,40 @@ sub _auth_providers () {
sub prepare_config_once {
SVN::_Core::svn_config_ensure($config_dir, undef);
my ($baton, $callbacks) = SVN::Core::auth_open_helper(_auth_providers);
my $config = SVN::Core::config_get_config($config_dir);
my $dont_store_passwords = 1;
my $conf_t = $config->{'config'};
no warnings 'once';
# The usage of $SVN::_Core::SVN_CONFIG_* variables
# produces warnings that variables are used only once.
# I had not found the better way to shut them up, so
# the warnings of type 'once' are disabled in this block.
if (SVN::_Core::svn_config_get_bool($conf_t,
1) == 0) {
bless (\$dont_store_passwords, "_p_void"));
if (SVN::_Core::svn_config_get_bool($conf_t,
1) == 0) {
$Git::SVN::Prompt::_no_auth_cache = 1;
return ($config, $baton, $callbacks);
} # no warnings 'once'
Memoize::memoize '_auth_providers';
Memoize::memoize 'prepare_config_once';
sub new {
my ($class, $url) = @_;
@ -84,34 +119,8 @@ sub new {
SVN::_Core::svn_config_ensure($config_dir, undef);
my ($baton, $callbacks) = SVN::Core::auth_open_helper(_auth_providers);
my $config = SVN::Core::config_get_config($config_dir);
$RA = undef;
my $dont_store_passwords = 1;
my $conf_t = ${$config}{'config'};
no warnings 'once';
# The usage of $SVN::_Core::SVN_CONFIG_* variables
# produces warnings that variables are used only once.
# I had not found the better way to shut them up, so
# the warnings of type 'once' are disabled in this block.
if (SVN::_Core::svn_config_get_bool($conf_t,
1) == 0) {
bless (\$dont_store_passwords, "_p_void"));
if (SVN::_Core::svn_config_get_bool($conf_t,
1) == 0) {
$Git::SVN::Prompt::_no_auth_cache = 1;
} # no warnings 'once'
my ($config, $baton, $callbacks) = prepare_config_once();
my $self = SVN::Ra->new(url => $url, auth => $baton,
config => $config,
pool => SVN::Pool->new,
@ -166,7 +175,17 @@ sub get_dir {
my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
my ($d, undef, $props) = $self->SUPER::get_dir($dir, $r, $pool);
my ($d, undef, $props);
if (::compare_svn_version('1.4.0') >= 0) {
# n.b. in addition to being potentially more efficient,
# this works around what appears to be a bug in some
# SVN 1.8 versions
my $kind = 1; # SVN_DIRENT_KIND
($d, undef, $props) = $self->get_dir2($dir, $r, $kind, $pool);
} else {
($d, undef, $props) = $self->SUPER::get_dir($dir, $r, $pool);
my %dirents = map { $_ => { kind => $d->{$_}->kind } } keys %$d;
if ($r != $cache->{r}) {
@ -177,10 +196,6 @@ sub get_dir {
wantarray ? (\%dirents, $r, $props) : \%dirents;
# do not call the real DESTROY since we store ourselves in $RA
# get_log(paths, start, end, limit,
# discover_changed_paths, strict_node_history, receiver)
sub get_log {
@ -376,10 +391,19 @@ sub longest_common_path {
sub gs_fetch_loop_common {
my ($self, $base, $head, $gsv, $globs) = @_;
return if ($base > $head);
my $gpool = SVN::Pool->new_default;
my $ra_url = $self->url;
my $reload_ra = sub {
$_[0] = undef;
$self = undef;
$RA = undef;
$self = Git::SVN::Ra->new($ra_url);
$ra_invalid = undef;
my $inc = $_log_window_size;
my ($min, $max) = ($base, $head < $base + $inc ? $head : $base + $inc);
my $longest_path = longest_common_path($gsv, $globs);
my $ra_url = $self->url;
my $find_trailing_edge;
while (1) {
my %revs;
@ -426,7 +450,7 @@ sub gs_fetch_loop_common {
my %exists = map { $_->path => $_ } @$gsv;
foreach my $r (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %revs) {
my ($paths, $logged) = @{$revs{$r}};
my ($paths, $logged) = @{delete $revs{$r}};
foreach my $gs ($self->match_globs(\%exists, $paths,
$globs, $r)) {
@ -449,13 +473,7 @@ sub gs_fetch_loop_common {
Git::SVN::tmp_config($k, $r);
if ($ra_invalid) {
$_[0] = undef;
$self = undef;
$RA = undef;
$self = Git::SVN::Ra->new($ra_url);
$ra_invalid = undef;
$reload_ra->() if $ra_invalid;
# pre-fill the .rev_db since it'll eventually get filled in
# with '0' x40 if something new gets committed
@ -472,6 +490,8 @@ sub gs_fetch_loop_common {
$min = $max + 1;
$max += $inc;
$max = $head if ($max > $head);