/* * Copyright (c) 2006 Rene Scharfe */ #include <time.h> #include "cache.h" #include "commit.h" #include "blob.h" #include "tree.h" #include "quote.h" #include "builtin.h" #include "archive.h" static const char zip_tree_usage[] = "git-zip-tree [-0|...|-9] <tree-ish> [ <base> ]"; static int zip_date; static int zip_time; static unsigned char *zip_dir; static unsigned int zip_dir_size; static unsigned int zip_offset; static unsigned int zip_dir_offset; static unsigned int zip_dir_entries; #define ZIP_DIRECTORY_MIN_SIZE (1024 * 1024) struct zip_local_header { unsigned char magic[4]; unsigned char version[2]; unsigned char flags[2]; unsigned char compression_method[2]; unsigned char mtime[2]; unsigned char mdate[2]; unsigned char crc32[4]; unsigned char compressed_size[4]; unsigned char size[4]; unsigned char filename_length[2]; unsigned char extra_length[2]; }; struct zip_dir_header { unsigned char magic[4]; unsigned char creator_version[2]; unsigned char version[2]; unsigned char flags[2]; unsigned char compression_method[2]; unsigned char mtime[2]; unsigned char mdate[2]; unsigned char crc32[4]; unsigned char compressed_size[4]; unsigned char size[4]; unsigned char filename_length[2]; unsigned char extra_length[2]; unsigned char comment_length[2]; unsigned char disk[2]; unsigned char attr1[2]; unsigned char attr2[4]; unsigned char offset[4]; }; struct zip_dir_trailer { unsigned char magic[4]; unsigned char disk[2]; unsigned char directory_start_disk[2]; unsigned char entries_on_this_disk[2]; unsigned char entries[2]; unsigned char size[4]; unsigned char offset[4]; unsigned char comment_length[2]; }; static void copy_le16(unsigned char *dest, unsigned int n) { dest[0] = 0xff & n; dest[1] = 0xff & (n >> 010); } static void copy_le32(unsigned char *dest, unsigned int n) { dest[0] = 0xff & n; dest[1] = 0xff & (n >> 010); dest[2] = 0xff & (n >> 020); dest[3] = 0xff & (n >> 030); } static void *zlib_deflate(void *data, unsigned long size, unsigned long *compressed_size) { z_stream stream; unsigned long maxsize; void *buffer; int result; memset(&stream, 0, sizeof(stream)); deflateInit(&stream, zlib_compression_level); maxsize = deflateBound(&stream, size); buffer = xmalloc(maxsize); stream.next_in = data; stream.avail_in = size; stream.next_out = buffer; stream.avail_out = maxsize; do { result = deflate(&stream, Z_FINISH); } while (result == Z_OK); if (result != Z_STREAM_END) { free(buffer); return NULL; } deflateEnd(&stream); *compressed_size = stream.total_out; return buffer; } static char *construct_path(const char *base, int baselen, const char *filename, int isdir, int *pathlen) { int filenamelen = strlen(filename); int len = baselen + filenamelen; char *path, *p; if (isdir) len++; p = path = xmalloc(len + 1); memcpy(p, base, baselen); p += baselen; memcpy(p, filename, filenamelen); p += filenamelen; if (isdir) *p++ = '/'; *p = '\0'; *pathlen = len; return path; } static int write_zip_entry(const unsigned char *sha1, const char *base, int baselen, const char *filename, unsigned mode, int stage) { struct zip_local_header header; struct zip_dir_header dirent; unsigned long compressed_size; unsigned long uncompressed_size; unsigned long crc; unsigned long direntsize; unsigned long size; int method; int result = -1; int pathlen; unsigned char *out; char *path; char type[20]; void *buffer = NULL; void *deflated = NULL; crc = crc32(0, Z_NULL, 0); path = construct_path(base, baselen, filename, S_ISDIR(mode), &pathlen); if (pathlen > 0xffff) { error("path too long (%d chars, SHA1: %s): %s", pathlen, sha1_to_hex(sha1), path); goto out; } if (S_ISDIR(mode)) { method = 0; result = READ_TREE_RECURSIVE; out = NULL; uncompressed_size = 0; compressed_size = 0; } else if (S_ISREG(mode)) { method = zlib_compression_level == 0 ? 0 : 8; result = 0; buffer = read_sha1_file(sha1, type, &size); if (!buffer) die("cannot read %s", sha1_to_hex(sha1)); crc = crc32(crc, buffer, size); out = buffer; uncompressed_size = size; compressed_size = size; } else { error("unsupported file mode: 0%o (SHA1: %s)", mode, sha1_to_hex(sha1)); goto out; } if (method == 8) { deflated = zlib_deflate(buffer, size, &compressed_size); if (deflated && compressed_size - 6 < size) { /* ZLIB --> raw compressed data (see RFC 1950) */ /* CMF and FLG ... */ out = (unsigned char *)deflated + 2; compressed_size -= 6; /* ... and ADLER32 */ } else { method = 0; compressed_size = size; } } /* make sure we have enough free space in the dictionary */ direntsize = sizeof(struct zip_dir_header) + pathlen; while (zip_dir_size < zip_dir_offset + direntsize) { zip_dir_size += ZIP_DIRECTORY_MIN_SIZE; zip_dir = xrealloc(zip_dir, zip_dir_size); } copy_le32(dirent.magic, 0x02014b50); copy_le16(dirent.creator_version, 0); copy_le16(dirent.version, 20); copy_le16(dirent.flags, 0); copy_le16(dirent.compression_method, method); copy_le16(dirent.mtime, zip_time); copy_le16(dirent.mdate, zip_date); copy_le32(dirent.crc32, crc); copy_le32(dirent.compressed_size, compressed_size); copy_le32(dirent.size, uncompressed_size); copy_le16(dirent.filename_length, pathlen); copy_le16(dirent.extra_length, 0); copy_le16(dirent.comment_length, 0); copy_le16(dirent.disk, 0); copy_le16(dirent.attr1, 0); copy_le32(dirent.attr2, 0); copy_le32(dirent.offset, zip_offset); memcpy(zip_dir + zip_dir_offset, &dirent, sizeof(struct zip_dir_header)); zip_dir_offset += sizeof(struct zip_dir_header); memcpy(zip_dir + zip_dir_offset, path, pathlen); zip_dir_offset += pathlen; zip_dir_entries++; copy_le32(header.magic, 0x04034b50); copy_le16(header.version, 20); copy_le16(header.flags, 0); copy_le16(header.compression_method, method); copy_le16(header.mtime, zip_time); copy_le16(header.mdate, zip_date); copy_le32(header.crc32, crc); copy_le32(header.compressed_size, compressed_size); copy_le32(header.size, uncompressed_size); copy_le16(header.filename_length, pathlen); copy_le16(header.extra_length, 0); write_or_die(1, &header, sizeof(struct zip_local_header)); zip_offset += sizeof(struct zip_local_header); write_or_die(1, path, pathlen); zip_offset += pathlen; if (compressed_size > 0) { write_or_die(1, out, compressed_size); zip_offset += compressed_size; } out: free(buffer); free(deflated); free(path); return result; } static void write_zip_trailer(const unsigned char *sha1) { struct zip_dir_trailer trailer; copy_le32(trailer.magic, 0x06054b50); copy_le16(trailer.disk, 0); copy_le16(trailer.directory_start_disk, 0); copy_le16(trailer.entries_on_this_disk, zip_dir_entries); copy_le16(trailer.entries, zip_dir_entries); copy_le32(trailer.size, zip_dir_offset); copy_le32(trailer.offset, zip_offset); copy_le16(trailer.comment_length, sha1 ? 40 : 0); write_or_die(1, zip_dir, zip_dir_offset); write_or_die(1, &trailer, sizeof(struct zip_dir_trailer)); if (sha1) write_or_die(1, sha1_to_hex(sha1), 40); } static void dos_time(time_t *time, int *dos_date, int *dos_time) { struct tm *t = localtime(time); *dos_date = t->tm_mday + (t->tm_mon + 1) * 32 + (t->tm_year + 1900 - 1980) * 512; *dos_time = t->tm_sec / 2 + t->tm_min * 32 + t->tm_hour * 2048; } int cmd_zip_tree(int argc, const char **argv, const char *prefix) { unsigned char sha1[20]; struct tree *tree; struct commit *commit; time_t archive_time; char *base; int baselen; git_config(git_default_config); if (argc > 1 && argv[1][0] == '-') { if (isdigit(argv[1][1]) && argv[1][2] == '\0') { zlib_compression_level = argv[1][1] - '0'; argc--; argv++; } } switch (argc) { case 3: base = xstrdup(argv[2]); baselen = strlen(base); break; case 2: base = xstrdup(""); baselen = 0; break; default: usage(zip_tree_usage); } if (get_sha1(argv[1], sha1)) die("Not a valid object name %s", argv[1]); commit = lookup_commit_reference_gently(sha1, 1); archive_time = commit ? commit->date : time(NULL); dos_time(&archive_time, &zip_date, &zip_time); zip_dir = xmalloc(ZIP_DIRECTORY_MIN_SIZE); zip_dir_size = ZIP_DIRECTORY_MIN_SIZE; tree = parse_tree_indirect(sha1); if (!tree) die("not a tree object"); if (baselen > 0) { write_zip_entry(tree->object.sha1, "", 0, base, 040777, 0); base = xrealloc(base, baselen + 1); base[baselen] = '/'; baselen++; base[baselen] = '\0'; } read_tree_recursive(tree, base, baselen, 0, NULL, write_zip_entry); write_zip_trailer(commit ? commit->object.sha1 : NULL); free(zip_dir); free(base); return 0; } int write_zip_archive(struct archiver_args *args) { int plen = strlen(args->base); dos_time(&args->time, &zip_date, &zip_time); zip_dir = xmalloc(ZIP_DIRECTORY_MIN_SIZE); zip_dir_size = ZIP_DIRECTORY_MIN_SIZE; if (args->base && plen > 0 && args->base[plen - 1] == '/') { char *base = strdup(args->base); int baselen = strlen(base); while (baselen > 0 && base[baselen - 1] == '/') base[--baselen] = '\0'; write_zip_entry(args->tree->object.sha1, "", 0, base, 040777, 0); free(base); } read_tree_recursive(args->tree, args->base, plen, 0, args->pathspec, write_zip_entry); write_zip_trailer(args->commit_sha1); free(zip_dir); return 0; }