# git-gui revision chooser # Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce class choose_rev { image create photo ::choose_rev::img_find -data {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} field w ; # our megawidget path field w_list ; # list of currently filtered specs field w_filter ; # filter entry for $w_list field c_expr {}; # current revision expression field filter ; # current filter string field revtype head; # type of revision chosen field cur_specs [list]; # list of specs for $revtype field spec_head ; # list of all head specs field spec_trck ; # list of all tracking branch specs field spec_tag ; # list of all tag specs field tip_data ; # array of tip commit info by refname field log_last ; # array of reflog date by refname field tooltip_wm {} ; # Current tooltip toplevel, if open field tooltip_t {} ; # Text widget in $tooltip_wm field tooltip_timer {} ; # Current timer event for our tooltip proc new {path {title {}}} { return [_new $path 0 $title] } proc new_unmerged {path {title {}}} { return [_new $path 1 $title] } constructor _new {path unmerged_only title} { global current_branch is_detached if {![info exists ::all_remotes]} { load_all_remotes } set w $path if {$title ne {}} { labelframe $w -text $title } else { frame $w } bind $w [cb _delete %W] if {$is_detached} { radiobutton $w.detachedhead_r \ -anchor w \ -text [mc "This Detached Checkout"] \ -value HEAD \ -variable @revtype grid $w.detachedhead_r -sticky we -padx {0 5} -columnspan 2 } radiobutton $w.expr_r \ -text [mc "Revision Expression:"] \ -value expr \ -variable @revtype entry $w.expr_t \ -borderwidth 1 \ -relief sunken \ -width 50 \ -textvariable @c_expr \ -validate key \ -validatecommand [cb _validate %d %S] grid $w.expr_r $w.expr_t -sticky we -padx {0 5} frame $w.types radiobutton $w.types.head_r \ -text [mc "Local Branch"] \ -value head \ -variable @revtype pack $w.types.head_r -side left radiobutton $w.types.trck_r \ -text [mc "Tracking Branch"] \ -value trck \ -variable @revtype pack $w.types.trck_r -side left radiobutton $w.types.tag_r \ -text [mc "Tag"] \ -value tag \ -variable @revtype pack $w.types.tag_r -side left set w_filter $w.types.filter entry $w_filter \ -borderwidth 1 \ -relief sunken \ -width 12 \ -textvariable @filter \ -validate key \ -validatecommand [cb _filter %P] pack $w_filter -side right pack [label $w.types.filter_icon \ -image ::choose_rev::img_find \ ] -side right grid $w.types -sticky we -padx {0 5} -columnspan 2 frame $w.list set w_list $w.list.l listbox $w_list \ -font font_diff \ -width 50 \ -height 10 \ -selectmode browse \ -exportselection false \ -xscrollcommand [cb _sb_set $w.list.sbx h] \ -yscrollcommand [cb _sb_set $w.list.sby v] pack $w_list -fill both -expand 1 grid $w.list -sticky nswe -padx {20 5} -columnspan 2 bind $w_list [cb _show_tooltip @%x,%y] bind $w_list [cb _hide_tooltip] bind $w_list [cb _hide_tooltip] bind $w_list [cb _hide_tooltip] grid columnconfigure $w 1 -weight 1 if {$is_detached} { grid rowconfigure $w 3 -weight 1 } else { grid rowconfigure $w 2 -weight 1 } trace add variable @revtype write [cb _select] bind $w_filter [list focus $w_list]\;break bind $w_filter [list focus $w_list] set fmt list append fmt { %(refname)} append fmt { [list} append fmt { %(objecttype)} append fmt { %(objectname)} append fmt { [concat %(taggername) %(authorname)]} append fmt { [reformat_date [concat %(taggerdate) %(authordate)]]} append fmt { %(subject)} append fmt {] [list} append fmt { %(*objecttype)} append fmt { %(*objectname)} append fmt { %(*authorname)} append fmt { [reformat_date %(*authordate)]} append fmt { %(*subject)} append fmt {]} set all_refn [list] set fr_fd [git_read for-each-ref \ --tcl \ --sort=-taggerdate \ --format=$fmt \ refs/heads \ refs/remotes \ refs/tags \ ] fconfigure $fr_fd -translation lf -encoding utf-8 while {[gets $fr_fd line] > 0} { set line [eval $line] if {[lindex $line 1 0] eq {tag}} { if {[lindex $line 2 0] eq {commit}} { set sha1 [lindex $line 2 1] } else { continue } } elseif {[lindex $line 1 0] eq {commit}} { set sha1 [lindex $line 1 1] } else { continue } set refn [lindex $line 0] set tip_data($refn) [lrange $line 1 end] lappend cmt_refn($sha1) $refn lappend all_refn $refn } close $fr_fd if {$unmerged_only} { set fr_fd [git_read rev-list --all ^$::HEAD] while {[gets $fr_fd sha1] > 0} { if {[catch {set rlst $cmt_refn($sha1)}]} continue foreach refn $rlst { set inc($refn) 1 } } close $fr_fd } else { foreach refn $all_refn { set inc($refn) 1 } } set spec_head [list] foreach name [load_all_heads] { set refn refs/heads/$name if {[info exists inc($refn)]} { lappend spec_head [list $name $refn] } } set spec_trck [list] foreach spec [all_tracking_branches] { set refn [lindex $spec 0] if {[info exists inc($refn)]} { regsub ^refs/(heads|remotes)/ $refn {} name lappend spec_trck [concat $name $spec] } } set spec_tag [list] foreach name [load_all_tags] { set refn refs/tags/$name if {[info exists inc($refn)]} { lappend spec_tag [list $name $refn] } } if {$is_detached} { set revtype HEAD } elseif {[llength $spec_head] > 0} { set revtype head } elseif {[llength $spec_trck] > 0} { set revtype trck } elseif {[llength $spec_tag ] > 0} { set revtype tag } else { set revtype expr } if {$revtype eq {head} && $current_branch ne {}} { set i 0 foreach spec $spec_head { if {[lindex $spec 0] eq $current_branch} { $w_list selection clear 0 end $w_list selection set $i break } incr i } } return $this } method none {text} { if {![winfo exists $w.none_r]} { radiobutton $w.none_r \ -anchor w \ -value none \ -variable @revtype grid $w.none_r -sticky we -padx {0 5} -columnspan 2 } $w.none_r configure -text $text } method get {} { switch -- $revtype { head - trck - tag { set i [$w_list curselection] if {$i ne {}} { return [lindex $cur_specs $i 0] } else { return {} } } HEAD { return HEAD } expr { return $c_expr } none { return {} } default { error "unknown type of revision" } } } method pick_tracking_branch {} { set revtype trck } method focus_filter {} { if {[$w_filter cget -state] eq {normal}} { focus $w_filter } } method bind_listbox {event script} { bind $w_list $event $script } method get_local_branch {} { if {$revtype eq {head}} { return [_expr $this] } else { return {} } } method get_tracking_branch {} { set i [$w_list curselection] if {$i eq {} || $revtype ne {trck}} { return {} } return [lrange [lindex $cur_specs $i] 1 end] } method get_commit {} { set e [_expr $this] if {$e eq {}} { return {} } return [git rev-parse --verify "$e^0"] } method commit_or_die {} { if {[catch {set new [get_commit $this]} err]} { # Cleanup the not-so-friendly error from rev-parse. # regsub {^fatal:\s*} $err {} err if {$err eq {Needed a single revision}} { set err {} } set top [winfo toplevel $w] set msg [append [mc "Invalid revision: %s" [get $this]] "\n\n$err"] tk_messageBox \ -icon error \ -type ok \ -title [wm title $top] \ -parent $top \ -message $msg error $msg } return $new } method _expr {} { switch -- $revtype { head - trck - tag { set i [$w_list curselection] if {$i ne {}} { return [lindex $cur_specs $i 1] } else { error [mc "No revision selected."] } } expr { if {$c_expr ne {}} { return $c_expr } else { error [mc "Revision expression is empty."] } } HEAD { return HEAD } none { return {} } default { error "unknown type of revision" } } } method _validate {d S} { if {$d == 1} { if {[regexp {\s} $S]} { return 0 } if {[string length $S] > 0} { set revtype expr } } return 1 } method _filter {P} { if {[regexp {\s} $P]} { return 0 } _rebuild $this $P return 1 } method _select {args} { _rebuild $this $filter focus_filter $this } method _rebuild {pat} { set ste normal switch -- $revtype { head { set new $spec_head } trck { set new $spec_trck } tag { set new $spec_tag } expr - HEAD - none { set new [list] set ste disabled } } if {[$w_list cget -state] eq {disabled}} { $w_list configure -state normal } $w_list delete 0 end if {$pat ne {}} { set pat *${pat}* } set cur_specs [list] foreach spec $new { set txt [lindex $spec 0] if {$pat eq {} || [string match $pat $txt]} { lappend cur_specs $spec $w_list insert end $txt } } if {$cur_specs ne {}} { $w_list selection clear 0 end $w_list selection set 0 } if {[$w_filter cget -state] ne $ste} { $w_list configure -state $ste $w_filter configure -state $ste } } method _delete {current} { if {$current eq $w} { delete_this } } method _sb_set {sb orient first last} { set old_focus [focus -lastfor $w] if {$first == 0 && $last == 1} { if {[winfo exists $sb]} { destroy $sb if {$old_focus ne {}} { update focus $old_focus } } return } if {![winfo exists $sb]} { if {$orient eq {h}} { scrollbar $sb -orient h -command [list $w_list xview] pack $sb -fill x -side bottom -before $w_list } else { scrollbar $sb -orient v -command [list $w_list yview] pack $sb -fill y -side right -before $w_list } if {$old_focus ne {}} { update focus $old_focus } } $sb set $first $last } method _show_tooltip {pos} { if {$tooltip_wm ne {}} { _open_tooltip $this } elseif {$tooltip_timer eq {}} { set tooltip_timer [after 1000 [cb _open_tooltip]] } } method _open_tooltip {} { global remote_url set tooltip_timer {} set pos_x [winfo pointerx $w_list] set pos_y [winfo pointery $w_list] if {[winfo containing $pos_x $pos_y] ne $w_list} { _hide_tooltip $this return } set pos @[join [list \ [expr {$pos_x - [winfo rootx $w_list]}] \ [expr {$pos_y - [winfo rooty $w_list]}]] ,] set lno [$w_list index $pos] if {$lno eq {}} { _hide_tooltip $this return } set spec [lindex $cur_specs $lno] set refn [lindex $spec 1] if {$refn eq {}} { _hide_tooltip $this return } if {$tooltip_wm eq {}} { set tooltip_wm [toplevel $w_list.tooltip -borderwidth 1] wm overrideredirect $tooltip_wm 1 wm transient $tooltip_wm [winfo toplevel $w_list] set tooltip_t $tooltip_wm.label text $tooltip_t \ -takefocus 0 \ -highlightthickness 0 \ -relief flat \ -borderwidth 0 \ -wrap none \ -background lightyellow \ -foreground black $tooltip_t tag conf section_header -font font_uibold bind $tooltip_wm [cb _hide_tooltip] pack $tooltip_t } else { $tooltip_t conf -state normal $tooltip_t delete 0.0 end } set data $tip_data($refn) if {[lindex $data 0 0] eq {tag}} { set tag [lindex $data 0] if {[lindex $data 1 0] eq {commit}} { set cmit [lindex $data 1] } else { set cmit {} } } elseif {[lindex $data 0 0] eq {commit}} { set tag {} set cmit [lindex $data 0] } $tooltip_t insert end [lindex $spec 0] set last [_reflog_last $this [lindex $spec 1]] if {$last ne {}} { $tooltip_t insert end "\n" $tooltip_t insert end [mc "Updated"] $tooltip_t insert end " $last" } $tooltip_t insert end "\n" if {$tag ne {}} { $tooltip_t insert end "\n" $tooltip_t insert end [mc "Tag"] section_header $tooltip_t insert end " [lindex $tag 1]\n" $tooltip_t insert end [lindex $tag 2] $tooltip_t insert end " ([lindex $tag 3])\n" $tooltip_t insert end [lindex $tag 4] $tooltip_t insert end "\n" } if {$cmit ne {}} { $tooltip_t insert end "\n" $tooltip_t insert end [mc "Commit@@noun"] section_header $tooltip_t insert end " [lindex $cmit 1]\n" $tooltip_t insert end [lindex $cmit 2] $tooltip_t insert end " ([lindex $cmit 3])\n" $tooltip_t insert end [lindex $cmit 4] } if {[llength $spec] > 2} { $tooltip_t insert end "\n" $tooltip_t insert end [mc "Remote"] section_header $tooltip_t insert end " [lindex $spec 2]\n" $tooltip_t insert end [mc "URL"] $tooltip_t insert end " $remote_url([lindex $spec 2])\n" $tooltip_t insert end [mc "Branch"] $tooltip_t insert end " [lindex $spec 3]" } $tooltip_t conf -state disabled _position_tooltip $this } method _reflog_last {name} { if {[info exists reflog_last($name)]} { return reflog_last($name) } set last {} if {[catch {set last [file mtime [gitdir $name]]}] && ![catch {set g [open [gitdir logs $name] r]}]} { fconfigure $g -translation binary while {[gets $g line] >= 0} { if {[regexp {> ([1-9][0-9]*) } $line line when]} { set last $when } } close $g } if {$last ne {}} { set last [format_date $last] } set reflog_last($name) $last return $last } method _position_tooltip {} { set max_h [lindex [split [$tooltip_t index end] .] 0] set max_w 0 for {set i 1} {$i <= $max_h} {incr i} { set c [lindex [split [$tooltip_t index "$i.0 lineend"] .] 1] if {$c > $max_w} {set max_w $c} } $tooltip_t conf -width $max_w -height $max_h set req_w [winfo reqwidth $tooltip_t] set req_h [winfo reqheight $tooltip_t] set pos_x [expr {[winfo pointerx .] + 5}] set pos_y [expr {[winfo pointery .] + 10}] set g "${req_w}x${req_h}" if {$pos_x >= 0} {append g +} append g $pos_x if {$pos_y >= 0} {append g +} append g $pos_y wm geometry $tooltip_wm $g raise $tooltip_wm } method _hide_tooltip {} { if {$tooltip_wm ne {}} { destroy $tooltip_wm set tooltip_wm {} } if {$tooltip_timer ne {}} { after cancel $tooltip_timer set tooltip_timer {} } } }