#!/bin/sh test_description='git merge-tree --write-tree' . ./test-lib.sh # This test is ort-specific if test "$GIT_TEST_MERGE_ALGORITHM" != "ort" then skip_all="GIT_TEST_MERGE_ALGORITHM != ort" test_done fi test_expect_success setup ' test_write_lines 1 2 3 4 5 >numbers && echo hello >greeting && echo foo >whatever && git add numbers greeting whatever && test_tick && git commit -m initial && git branch side1 && git branch side2 && git branch side3 && git checkout side1 && test_write_lines 1 2 3 4 5 6 >numbers && echo hi >greeting && echo bar >whatever && git add numbers greeting whatever && test_tick && git commit -m modify-stuff && git checkout side2 && test_write_lines 0 1 2 3 4 5 >numbers && echo yo >greeting && git rm whatever && mkdir whatever && >whatever/empty && git add numbers greeting whatever/empty && test_tick && git commit -m other-modifications && git checkout side3 && git mv numbers sequence && test_tick && git commit -m rename-numbers && git switch --orphan unrelated && >something-else && git add something-else && test_tick && git commit -m first-commit ' test_expect_success 'Clean merge' ' TREE_OID=$(git merge-tree --write-tree side1 side3) && q_to_tab <<-EOF >expect && 100644 blob $(git rev-parse side1:greeting)Qgreeting 100644 blob $(git rev-parse side1:numbers)Qsequence 100644 blob $(git rev-parse side1:whatever)Qwhatever EOF git ls-tree $TREE_OID >actual && test_cmp expect actual ' test_expect_success 'Content merge and a few conflicts' ' git checkout side1^0 && test_must_fail git merge side2 && expected_tree=$(git rev-parse AUTO_MERGE) && # We will redo the merge, while we are still in a conflicted state! git ls-files -u >conflicted-file-info && test_when_finished "git reset --hard" && test_expect_code 1 git merge-tree --write-tree side1 side2 >RESULT && actual_tree=$(head -n 1 RESULT) && # Due to differences of e.g. "HEAD" vs "side1", the results will not # exactly match. Dig into individual files. # Numbers should have three-way merged cleanly test_write_lines 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 >expect && git show ${actual_tree}:numbers >actual && test_cmp expect actual && # whatever and whatever~<branch> should have same HASHES git rev-parse ${expected_tree}:whatever ${expected_tree}:whatever~HEAD >expect && git rev-parse ${actual_tree}:whatever ${actual_tree}:whatever~side1 >actual && test_cmp expect actual && # greeting should have a merge conflict git show ${expected_tree}:greeting >tmp && sed -e s/HEAD/side1/ tmp >expect && git show ${actual_tree}:greeting >actual && test_cmp expect actual ' test_expect_success 'Barf on misspelled option, with exit code other than 0 or 1' ' # Mis-spell with single "s" instead of double "s" test_expect_code 129 git merge-tree --write-tree --mesages FOOBAR side1 side2 2>expect && grep "error: unknown option.*mesages" expect ' test_expect_success 'Barf on too many arguments' ' test_expect_code 129 git merge-tree --write-tree side1 side2 invalid 2>expect && grep "^usage: git merge-tree" expect ' anonymize_hash() { sed -e "s/[0-9a-f]\{40,\}/HASH/g" "$@" } test_expect_success 'test conflict notices and such' ' test_expect_code 1 git merge-tree --write-tree --name-only side1 side2 >out && anonymize_hash out >actual && # Expected results: # "greeting" should merge with conflicts # "numbers" should merge cleanly # "whatever" has *both* a modify/delete and a file/directory conflict cat <<-EOF >expect && HASH greeting whatever~side1 Auto-merging greeting CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in greeting Auto-merging numbers CONFLICT (file/directory): directory in the way of whatever from side1; moving it to whatever~side1 instead. CONFLICT (modify/delete): whatever~side1 deleted in side2 and modified in side1. Version side1 of whatever~side1 left in tree. EOF test_cmp expect actual ' for opt in $(git merge-tree --git-completion-helper-all) do if test $opt = "--trivial-merge" || test $opt = "--write-tree" then continue fi test_expect_success "usage: --trivial-merge is incompatible with $opt" ' test_expect_code 128 git merge-tree --trivial-merge $opt side1 side2 side3 ' done test_expect_success 'Just the conflicted files without the messages' ' test_expect_code 1 git merge-tree --write-tree --no-messages --name-only side1 side2 >out && anonymize_hash out >actual && test_write_lines HASH greeting whatever~side1 >expect && test_cmp expect actual ' test_expect_success 'Check conflicted oids and modes without messages' ' test_expect_code 1 git merge-tree --write-tree --no-messages side1 side2 >out && anonymize_hash out >actual && # Compare the basic output format q_to_tab >expect <<-\EOF && HASH 100644 HASH 1Qgreeting 100644 HASH 2Qgreeting 100644 HASH 3Qgreeting 100644 HASH 1Qwhatever~side1 100644 HASH 2Qwhatever~side1 EOF test_cmp expect actual && # Check the actual hashes against the `ls-files -u` output too tail -n +2 out | sed -e s/side1/HEAD/ >actual && test_cmp conflicted-file-info actual ' test_expect_success 'NUL terminated conflicted file "lines"' ' git checkout -b tweak1 side1 && test_write_lines zero 1 2 3 4 5 6 >numbers && git add numbers && git mv numbers "Αυτά μου φαίνονται κινέζικα" && git commit -m "Renamed numbers" && test_expect_code 1 git merge-tree --write-tree -z tweak1 side2 >out && anonymize_hash out >actual && printf "\\n" >>actual && # Expected results: # "greeting" should merge with conflicts # "whatever" has *both* a modify/delete and a file/directory conflict # "Αυτά μου φαίνονται κινέζικα" should have a conflict echo HASH | lf_to_nul >expect && q_to_tab <<-EOF | lf_to_nul >>expect && 100644 HASH 1Qgreeting 100644 HASH 2Qgreeting 100644 HASH 3Qgreeting 100644 HASH 1Qwhatever~tweak1 100644 HASH 2Qwhatever~tweak1 100644 HASH 1QΑυτά μου φαίνονται κινέζικα 100644 HASH 2QΑυτά μου φαίνονται κινέζικα 100644 HASH 3QΑυτά μου φαίνονται κινέζικα EOF q_to_nul <<-EOF >>expect && 1QgreetingQAuto-mergingQAuto-merging greeting Q1QgreetingQCONFLICT (contents)QCONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in greeting Q2Qwhatever~tweak1QwhateverQCONFLICT (file/directory)QCONFLICT (file/directory): directory in the way of whatever from tweak1; moving it to whatever~tweak1 instead. Q1Qwhatever~tweak1QCONFLICT (modify/delete)QCONFLICT (modify/delete): whatever~tweak1 deleted in side2 and modified in tweak1. Version tweak1 of whatever~tweak1 left in tree. Q1QΑυτά μου φαίνονται κινέζικαQAuto-mergingQAuto-merging Αυτά μου φαίνονται κινέζικα Q1QΑυτά μου φαίνονται κινέζικαQCONFLICT (contents)QCONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in Αυτά μου φαίνονται κινέζικα Q EOF test_cmp expect actual ' test_expect_success 'error out by default for unrelated histories' ' test_expect_code 128 git merge-tree --write-tree side1 unrelated 2>error && grep "refusing to merge unrelated histories" error ' test_expect_success 'can override merge of unrelated histories' ' git merge-tree --write-tree --allow-unrelated-histories side1 unrelated >tree && TREE=$(cat tree) && git rev-parse side1:numbers side1:greeting side1:whatever unrelated:something-else >expect && git rev-parse $TREE:numbers $TREE:greeting $TREE:whatever $TREE:something-else >actual && test_cmp expect actual ' test_done