#!/bin/sh test_description='working-tree-encoding conversion via gitattributes' . ./test-lib.sh GIT_TRACE_WORKING_TREE_ENCODING=1 && export GIT_TRACE_WORKING_TREE_ENCODING test_lazy_prereq NO_UTF16_BOM ' test $(printf abc | iconv -f UTF-8 -t UTF-16 | wc -c) = 6 ' test_lazy_prereq NO_UTF32_BOM ' test $(printf abc | iconv -f UTF-8 -t UTF-32 | wc -c) = 12 ' write_utf16 () { if test_have_prereq NO_UTF16_BOM then printf '\xfe\xff' fi && iconv -f UTF-8 -t UTF-16 } write_utf32 () { if test_have_prereq NO_UTF32_BOM then printf '\x00\x00\xfe\xff' fi && iconv -f UTF-8 -t UTF-32 } test_expect_success 'setup test files' ' git config core.eol lf && text="hallo there!\ncan you read me?" && echo "*.utf16 text working-tree-encoding=utf-16" >.gitattributes && echo "*.utf16lebom text working-tree-encoding=UTF-16LE-BOM" >>.gitattributes && printf "$text" >test.utf8.raw && printf "$text" | write_utf16 >test.utf16.raw && printf "$text" | write_utf32 >test.utf32.raw && printf "\377\376" >test.utf16lebom.raw && printf "$text" | iconv -f UTF-8 -t UTF-16LE >>test.utf16lebom.raw && # Line ending tests printf "one\ntwo\nthree\n" >lf.utf8.raw && printf "one\r\ntwo\r\nthree\r\n" >crlf.utf8.raw && # BOM tests printf "\0a\0b\0c" >nobom.utf16be.raw && printf "a\0b\0c\0" >nobom.utf16le.raw && printf "\376\377\0a\0b\0c" >bebom.utf16be.raw && printf "\377\376a\0b\0c\0" >lebom.utf16le.raw && printf "\0\0\0a\0\0\0b\0\0\0c" >nobom.utf32be.raw && printf "a\0\0\0b\0\0\0c\0\0\0" >nobom.utf32le.raw && printf "\0\0\376\377\0\0\0a\0\0\0b\0\0\0c" >bebom.utf32be.raw && printf "\377\376\0\0a\0\0\0b\0\0\0c\0\0\0" >lebom.utf32le.raw && # Add only UTF-16 file, we will add the UTF-32 file later cp test.utf16.raw test.utf16 && cp test.utf32.raw test.utf32 && cp test.utf16lebom.raw test.utf16lebom && git add .gitattributes test.utf16 test.utf16lebom && git commit -m initial ' test_expect_success 'ensure UTF-8 is stored in Git' ' test_when_finished "rm -f test.utf16.git" && git cat-file -p :test.utf16 >test.utf16.git && test_cmp_bin test.utf8.raw test.utf16.git ' test_expect_success 're-encode to UTF-16 on checkout' ' test_when_finished "rm -f test.utf16.raw" && rm test.utf16 && git checkout test.utf16 && test_cmp_bin test.utf16.raw test.utf16 ' test_expect_success 're-encode to UTF-16-LE-BOM on checkout' ' rm test.utf16lebom && git checkout test.utf16lebom && test_cmp_bin test.utf16lebom.raw test.utf16lebom ' test_expect_success 'check $GIT_DIR/info/attributes support' ' test_when_finished "rm -f test.utf32.git" && test_when_finished "git reset --hard HEAD" && echo "*.utf32 text working-tree-encoding=utf-32" >.git/info/attributes && git add test.utf32 && git cat-file -p :test.utf32 >test.utf32.git && test_cmp_bin test.utf8.raw test.utf32.git ' for i in 16 32 do test_expect_success "check prohibited UTF-${i} BOM" ' test_when_finished "git reset --hard HEAD" && echo "*.utf${i}be text working-tree-encoding=utf-${i}be" >>.gitattributes && echo "*.utf${i}le text working-tree-encoding=utf-${i}LE" >>.gitattributes && # Here we add a UTF-16 (resp. UTF-32) files with BOM (big/little-endian) # but we tell Git to treat it as UTF-16BE/UTF-16LE (resp. UTF-32). # In these cases the BOM is prohibited. cp bebom.utf${i}be.raw bebom.utf${i}be && test_must_fail git add bebom.utf${i}be 2>err.out && test_i18ngrep "fatal: BOM is prohibited .* utf-${i}be" err.out && test_i18ngrep "use UTF-${i} as working-tree-encoding" err.out && cp lebom.utf${i}le.raw lebom.utf${i}be && test_must_fail git add lebom.utf${i}be 2>err.out && test_i18ngrep "fatal: BOM is prohibited .* utf-${i}be" err.out && test_i18ngrep "use UTF-${i} as working-tree-encoding" err.out && cp bebom.utf${i}be.raw bebom.utf${i}le && test_must_fail git add bebom.utf${i}le 2>err.out && test_i18ngrep "fatal: BOM is prohibited .* utf-${i}LE" err.out && test_i18ngrep "use UTF-${i} as working-tree-encoding" err.out && cp lebom.utf${i}le.raw lebom.utf${i}le && test_must_fail git add lebom.utf${i}le 2>err.out && test_i18ngrep "fatal: BOM is prohibited .* utf-${i}LE" err.out && test_i18ngrep "use UTF-${i} as working-tree-encoding" err.out ' test_expect_success "check required UTF-${i} BOM" ' test_when_finished "git reset --hard HEAD" && echo "*.utf${i} text working-tree-encoding=utf-${i}" >>.gitattributes && cp nobom.utf${i}be.raw nobom.utf${i} && test_must_fail git add nobom.utf${i} 2>err.out && test_i18ngrep "fatal: BOM is required .* utf-${i}" err.out && test_i18ngrep "use UTF-${i}BE or UTF-${i}LE" err.out && cp nobom.utf${i}le.raw nobom.utf${i} && test_must_fail git add nobom.utf${i} 2>err.out && test_i18ngrep "fatal: BOM is required .* utf-${i}" err.out && test_i18ngrep "use UTF-${i}BE or UTF-${i}LE" err.out ' test_expect_success "eol conversion for UTF-${i} encoded files on checkout" ' test_when_finished "rm -f crlf.utf${i}.raw lf.utf${i}.raw" && test_when_finished "git reset --hard HEAD^" && cat lf.utf8.raw | write_utf${i} >lf.utf${i}.raw && cat crlf.utf8.raw | write_utf${i} >crlf.utf${i}.raw && cp crlf.utf${i}.raw eol.utf${i} && cat >expectIndexLF <<-EOF && i/lf w/-text attr/text eol.utf${i} EOF git add eol.utf${i} && git commit -m eol && # UTF-${i} with CRLF (Windows line endings) rm eol.utf${i} && git -c core.eol=crlf checkout eol.utf${i} && test_cmp_bin crlf.utf${i}.raw eol.utf${i} && # Although the file has CRLF in the working tree, # ensure LF in the index git ls-files --eol eol.utf${i} >actual && test_cmp expectIndexLF actual && # UTF-${i} with LF (Unix line endings) rm eol.utf${i} && git -c core.eol=lf checkout eol.utf${i} && test_cmp_bin lf.utf${i}.raw eol.utf${i} && # The file LF in the working tree, ensure LF in the index git ls-files --eol eol.utf${i} >actual && test_cmp expectIndexLF actual ' done test_expect_success 'check unsupported encodings' ' test_when_finished "git reset --hard HEAD" && echo "*.set text working-tree-encoding" >.gitattributes && printf "set" >t.set && test_must_fail git add t.set 2>err.out && test_i18ngrep "true/false are no valid working-tree-encodings" err.out && echo "*.unset text -working-tree-encoding" >.gitattributes && printf "unset" >t.unset && git add t.unset && echo "*.empty text working-tree-encoding=" >.gitattributes && printf "empty" >t.empty && git add t.empty && echo "*.garbage text working-tree-encoding=garbage" >.gitattributes && printf "garbage" >t.garbage && test_must_fail git add t.garbage 2>err.out && test_i18ngrep "failed to encode" err.out ' test_expect_success 'error if encoding round trip is not the same during refresh' ' BEFORE_STATE=$(git rev-parse HEAD) && test_when_finished "git reset --hard $BEFORE_STATE" && # Add and commit a UTF-16 file but skip the "working-tree-encoding" # filter. Consequently, the in-repo representation is UTF-16 and not # UTF-8. This simulates a Git version that has no working tree encoding # support. echo "*.utf16le text working-tree-encoding=utf-16le" >.gitattributes && echo "hallo" >nonsense.utf16le && TEST_HASH=$(git hash-object --no-filters -w nonsense.utf16le) && git update-index --add --cacheinfo 100644 $TEST_HASH nonsense.utf16le && COMMIT=$(git commit-tree -p $(git rev-parse HEAD) -m "plain commit" $(git write-tree)) && git update-ref refs/heads/master $COMMIT && test_must_fail git checkout HEAD^ 2>err.out && test_i18ngrep "error: .* overwritten by checkout:" err.out ' test_expect_success 'error if encoding garbage is already in Git' ' BEFORE_STATE=$(git rev-parse HEAD) && test_when_finished "git reset --hard $BEFORE_STATE" && # Skip the UTF-16 filter for the added file # This simulates a Git version that has no checkoutEncoding support cp nobom.utf16be.raw nonsense.utf16 && TEST_HASH=$(git hash-object --no-filters -w nonsense.utf16) && git update-index --add --cacheinfo 100644 $TEST_HASH nonsense.utf16 && COMMIT=$(git commit-tree -p $(git rev-parse HEAD) -m "plain commit" $(git write-tree)) && git update-ref refs/heads/master $COMMIT && git diff 2>err.out && test_i18ngrep "error: BOM is required" err.out ' test_lazy_prereq ICONV_SHIFT_JIS ' iconv -f UTF-8 -t SHIFT-JIS </dev/null ' test_expect_success ICONV_SHIFT_JIS 'check roundtrip encoding' ' test_when_finished "rm -f roundtrip.shift roundtrip.utf16" && test_when_finished "git reset --hard HEAD" && text="hallo there!\nroundtrip test here!" && printf "$text" | iconv -f UTF-8 -t SHIFT-JIS >roundtrip.shift && printf "$text" | write_utf16 >roundtrip.utf16 && echo "*.shift text working-tree-encoding=SHIFT-JIS" >>.gitattributes && # SHIFT-JIS encoded files are round-trip checked by default... GIT_TRACE=1 git add .gitattributes roundtrip.shift 2>&1 | grep "Checking roundtrip encoding for SHIFT-JIS" && git reset && # ... unless we overwrite the Git config! ! GIT_TRACE=1 git -c core.checkRoundtripEncoding=garbage \ add .gitattributes roundtrip.shift 2>&1 | grep "Checking roundtrip encoding for SHIFT-JIS" && git reset && # UTF-16 encoded files should not be round-trip checked by default... ! GIT_TRACE=1 git add roundtrip.utf16 2>&1 | grep "Checking roundtrip encoding for UTF-16" && git reset && # ... unless we tell Git to check it! GIT_TRACE=1 git -c core.checkRoundtripEncoding="UTF-16, UTF-32" \ add roundtrip.utf16 2>&1 | grep "Checking roundtrip encoding for utf-16" && git reset && # ... unless we tell Git to check it! # (here we also check that the casing of the encoding is irrelevant) GIT_TRACE=1 git -c core.checkRoundtripEncoding="UTF-32, utf-16" \ add roundtrip.utf16 2>&1 | grep "Checking roundtrip encoding for utf-16" && git reset ' # $1: checkout encoding # $2: test string # $3: binary test string in checkout encoding test_commit_utf8_checkout_other () { encoding="$1" orig_string="$2" expect_bytes="$3" test_expect_success "Commit UTF-8, checkout $encoding" ' test_when_finished "git checkout HEAD -- .gitattributes" && test_ext="commit_utf8_checkout_$encoding" && test_file="test.$test_ext" && # Commit as UTF-8 echo "*.$test_ext text working-tree-encoding=UTF-8" >.gitattributes && printf "$orig_string" >$test_file && git add $test_file && git commit -m "Test data" && # Checkout in tested encoding rm $test_file && echo "*.$test_ext text working-tree-encoding=$encoding" >.gitattributes && git checkout HEAD -- $test_file && # Test printf $expect_bytes >$test_file.raw && test_cmp_bin $test_file.raw $test_file ' } test_commit_utf8_checkout_other "UTF-8" "Test Тест" "\124\145\163\164\040\320\242\320\265\321\201\321\202" test_commit_utf8_checkout_other "UTF-16LE" "Test Тест" "\124\000\145\000\163\000\164\000\040\000\042\004\065\004\101\004\102\004" test_commit_utf8_checkout_other "UTF-16BE" "Test Тест" "\000\124\000\145\000\163\000\164\000\040\004\042\004\065\004\101\004\102" test_commit_utf8_checkout_other "UTF-16LE-BOM" "Test Тест" "\377\376\124\000\145\000\163\000\164\000\040\000\042\004\065\004\101\004\102\004" test_commit_utf8_checkout_other "UTF-16BE-BOM" "Test Тест" "\376\377\000\124\000\145\000\163\000\164\000\040\004\042\004\065\004\101\004\102" test_commit_utf8_checkout_other "UTF-32LE" "Test Тест" "\124\000\000\000\145\000\000\000\163\000\000\000\164\000\000\000\040\000\000\000\042\004\000\000\065\004\000\000\101\004\000\000\102\004\000\000" test_commit_utf8_checkout_other "UTF-32BE" "Test Тест" "\000\000\000\124\000\000\000\145\000\000\000\163\000\000\000\164\000\000\000\040\000\000\004\042\000\000\004\065\000\000\004\101\000\000\004\102" test_done