This patch enables the use of themed Tk widgets with Tk 8.5 and above. These make a significant difference on Windows in making the application appear native. On Windows and MacOSX ttk defaults to the native look as much as possible. On X11 the user may select a theme using the TkTheme XRDB resource class by adding an line to the .Xresources file. The set of installed theme names is available using the Tk command 'ttk::themes'. The default on X11 is similar to the current un-themed style - a kind of thin bordered motif look. A new git config variable 'gui.usettk' may be set to disable this if the user prefers the classic Tk look. Using Tk 8.4 will also avoid the use of themed widgets as these are only available since 8.5. Some support is included for Tk 8.6 features (themed spinbox and native font chooser for MacOSX and Windows). Signed-off-by: Pat Thoyts <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net> Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>
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# git-gui object database management support
# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
proc do_stats {} {
global use_ttk NS
set fd [git_read count-objects -v]
while {[gets $fd line] > 0} {
if {[regexp {^([^:]+): (\d+)$} $line _ name value]} {
set stats($name) $value
close $fd
set packed_sz 0
foreach p [glob -directory [gitdir objects pack] \
-type f \
-nocomplain -- *] {
incr packed_sz [file size $p]
if {$packed_sz > 0} {
set stats(size-pack) [expr {$packed_sz / 1024}]
set w .stats_view
Dialog $w
wm withdraw $w
wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
${NS}::frame $w.buttons
${NS}::button $w.buttons.close -text [mc Close] \
-default active \
-command [list destroy $w]
${NS}::button $w.buttons.gc -text [mc "Compress Database"] \
-default normal \
-command "destroy $w;do_gc"
pack $w.buttons.close -side right
pack $w.buttons.gc -side left
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
${NS}::labelframe $w.stat -text [mc "Database Statistics"]
foreach s {
{count {mc "Number of loose objects"}}
{size {mc "Disk space used by loose objects"} { KiB}}
{in-pack {mc "Number of packed objects"}}
{packs {mc "Number of packs"}}
{size-pack {mc "Disk space used by packed objects"} { KiB}}
{prune-packable {mc "Packed objects waiting for pruning"}}
{garbage {mc "Garbage files"}}
} {
set name [lindex $s 0]
set label [eval [lindex $s 1]]
if {[catch {set value $stats($name)}]} continue
if {[llength $s] > 2} {
set value "$value[lindex $s 2]"
${NS}::label $w.stat.l_$name -text "$label:" -anchor w
${NS}::label $w.stat.v_$name -text $value -anchor w
grid $w.stat.l_$name $w.stat.v_$name -sticky we -padx {0 5}
pack $w.stat -pady 10 -padx 10
bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w.buttons.close"
bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
bind $w <Key-Return> [list destroy $w]
wm title $w [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Database Statistics"]]
wm deiconify $w
tkwait window $w
proc do_gc {} {
set w [console::new {gc} [mc "Compressing the object database"]]
console::chain $w {
{exec git pack-refs --prune}
{exec git reflog expire --all}
{exec git repack -a -d -l}
{exec git rerere gc}
proc do_fsck_objects {} {
set w [console::new {fsck-objects} \
[mc "Verifying the object database with fsck-objects"]]
set cmd [list git fsck-objects]
lappend cmd --full
lappend cmd --cache
lappend cmd --strict
console::exec $w $cmd
proc hint_gc {} {
set ndirs 1
set limit 8
if {[is_Windows]} {
set ndirs 4
set limit 1
set count [llength [glob \
-nocomplain \
-- \
[gitdir objects 4\[0-[expr {$ndirs-1}]\]/*]]]
if {$count >= $limit * $ndirs} {
set objects_current [expr {$count * 256/$ndirs}]
if {[ask_popup \
[mc "This repository currently has approximately %i loose objects.
To maintain optimal performance it is strongly recommended that you compress the database.
Compress the database now?" $objects_current]] eq yes} {