* 'master' of git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/gitk/gitk: [PATCH] gitk: use user-configured background in view definition dialog [PATCH] gitk: Update German translation [PATCH] gitk: Update and fix Makefile gitk: Restore some widget options whose defaults changed in Tk 8.5 gitk: Recode de.po to UTF-8 [PATCH] gitk i18n: Recode gitk from latin1 to utf8 so that the (c) copyright character is valid utf8. [PATCH] gitk i18n: More markup -- various options menus [PATCH] gitk i18n: Initial German translation [PATCH] gitk i18n: Markup several strings for translation [PATCH] gitk i18n: Import msgcat for message string translation; load translation catalogs [PATCH] gitk i18n: Add Makefile with rules for po file creation and installation
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# The default target of this Makefile is...
prefix ?= $(HOME)
bindir ?= $(prefix)/bin
sharedir ?= $(prefix)/share
gitk_libdir ?= $(sharedir)/gitk/lib
msgsdir ?= $(gitk_libdir)/msgs
msgsdir_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(msgsdir))
TCLTK_PATH ?= wish
INSTALL ?= install
RM ?= rm -f
DESTDIR_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(DESTDIR))
bindir_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(bindir))
TCLTK_PATH_SQ = $(subst ','\'',$(TCLTK_PATH))
## po-file creation rules
XGETTEXT ?= xgettext
MSGFMT ?= msgfmt
PO_TEMPLATE = po/gitk.pot
ALL_POFILES = $(wildcard po/*.po)
ALL_MSGFILES = $(subst .po,.msg,$(ALL_POFILES))
ifndef V
QUIET_GEN = $(QUIET)echo ' ' GEN $@ &&
all:: gitk-wish $(ALL_MSGFILES)
install:: all
$(INSTALL) gitk-wish '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(bindir_SQ)'/gitk
$(INSTALL) -d '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(msgsdir_SQ)'
$(foreach p,$(ALL_MSGFILES), $(INSTALL) $p '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(msgsdir_SQ)' &&) true
$(foreach p,$(ALL_MSGFILES), $(RM) '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(msgsdir_SQ)'/$(notdir $p) &&) true
$(RM) '$(DESTDIR_SQ)$(bindir_SQ)'/gitk
$(RM) gitk-wish po/*.msg
gitk-wish: gitk
$(QUIET_GEN)$(RM) $@ $@+ && \
sed -e '1,3s|^exec .* "$$0"|exec $(subst |,'\|',$(TCLTK_PATH_SQ)) "$$0"|' <gitk >$@+ && \
chmod +x $@+ && \
mv -f $@+ $@
$(PO_TEMPLATE): gitk
$(XGETTEXT) -kmc -LTcl -o $@ gitk
update-po:: $(PO_TEMPLATE)
$(foreach p, $(ALL_POFILES), echo Updating $p ; msgmerge -U $p $(PO_TEMPLATE) ; )
$(ALL_MSGFILES): %.msg : %.po
@echo Generating catalog $@
$(MSGFMT) --statistics --tcl $< -l $(basename $(notdir $<)) -d $(dir $@)