If there is a possibility that your logic could take longer to execute than the interval time, it is recommended that you recursively call a named function using window.setTimeout rather than window.setInterval. Therefore instead of using setInterval as an alternate way of invoking handleResponse (because some web browsers call onreadystatechange only once per each distinct state, and not for each server flush), use setTimeout and reset it from handleResponse. As a bonus this allows us to get rid of timer if it turns out that web browser calls onreadystatechange on each server flush. While at it get rid of `xhr' global variable, creating it instead as local variable in startBlame and passing it as parameter, and of `pollTimer' global variable, passing it as member of xhr object (xhr.pollTimer). Signed-off-by: Jakub Narebski <jnareb@gmail.com> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com>
693 lines
19 KiB
693 lines
19 KiB
// Copyright (C) 2007, Fredrik Kuivinen <frekui@gmail.com>
// 2007, Petr Baudis <pasky@suse.cz>
// 2008-2011, Jakub Narebski <jnareb@gmail.com>
* @fileOverview JavaScript side of Ajax-y 'blame_incremental' view in gitweb
* @license GPLv2 or later
/* ============================================================ */
* This code uses DOM methods instead of (nonstandard) innerHTML
* to modify page.
* innerHTML is non-standard IE extension, though supported by most
* browsers; however Firefox up to version 1.5 didn't implement it in
* a strict mode (application/xml+xhtml mimetype).
* Also my simple benchmarks show that using elem.firstChild.data =
* 'content' is slightly faster than elem.innerHTML = 'content'. It
* is however more fragile (text element fragment must exists), and
* less feature-rich (we cannot add HTML).
* Note that DOM 2 HTML is preferred over generic DOM 2 Core; the
* equivalent using DOM 2 Core is usually shown in comments.
/* ............................................................ */
/* utility/helper functions (and variables) */
var projectUrl; // partial query + separator ('?' or ';')
// 'commits' is an associative map. It maps SHA1s to Commit objects.
var commits = {};
* constructor for Commit objects, used in 'blame'
* @class Represents a blamed commit
* @param {String} sha1: SHA-1 identifier of a commit
function Commit(sha1) {
if (this instanceof Commit) {
this.sha1 = sha1;
this.nprevious = 0; /* number of 'previous', effective parents */
} else {
return new Commit(sha1);
/* ............................................................ */
/* progress info, timing, error reporting */
var blamedLines = 0;
var totalLines = '???';
var div_progress_bar;
var div_progress_info;
* Detects how many lines does a blamed file have,
* This information is used in progress info
* @returns {Number|String} Number of lines in file, or string '...'
function countLines() {
var table =
document.getElementById('blame_table') ||
if (table) {
return table.getElementsByTagName('tr').length - 1; // for header
} else {
return '...';
* update progress info and length (width) of progress bar
* @globals div_progress_info, div_progress_bar, blamedLines, totalLines
function updateProgressInfo() {
if (!div_progress_info) {
div_progress_info = document.getElementById('progress_info');
if (!div_progress_bar) {
div_progress_bar = document.getElementById('progress_bar');
if (!div_progress_info && !div_progress_bar) {
var percentage = Math.floor(100.0*blamedLines/totalLines);
if (div_progress_info) {
div_progress_info.firstChild.data = blamedLines + ' / ' + totalLines +
' (' + padLeftStr(percentage, 3, '\u00A0') + '%)';
if (div_progress_bar) {
//div_progress_bar.setAttribute('style', 'width: '+percentage+'%;');
div_progress_bar.style.width = percentage + '%';
var t_interval_server = '';
var cmds_server = '';
var t0 = new Date();
* write how much it took to generate data, and to run script
* @globals t0, t_interval_server, cmds_server
function writeTimeInterval() {
var info_time = document.getElementById('generating_time');
if (!info_time || !t_interval_server) {
var t1 = new Date();
info_time.firstChild.data += ' + (' +
t_interval_server + ' sec server blame_data / ' +
(t1.getTime() - t0.getTime())/1000 + ' sec client JavaScript)';
var info_cmds = document.getElementById('generating_cmd');
if (!info_time || !cmds_server) {
info_cmds.firstChild.data += ' + ' + cmds_server;
* show an error message alert to user within page (in progress info area)
* @param {String} str: plain text error message (no HTML)
* @globals div_progress_info
function errorInfo(str) {
if (!div_progress_info) {
div_progress_info = document.getElementById('progress_info');
if (div_progress_info) {
div_progress_info.className = 'error';
div_progress_info.firstChild.data = str;
/* ............................................................ */
/* coloring rows during blame_data (git blame --incremental) run */
* used to extract N from 'colorN', where N is a number,
* @constant
var colorRe = /\bcolor([0-9]*)\b/;
* return N if <tr class="colorN">, otherwise return null
* (some browsers require CSS class names to begin with letter)
* @param {HTMLElement} tr: table row element to check
* @param {String} tr.className: 'class' attribute of tr element
* @returns {Number|null} N if tr.className == 'colorN', otherwise null
* @globals colorRe
function getColorNo(tr) {
if (!tr) {
return null;
var className = tr.className;
if (className) {
var match = colorRe.exec(className);
if (match) {
return parseInt(match[1], 10);
return null;
var colorsFreq = [0, 0, 0];
* return one of given possible colors (currently least used one)
* example: chooseColorNoFrom(2, 3) returns 2 or 3
* @param {Number[]} arguments: one or more numbers
* assumes that 1 <= arguments[i] <= colorsFreq.length
* @returns {Number} Least used color number from arguments
* @globals colorsFreq
function chooseColorNoFrom() {
// choose the color which is least used
var colorNo = arguments[0];
for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (colorsFreq[arguments[i]-1] < colorsFreq[colorNo-1]) {
colorNo = arguments[i];
return colorNo;
* given two neighbor <tr> elements, find color which would be different
* from color of both of neighbors; used to 3-color blame table
* @param {HTMLElement} tr_prev
* @param {HTMLElement} tr_next
* @returns {Number} color number N such that
* colorN != tr_prev.className && colorN != tr_next.className
function findColorNo(tr_prev, tr_next) {
var color_prev = getColorNo(tr_prev);
var color_next = getColorNo(tr_next);
// neither of neighbors has color set
// THEN we can use any of 3 possible colors
if (!color_prev && !color_next) {
return chooseColorNoFrom(1,2,3);
// either both neighbors have the same color,
// or only one of neighbors have color set
// THEN we can use any color except given
var color;
if (color_prev === color_next) {
color = color_prev; // = color_next;
} else if (!color_prev) {
color = color_next;
} else if (!color_next) {
color = color_prev;
if (color) {
return chooseColorNoFrom((color % 3) + 1, ((color+1) % 3) + 1);
// neighbors have different colors
// THEN there is only one color left
return (3 - ((color_prev + color_next) % 3));
/* ............................................................ */
/* coloring rows like 'blame' after 'blame_data' finishes */
* returns true if given row element (tr) is first in commit group
* to be used only after 'blame_data' finishes (after processing)
* @param {HTMLElement} tr: table row
* @returns {Boolean} true if TR is first in commit group
function isStartOfGroup(tr) {
return tr.firstChild.className === 'sha1';
* change colors to use zebra coloring (2 colors) instead of 3 colors
* concatenate neighbor commit groups belonging to the same commit
* @globals colorRe
function fixColorsAndGroups() {
var colorClasses = ['light', 'dark'];
var linenum = 1;
var tr, prev_group;
var colorClass = 0;
var table =
document.getElementById('blame_table') ||
while ((tr = document.getElementById('l'+linenum))) {
// index origin is 0, which is table header; start from 1
//while ((tr = table.rows[linenum])) { // <- it is slower
if (isStartOfGroup(tr, linenum, document)) {
if (prev_group &&
prev_group.firstChild.firstChild.href ===
tr.firstChild.firstChild.href) {
// we have to concatenate groups
var prev_rows = prev_group.firstChild.rowSpan || 1;
var curr_rows = tr.firstChild.rowSpan || 1;
prev_group.firstChild.rowSpan = prev_rows + curr_rows;
tr.deleteCell(0); // DOM2 HTML way
} else {
colorClass = (colorClass + 1) % 2;
prev_group = tr;
var tr_class = tr.className;
tr.className = tr_class.replace(colorRe, colorClasses[colorClass]);
/* ============================================================ */
/* main part: parsing response */
* Function called for each blame entry, as soon as it finishes.
* It updates page via DOM manipulation, adding sha1 info, etc.
* @param {Commit} commit: blamed commit
* @param {Object} group: object representing group of lines,
* which blame the same commit (blame entry)
* @globals blamedLines
function handleLine(commit, group) {
This is the structure of the HTML fragment we are working
<tr id="l123" class="">
<td class="sha1" title=""><a href=""> </a></td>
<td class="linenr"><a class="linenr" href="">123</a></td>
<td class="pre"># times (my ext3 doesn't).</td>
var resline = group.resline;
// format date and time string only once per commit
if (!commit.info) {
/* e.g. 'Kay Sievers, 2005-08-07 21:49:46 +0200' */
commit.info = commit.author + ', ' +
formatDateISOLocal(commit.authorTime, commit.authorTimezone);
// color depends on group of lines, not only on blamed commit
var colorNo = findColorNo(
// loop over lines in commit group
for (var i = 0; i < group.numlines; i++, resline++) {
var tr = document.getElementById('l'+resline);
if (!tr) {
<tr id="l123" class="">
<td class="sha1" title=""><a href=""> </a></td>
<td class="linenr"><a class="linenr" href="">123</a></td>
<td class="pre"># times (my ext3 doesn't).</td>
var td_sha1 = tr.firstChild;
var a_sha1 = td_sha1.firstChild;
var a_linenr = td_sha1.nextSibling.firstChild;
/* <tr id="l123" class=""> */
var tr_class = '';
if (colorNo !== null) {
tr_class = 'color'+colorNo;
if (commit.boundary) {
tr_class += ' boundary';
if (commit.nprevious === 0) {
tr_class += ' no-previous';
} else if (commit.nprevious > 1) {
tr_class += ' multiple-previous';
tr.className = tr_class;
/* <td class="sha1" title="?" rowspan="?"><a href="?">?</a></td> */
if (i === 0) {
td_sha1.title = commit.info;
td_sha1.rowSpan = group.numlines;
a_sha1.href = projectUrl + 'a=commit;h=' + commit.sha1;
if (a_sha1.firstChild) {
a_sha1.firstChild.data = commit.sha1.substr(0, 8);
} else {
document.createTextNode(commit.sha1.substr(0, 8)));
if (group.numlines >= 2) {
var fragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
var br = document.createElement("br");
var match = commit.author.match(/\b([A-Z])\B/g);
if (match) {
var text = document.createTextNode(
if (br && text) {
var elem = fragment || td_sha1;
if (fragment) {
} else {
//tr.removeChild(td_sha1); // DOM2 Core way
tr.deleteCell(0); // DOM2 HTML way
/* <td class="linenr"><a class="linenr" href="?">123</a></td> */
var linenr_commit =
('previous' in commit ? commit.previous : commit.sha1);
var linenr_filename =
('file_parent' in commit ? commit.file_parent : commit.filename);
a_linenr.href = projectUrl + 'a=blame_incremental' +
';hb=' + linenr_commit +
';f=' + encodeURIComponent(linenr_filename) +
'#l' + (group.srcline + i);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------
* @constant
var sha1Re = /^([0-9a-f]{40}) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+) ([0-9]+)/;
var infoRe = /^([a-z-]+) ?(.*)/;
var endRe = /^END ?([^ ]*) ?(.*)/;
var curCommit = new Commit();
var curGroup = {};
* Parse output from 'git blame --incremental [...]', received via
* XMLHttpRequest from server (blamedataUrl), and call handleLine
* (which updates page) as soon as blame entry is completed.
* @param {String[]} lines: new complete lines from blamedata server
* @globals commits, curCommit, curGroup, t_interval_server, cmds_server
* @globals sha1Re, infoRe, endRe
function processBlameLines(lines) {
var match;
for (var i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) {
if ((match = sha1Re.exec(lines[i]))) {
var sha1 = match[1];
var srcline = parseInt(match[2], 10);
var resline = parseInt(match[3], 10);
var numlines = parseInt(match[4], 10);
var c = commits[sha1];
if (!c) {
c = new Commit(sha1);
commits[sha1] = c;
curCommit = c;
curGroup.srcline = srcline;
curGroup.resline = resline;
curGroup.numlines = numlines;
} else if ((match = infoRe.exec(lines[i]))) {
var info = match[1];
var data = match[2];
switch (info) {
case 'filename':
curCommit.filename = unquote(data);
// 'filename' information terminates the entry
handleLine(curCommit, curGroup);
case 'author':
curCommit.author = data;
case 'author-time':
curCommit.authorTime = parseInt(data, 10);
case 'author-tz':
curCommit.authorTimezone = data;
case 'previous':
// store only first 'previous' header
if (!'previous' in curCommit) {
var parts = data.split(' ', 2);
curCommit.previous = parts[0];
curCommit.file_parent = unquote(parts[1]);
case 'boundary':
curCommit.boundary = true;
} // end switch
} else if ((match = endRe.exec(lines[i]))) {
t_interval_server = match[1];
cmds_server = match[2];
} else if (lines[i] !== '') {
// malformed line
} // end if (match)
} // end for (lines)
* Process new data and return pointer to end of processed part
* @param {String} unprocessed: new data (from nextReadPos)
* @param {Number} nextReadPos: end of last processed data
* @return {Number} end of processed data (new value for nextReadPos)
function processData(unprocessed, nextReadPos) {
var lastLineEnd = unprocessed.lastIndexOf('\n');
if (lastLineEnd !== -1) {
var lines = unprocessed.substring(0, lastLineEnd).split('\n');
nextReadPos += lastLineEnd + 1 /* 1 == '\n'.length */;
} // end if
return nextReadPos;
* Handle XMLHttpRequest errors
* @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr: XMLHttpRequest object
* @param {Number} [xhr.pollTimer] ID of the timeout to clear
* @globals commits
function handleError(xhr) {
errorInfo('Server error: ' +
xhr.status + ' - ' + (xhr.statusText || 'Error contacting server'));
if (typeof xhr.pollTimer === "number") {
delete xhr.pollTimer;
commits = {}; // free memory
* Called after XMLHttpRequest finishes (loads)
* @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr: XMLHttpRequest object
* @param {Number} [xhr.pollTimer] ID of the timeout to clear
* @globals commits
function responseLoaded(xhr) {
if (typeof xhr.pollTimer === "number") {
delete xhr.pollTimer;
commits = {}; // free memory
* handler for XMLHttpRequest onreadystatechange event
* @see startBlame
* @param {XMLHttpRequest} xhr: XMLHttpRequest object
* @param {Number} xhr.prevDataLength: previous value of xhr.responseText.length
* @param {Number} xhr.nextReadPos: start of unread part of xhr.responseText
* @param {Number} [xhr.pollTimer] ID of the timeout (to reset or cancel)
* @param {Boolean} fromTimer: if handler was called from timer
function handleResponse(xhr, fromTimer) {
* xhr.readyState
* Value Constant (W3C) Description
* -------------------------------------------------------------------
* 0 UNSENT open() has not been called yet.
* 1 OPENED send() has not been called yet.
* 2 HEADERS_RECEIVED send() has been called, and headers
* and status are available.
* 3 LOADING Downloading; responseText holds partial data.
* 4 DONE The operation is complete.
if (xhr.readyState !== 4 && xhr.readyState !== 3) {
// the server returned error
// try ... catch block is to work around bug in IE8
try {
if (xhr.readyState === 3 && xhr.status !== 200) {
} catch (e) {
if (xhr.readyState === 4 && xhr.status !== 200) {
// In konqueror xhr.responseText is sometimes null here...
if (xhr.responseText === null) {
// extract new whole (complete) lines, and process them
if (xhr.prevDataLength !== xhr.responseText.length) {
xhr.prevDataLength = xhr.responseText.length;
var unprocessed = xhr.responseText.substring(xhr.nextReadPos);
xhr.nextReadPos = processData(unprocessed, xhr.nextReadPos);
// did we finish work?
if (xhr.readyState === 4) {
// if we get from timer, we have to restart it
// otherwise onreadystatechange gives us partial response, timer not needed
if (fromTimer) {
setTimeout(function () {
handleResponse(xhr, true);
}, 1000);
} else if (typeof xhr.pollTimer === "number") {
delete xhr.pollTimer;
// ============================================================
// ------------------------------------------------------------
* Incrementally update line data in blame_incremental view in gitweb.
* @param {String} blamedataUrl: URL to server script generating blame data.
* @param {String} bUrl: partial URL to project, used to generate links.
* Called from 'blame_incremental' view after loading table with
* file contents, a base for blame view.
* @globals t0, projectUrl, div_progress_bar, totalLines
function startBlame(blamedataUrl, bUrl) {
var xhr = createRequestObject();
if (!xhr) {
errorInfo('ERROR: XMLHttpRequest not supported');
t0 = new Date();
projectUrl = bUrl + (bUrl.indexOf('?') === -1 ? '?' : ';');
if ((div_progress_bar = document.getElementById('progress_bar'))) {
//div_progress_bar.setAttribute('style', 'width: 100%;');
div_progress_bar.style.cssText = 'width: 100%;';
totalLines = countLines();
/* add extra properties to xhr object to help processing response */
xhr.prevDataLength = -1; // used to detect if we have new data
xhr.nextReadPos = 0; // where unread part of response starts
xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
handleResponse(xhr, false);
xhr.open('GET', blamedataUrl);
xhr.setRequestHeader('Accept', 'text/plain');
// not all browsers call onreadystatechange event on each server flush
// poll response using timer every second to handle this issue
xhr.pollTimer = setTimeout(function () {
handleResponse(xhr, true);
}, 1000);
/* end of blame_incremental.js */