Reject directories with the attribute export-ignore already while queuing them. This prevents read_tree_recursive() from descending into them and this avoids write_archive_entry() rejecting them later on, which queue_or_write_archive_entry() is not prepared for. Borrow the existing strbuf to build the full path to avoid string copies and extra allocations; just make sure we restore the original value before moving on. Keep checking any other attributes in write_archive_entry() as before, but avoid checking them twice. Signed-off-by: Rene Scharfe <l.s.r@web.de> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com>
132 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable File
132 lines
4.3 KiB
Executable File
test_description='git archive attribute tests'
. ./test-lib.sh
test_expect_exists() {
test_expect_${2:-success} " $1 exists" "test -e $1"
test_expect_missing() {
test_expect_${2:-success} " $1 does not exist" "test ! -e $1"
extract_tar_to_dir () {
(mkdir "$1" && cd "$1" && "$TAR" xf -) <"$1.tar"
test_expect_success 'setup' '
echo ignored >ignored &&
echo ignored export-ignore >>.git/info/attributes &&
git add ignored &&
echo ignored by tree >ignored-by-tree &&
echo ignored-by-tree export-ignore >.gitattributes &&
mkdir ignored-by-tree.d &&
>ignored-by-tree.d/file &&
echo ignored-by-tree.d export-ignore >>.gitattributes &&
git add ignored-by-tree ignored-by-tree.d .gitattributes &&
echo ignored by worktree >ignored-by-worktree &&
echo ignored-by-worktree export-ignore >.gitattributes &&
git add ignored-by-worktree &&
mkdir excluded-by-pathspec.d &&
>excluded-by-pathspec.d/file &&
git add excluded-by-pathspec.d &&
printf "A\$Format:%s\$O" "$SUBSTFORMAT" >nosubstfile &&
printf "A\$Format:%s\$O" "$SUBSTFORMAT" >substfile1 &&
printf "A not substituted O" >substfile2 &&
echo "substfile?" export-subst >>.git/info/attributes &&
git add nosubstfile substfile1 substfile2 &&
git commit -m. &&
git clone --bare . bare &&
cp .git/info/attributes bare/info/attributes
test_expect_success 'git archive' '
git archive HEAD >archive.tar &&
(mkdir archive && cd archive && "$TAR" xf -) <archive.tar
test_expect_missing archive/ignored
test_expect_missing archive/ignored-by-tree
test_expect_missing archive/ignored-by-tree.d
test_expect_missing archive/ignored-by-tree.d/file
test_expect_exists archive/ignored-by-worktree
test_expect_exists archive/excluded-by-pathspec.d
test_expect_exists archive/excluded-by-pathspec.d/file
test_expect_success 'git archive with pathspec' '
git archive HEAD ":!excluded-by-pathspec.d" >archive-pathspec.tar &&
extract_tar_to_dir archive-pathspec
test_expect_missing archive-pathspec/ignored
test_expect_missing archive-pathspec/ignored-by-tree
test_expect_missing archive-pathspec/ignored-by-tree.d
test_expect_missing archive-pathspec/ignored-by-tree.d/file
test_expect_exists archive-pathspec/ignored-by-worktree
test_expect_missing archive-pathspec/excluded-by-pathspec.d failure
test_expect_missing archive-pathspec/excluded-by-pathspec.d/file
test_expect_success 'git archive with wildcard pathspec' '
git archive HEAD ":!excluded-by-p*" >archive-pathspec-wildcard.tar &&
extract_tar_to_dir archive-pathspec-wildcard
test_expect_missing archive-pathspec-wildcard/ignored
test_expect_missing archive-pathspec-wildcard/ignored-by-tree
test_expect_missing archive-pathspec-wildcard/ignored-by-tree.d
test_expect_missing archive-pathspec-wildcard/ignored-by-tree.d/file
test_expect_exists archive-pathspec-wildcard/ignored-by-worktree
test_expect_missing archive-pathspec-wildcard/excluded-by-pathspec.d
test_expect_missing archive-pathspec-wildcard/excluded-by-pathspec.d/file
test_expect_success 'git archive with worktree attributes' '
git archive --worktree-attributes HEAD >worktree.tar &&
(mkdir worktree && cd worktree && "$TAR" xf -) <worktree.tar
test_expect_missing worktree/ignored
test_expect_exists worktree/ignored-by-tree
test_expect_missing worktree/ignored-by-worktree
test_expect_success 'git archive --worktree-attributes option' '
git archive --worktree-attributes --worktree-attributes HEAD >worktree.tar &&
(mkdir worktree2 && cd worktree2 && "$TAR" xf -) <worktree.tar
test_expect_missing worktree2/ignored
test_expect_exists worktree2/ignored-by-tree
test_expect_missing worktree2/ignored-by-worktree
test_expect_success 'git archive vs. bare' '
(cd bare && git archive HEAD) >bare-archive.tar &&
test_cmp_bin archive.tar bare-archive.tar
test_expect_success 'git archive with worktree attributes, bare' '
(cd bare && git archive --worktree-attributes HEAD) >bare-worktree.tar &&
(mkdir bare-worktree && cd bare-worktree && "$TAR" xf -) <bare-worktree.tar
test_expect_missing bare-worktree/ignored
test_expect_exists bare-worktree/ignored-by-tree
test_expect_exists bare-worktree/ignored-by-worktree
test_expect_success 'export-subst' '
git log "--pretty=format:A${SUBSTFORMAT}O" HEAD >substfile1.expected &&
test_cmp nosubstfile archive/nosubstfile &&
test_cmp substfile1.expected archive/substfile1 &&
test_cmp substfile2 archive/substfile2