-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQIcBAABCAAGBQJYCJqmAAoJEDn3Aot9nM55uKQP/11BTzhOr9K3SLzwCr01ylGP 94AOA511vx3fIX5aWQ29S96tGbluo73RdbVsWFKKJcKSErpFPscFEiRkyjeMXE2T yWWOPOg08tm28ppZNp0Kqjb8VykUUKuG6gVT59DNFUZUqHYQbiQy+t8nwT+Qow3U dvo6lksovfSaW2FORWIi5KF5gD4v2F9qsbFgr725a8UoBrOmF0SWaCG4/ZYj0WxF 0rq8LjpvmMuQqd06DAoGMIsHa71R61En2QWfJ4YoE5+QRq8wQl37FmX+ojiA1rzY CG/vJO2Tw4v54wHKK1TCXG7LR4JhTcQZOa6zd8HHsPRn+viGDCMVUG9uMewfxH+m F47EVMxiKf0subm3fUhycqkvso0r6mOAddhz47RKT7tqU4XOnhPyGw0x6m7evawg Sz2+fOK3wwX2Qec5o3vBZKaEcOftSrLuZmbi5/j43crvcf+OAs9s/jdq/Ulpkks2 JI2i0DLzHABTbDn6QsuysEZnituks8T8Fdm5NOldritgBNVY81ifatekFscxt6Ct OrT9eGJk6iZiX1RvS+R7wykKJCBkxiyHqM8vSj5tPWjApgtnopPMudzNX41geaL9 ADeb8LVMTTNL/md8KED0deypilcPNnPbW035rAbyCpAsKbtgO3zdfzdzxsQ+dIvc MQpCDP5QPPr3toRVdNmb =VyhL -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Merge tag 'gitgui-0.21.0' of git://repo.or.cz/git-gui git-gui 0.21.0 * tag 'gitgui-0.21.0' of git://repo.or.cz/git-gui: (22 commits) git-gui: set version 0.21 git-gui: Mark 'All' in remote.tcl for translation git-gui i18n: Updated Bulgarian translation (565,0f,0u) git-gui: avoid persisting modified author identity git-gui: handle the encoding of Git's output correctly git-gui: unicode file name support on windows git-gui: Update Russian translation git-gui: maintain backwards compatibility for merge syntax git-gui i18n: mark string in lib/error.tcl for translation git-gui: fix incorrect use of Tcl append command git-gui i18n: mark "usage:" strings for translation git-gui i18n: internationalize use of colon punctuation git-gui: ensure the file in the diff pane is in the list of selected files git-gui: support for $FILENAMES in tool definitions git-gui: fix initial git gui message encoding git-gui/po/glossary/txt-to-pot.sh: use the $( ... ) construct for command substitution git-gui (Windows): use git-gui.exe in `Create Desktop Shortcut` git-gui: fix detection of Cygwin Amend tab ordering and text widget border and highlighting. Allow keyboard control to work in the staging widgets. ...
542 lines
13 KiB
542 lines
13 KiB
# git-gui misc. commit reading/writing support
# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
proc load_last_commit {} {
global HEAD PARENT MERGE_HEAD commit_type ui_comm commit_author
global repo_config
if {[llength $PARENT] == 0} {
error_popup [mc "There is nothing to amend.
You are about to create the initial commit. There is no commit before this to amend.
repository_state curType curHEAD curMERGE_HEAD
if {$curType eq {merge}} {
error_popup [mc "Cannot amend while merging.
You are currently in the middle of a merge that has not been fully completed. You cannot amend the prior commit unless you first abort the current merge activity.
set msg {}
set parents [list]
if {[catch {
set fd [git_read cat-file commit $curHEAD]
fconfigure $fd -encoding binary -translation lf
# By default commits are assumed to be in utf-8
set enc utf-8
while {[gets $fd line] > 0} {
if {[string match {parent *} $line]} {
lappend parents [string range $line 7 end]
} elseif {[string match {encoding *} $line]} {
set enc [string tolower [string range $line 9 end]]
} elseif {[regexp "author (.*)\\s<(.*)>\\s(\\d.*$)" $line all name email time]} {
set commit_author [list name $name email $email date $time]
set msg [read $fd]
close $fd
set enc [tcl_encoding $enc]
if {$enc ne {}} {
set msg [encoding convertfrom $enc $msg]
set msg [string trim $msg]
} err]} {
error_popup [strcat [mc "Error loading commit data for amend:"] "\n\n$err"]
set HEAD $curHEAD
set PARENT $parents
set MERGE_HEAD [list]
switch -- [llength $parents] {
0 {set commit_type amend-initial}
1 {set commit_type amend}
default {set commit_type amend-merge}
$ui_comm delete 0.0 end
$ui_comm insert end $msg
$ui_comm edit reset
$ui_comm edit modified false
rescan ui_ready
proc committer_ident {} {
if {[catch {set me [git var GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT]} err]} {
error_popup [strcat [mc "Unable to obtain your identity:"] "\n\n$err"]
return {}
if {![regexp {^(.*) [0-9]+ [-+0-9]+$} \
error_popup [strcat [mc "Invalid GIT_COMMITTER_IDENT:"] "\n\n$me"]
return {}
proc do_signoff {} {
global ui_comm
set me [committer_ident]
if {$me eq {}} return
set sob "Signed-off-by: $me"
set last [$ui_comm get {end -1c linestart} {end -1c}]
if {$last ne $sob} {
$ui_comm edit separator
if {$last ne {}
&& ![regexp {^[A-Z][A-Za-z]*-[A-Za-z-]+: *} $last]} {
$ui_comm insert end "\n"
$ui_comm insert end "\n$sob"
$ui_comm edit separator
$ui_comm see end
proc create_new_commit {} {
global commit_type ui_comm commit_author
set commit_type normal
unset -nocomplain commit_author
$ui_comm delete 0.0 end
$ui_comm edit reset
$ui_comm edit modified false
rescan ui_ready
proc setup_commit_encoding {msg_wt {quiet 0}} {
global repo_config
if {[catch {set enc $repo_config(i18n.commitencoding)}]} {
set enc utf-8
set use_enc [tcl_encoding $enc]
if {$use_enc ne {}} {
fconfigure $msg_wt -encoding $use_enc
} else {
if {!$quiet} {
error_popup [mc "warning: Tcl does not support encoding '%s'." $enc]
fconfigure $msg_wt -encoding utf-8
proc commit_tree {} {
global HEAD commit_type file_states ui_comm repo_config
global pch_error
if {[committer_ident] eq {}} return
if {![lock_index update]} return
# -- Our in memory state should match the repository.
repository_state curType curHEAD curMERGE_HEAD
if {[string match amend* $commit_type]
&& $curType eq {normal}
&& $curHEAD eq $HEAD} {
} elseif {$commit_type ne $curType || $HEAD ne $curHEAD} {
info_popup [mc "Last scanned state does not match repository state.
Another Git program has modified this repository since the last scan. A rescan must be performed before another commit can be created.
The rescan will be automatically started now.
rescan ui_ready
# -- At least one file should differ in the index.
set files_ready 0
foreach path [array names file_states] {
set s $file_states($path)
switch -glob -- [lindex $s 0] {
_? {continue}
A? -
D? -
T? -
M? {set files_ready 1}
_U -
U? {
error_popup [mc "Unmerged files cannot be committed.
File %s has merge conflicts. You must resolve them and stage the file before committing.
" [short_path $path]]
default {
error_popup [mc "Unknown file state %s detected.
File %s cannot be committed by this program.
" [lindex $s 0] [short_path $path]]
if {!$files_ready && ![string match *merge $curType] && ![is_enabled nocommit]} {
info_popup [mc "No changes to commit.
You must stage at least 1 file before you can commit.
if {[is_enabled nocommitmsg]} { do_quit 0 }
# -- A message is required.
set msg [string trim [$ui_comm get 1.0 end]]
regsub -all -line {[ \t\r]+$} $msg {} msg
if {$msg eq {}} {
error_popup [mc "Please supply a commit message.
A good commit message has the following format:
- First line: Describe in one sentence what you did.
- Second line: Blank
- Remaining lines: Describe why this change is good.
# -- Build the message file.
set msg_p [gitdir GITGUI_EDITMSG]
set msg_wt [open $msg_p w]
fconfigure $msg_wt -translation lf
setup_commit_encoding $msg_wt
puts $msg_wt $msg
close $msg_wt
if {[is_enabled nocommit]} { do_quit 0 }
# -- Run the pre-commit hook.
set fd_ph [githook_read pre-commit]
if {$fd_ph eq {}} {
commit_commitmsg $curHEAD $msg_p
ui_status [mc "Calling pre-commit hook..."]
set pch_error {}
fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0 -translation binary -eofchar {}
fileevent $fd_ph readable \
[list commit_prehook_wait $fd_ph $curHEAD $msg_p]
proc commit_prehook_wait {fd_ph curHEAD msg_p} {
global pch_error
append pch_error [read $fd_ph]
fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 1
if {[eof $fd_ph]} {
if {[catch {close $fd_ph}]} {
catch {file delete $msg_p}
ui_status [mc "Commit declined by pre-commit hook."]
hook_failed_popup pre-commit $pch_error
} else {
commit_commitmsg $curHEAD $msg_p
set pch_error {}
fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0
proc commit_commitmsg {curHEAD msg_p} {
global is_detached repo_config
global pch_error
if {$is_detached
&& ![file exists [gitdir rebase-merge head-name]]
&& [is_config_true gui.warndetachedcommit]} {
set msg [mc "You are about to commit on a detached head.\
This is a potentially dangerous thing to do because if you switch\
to another branch you will lose your changes and it can be difficult\
to retrieve them later from the reflog. You should probably cancel this\
commit and create a new branch to continue.\n\
Do you really want to proceed with your Commit?"]
if {[ask_popup $msg] ne yes} {
# -- Run the commit-msg hook.
set fd_ph [githook_read commit-msg $msg_p]
if {$fd_ph eq {}} {
commit_writetree $curHEAD $msg_p
ui_status [mc "Calling commit-msg hook..."]
set pch_error {}
fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0 -translation binary -eofchar {}
fileevent $fd_ph readable \
[list commit_commitmsg_wait $fd_ph $curHEAD $msg_p]
proc commit_commitmsg_wait {fd_ph curHEAD msg_p} {
global pch_error
append pch_error [read $fd_ph]
fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 1
if {[eof $fd_ph]} {
if {[catch {close $fd_ph}]} {
catch {file delete $msg_p}
ui_status [mc "Commit declined by commit-msg hook."]
hook_failed_popup commit-msg $pch_error
} else {
commit_writetree $curHEAD $msg_p
set pch_error {}
fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0
proc commit_writetree {curHEAD msg_p} {
ui_status [mc "Committing changes..."]
set fd_wt [git_read write-tree]
fileevent $fd_wt readable \
[list commit_committree $fd_wt $curHEAD $msg_p]
proc commit_committree {fd_wt curHEAD msg_p} {
global HEAD PARENT MERGE_HEAD commit_type commit_author
global current_branch
global ui_comm selected_commit_type
global file_states selected_paths rescan_active
global repo_config
global env
gets $fd_wt tree_id
if {[catch {close $fd_wt} err]} {
catch {file delete $msg_p}
error_popup [strcat [mc "write-tree failed:"] "\n\n$err"]
ui_status [mc "Commit failed."]
# -- Verify this wasn't an empty change.
if {$commit_type eq {normal}} {
set fd_ot [git_read cat-file commit $PARENT]
fconfigure $fd_ot -encoding binary -translation lf
set old_tree [gets $fd_ot]
close $fd_ot
if {[string equal -length 5 {tree } $old_tree]
&& [string length $old_tree] == 45} {
set old_tree [string range $old_tree 5 end]
} else {
error [mc "Commit %s appears to be corrupt" $PARENT]
if {$tree_id eq $old_tree} {
catch {file delete $msg_p}
info_popup [mc "No changes to commit.
No files were modified by this commit and it was not a merge commit.
A rescan will be automatically started now.
rescan {ui_status [mc "No changes to commit."]}
if {[info exists commit_author]} {
set old_author [commit_author_ident $commit_author]
# -- Create the commit.
set cmd [list commit-tree $tree_id]
if {[is_config_true commit.gpgsign]} {
lappend cmd -S
foreach p [concat $PARENT $MERGE_HEAD] {
lappend cmd -p $p
lappend cmd <$msg_p
if {[catch {set cmt_id [eval git $cmd]} err]} {
catch {file delete $msg_p}
error_popup [strcat [mc "commit-tree failed:"] "\n\n$err"]
ui_status [mc "Commit failed."]
unset -nocomplain commit_author
commit_author_reset $old_author
if {[info exists commit_author]} {
unset -nocomplain commit_author
commit_author_reset $old_author
# -- Update the HEAD ref.
set reflogm commit
if {$commit_type ne {normal}} {
append reflogm " ($commit_type)"
set msg_fd [open $msg_p r]
setup_commit_encoding $msg_fd 1
gets $msg_fd subject
close $msg_fd
append reflogm {: } $subject
if {[catch {
git update-ref -m $reflogm HEAD $cmt_id $curHEAD
} err]} {
catch {file delete $msg_p}
error_popup [strcat [mc "update-ref failed:"] "\n\n$err"]
ui_status [mc "Commit failed."]
# -- Cleanup after ourselves.
catch {file delete $msg_p}
catch {file delete [gitdir MERGE_HEAD]}
catch {file delete [gitdir MERGE_MSG]}
catch {file delete [gitdir SQUASH_MSG]}
catch {file delete [gitdir GITGUI_MSG]}
catch {file delete [gitdir CHERRY_PICK_HEAD]}
# -- Let rerere do its thing.
if {[get_config rerere.enabled] eq {}} {
set rerere [file isdirectory [gitdir rr-cache]]
} else {
set rerere [is_config_true rerere.enabled]
if {$rerere} {
catch {git rerere}
# -- Run the post-commit hook.
set fd_ph [githook_read post-commit]
if {$fd_ph ne {}} {
global pch_error
set pch_error {}
fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0 -translation binary -eofchar {}
fileevent $fd_ph readable \
[list commit_postcommit_wait $fd_ph $cmt_id]
$ui_comm delete 0.0 end
$ui_comm edit reset
$ui_comm edit modified false
if {$::GITGUI_BCK_exists} {
catch {file delete [gitdir GITGUI_BCK]}
set ::GITGUI_BCK_exists 0
if {[is_enabled singlecommit]} { do_quit 0 }
# -- Update in memory status
set selected_commit_type new
set commit_type normal
set HEAD $cmt_id
set PARENT $cmt_id
set MERGE_HEAD [list]
foreach path [array names file_states] {
set s $file_states($path)
set m [lindex $s 0]
switch -glob -- $m {
_O -
_M -
_D {continue}
__ -
A_ -
M_ -
T_ -
D_ {
unset file_states($path)
catch {unset selected_paths($path)}
DO {
set file_states($path) [list _O [lindex $s 1] {} {}]
AM -
AD -
AT -
TM -
TD -
MM -
MT -
MD {
set file_states($path) [list \
_[string index $m 1] \
[lindex $s 1] \
[lindex $s 3] \
ui_status [mc "Created commit %s: %s" [string range $cmt_id 0 7] $subject]
proc commit_postcommit_wait {fd_ph cmt_id} {
global pch_error
append pch_error [read $fd_ph]
fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 1
if {[eof $fd_ph]} {
if {[catch {close $fd_ph}]} {
hook_failed_popup post-commit $pch_error 0
unset pch_error
fconfigure $fd_ph -blocking 0
proc commit_author_ident {details} {
global env
array set author $details
set old [array get env GIT_AUTHOR_*]
set env(GIT_AUTHOR_NAME) $author(name)
set env(GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL) $author(email)
set env(GIT_AUTHOR_DATE) $author(date)
return $old
proc commit_author_reset {details} {
global env
if {$details ne {}} {
array set env $details