When developing/testing we run git-gui.sh directly and the makefile configured variables are not properly set. Configure the new shellpath accessor to handle this case. On Windows we may not find the shell so in this case revert to simply executing the filter command without the shell intermediate. Signed-off-by: Pat Thoyts <patthoyts@users.sourceforge.net>
1340 lines
34 KiB
1340 lines
34 KiB
# git-gui blame viewer
# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
class blame {
# Persistant data (survives loads)
field history {}; # viewer history: {commit path}
field header ; # array commit,key -> header field
# Tk UI control paths
field w ; # top window in this viewer
field w_back ; # our back button
field w_path ; # label showing the current file path
field w_columns ; # list of all column widgets in the viewer
field w_line ; # text column: all line numbers
field w_amov ; # text column: annotations + move tracking
field w_asim ; # text column: annotations (simple computation)
field w_file ; # text column: actual file data
field w_cviewer ; # pane showing commit message
field finder ; # find mini-dialog frame
field status ; # status mega-widget instance
field old_height ; # last known height of $w.file_pane
# Tk UI colors
variable active_color #c0edc5
variable group_colors {
# Current blame data; cleared/reset on each load
field commit ; # input commit to blame
field path ; # input filename to view in $commit
field current_fd {} ; # background process running
field highlight_line -1 ; # current line selected
field highlight_column {} ; # current commit column selected
field highlight_commit {} ; # sha1 of commit selected
field total_lines 0 ; # total length of file
field blame_lines 0 ; # number of lines computed
field amov_data ; # list of {commit origfile origline}
field asim_data ; # list of {commit origfile origline}
field r_commit ; # commit currently being parsed
field r_orig_line ; # original line number
field r_final_line ; # final line number
field r_line_count ; # lines in this region
field tooltip_wm {} ; # Current tooltip toplevel, if open
field tooltip_t {} ; # Text widget in $tooltip_wm
field tooltip_timer {} ; # Current timer event for our tooltip
field tooltip_commit {} ; # Commit(s) in tooltip
constructor new {i_commit i_path i_jump} {
global cursor_ptr M1B M1T have_tk85 use_ttk NS
variable active_color
variable group_colors
set commit $i_commit
set path $i_path
make_toplevel top w
wm title $top [append "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "File Viewer"]]
set font_w [font measure font_diff "0"]
gold_frame $w.header
tlabel $w.header.commit_l \
-text [mc "Commit:"] \
-background gold \
-foreground black \
-anchor w \
-justify left
set w_back $w.header.commit_b
tlabel $w_back \
-image ::blame::img_back_arrow \
-borderwidth 0 \
-relief flat \
-state disabled \
-background gold \
-foreground black \
-activebackground gold
bind $w_back <Button-1> "
if {\[$w_back cget -state\] eq {normal}} {
[cb _history_menu]
tlabel $w.header.commit \
-textvariable @commit \
-background gold \
-foreground black \
-anchor w \
-justify left
tlabel $w.header.path_l \
-text [mc "File:"] \
-background gold \
-foreground black \
-anchor w \
-justify left
set w_path $w.header.path
tlabel $w_path \
-background gold \
-foreground black \
-anchor w \
-justify left
pack $w.header.commit_l -side left
pack $w_back -side left
pack $w.header.commit -side left
pack $w_path -fill x -side right
pack $w.header.path_l -side right
panedwindow $w.file_pane -orient vertical -borderwidth 0 -sashwidth 3
frame $w.file_pane.out -relief flat -borderwidth 1
frame $w.file_pane.cm -relief sunken -borderwidth 1
$w.file_pane add $w.file_pane.out \
-sticky nsew \
-minsize 100 \
-height 100 \
-width 100
$w.file_pane add $w.file_pane.cm \
-sticky nsew \
-minsize 25 \
-height 25 \
-width 100
set w_line $w.file_pane.out.linenumber_t
text $w_line \
-takefocus 0 \
-highlightthickness 0 \
-padx 0 -pady 0 \
-background white \
-foreground black \
-borderwidth 0 \
-state disabled \
-wrap none \
-height 40 \
-width 6 \
-font font_diff
$w_line tag conf linenumber -justify right -rmargin 5
set w_amov $w.file_pane.out.amove_t
text $w_amov \
-takefocus 0 \
-highlightthickness 0 \
-padx 0 -pady 0 \
-background white \
-foreground black \
-borderwidth 0 \
-state disabled \
-wrap none \
-height 40 \
-width 5 \
-font font_diff
$w_amov tag conf author_abbr -justify right -rmargin 5
$w_amov tag conf curr_commit
$w_amov tag conf prior_commit -foreground blue -underline 1
$w_amov tag bind prior_commit \
<Button-1> \
"[cb _load_commit $w_amov @amov_data @%x,%y];break"
set w_asim $w.file_pane.out.asimple_t
text $w_asim \
-takefocus 0 \
-highlightthickness 0 \
-padx 0 -pady 0 \
-background white \
-foreground black \
-borderwidth 0 \
-state disabled \
-wrap none \
-height 40 \
-width 4 \
-font font_diff
$w_asim tag conf author_abbr -justify right
$w_asim tag conf curr_commit
$w_asim tag conf prior_commit -foreground blue -underline 1
$w_asim tag bind prior_commit \
<Button-1> \
"[cb _load_commit $w_asim @asim_data @%x,%y];break"
set w_file $w.file_pane.out.file_t
text $w_file \
-takefocus 0 \
-highlightthickness 0 \
-padx 0 -pady 0 \
-background white \
-foreground black \
-borderwidth 0 \
-state disabled \
-wrap none \
-height 40 \
-width 80 \
-xscrollcommand [list $w.file_pane.out.sbx set] \
-font font_diff
if {$have_tk85} {
$w_file configure -inactiveselectbackground darkblue
$w_file tag conf found \
-background yellow
set w_columns [list $w_amov $w_asim $w_line $w_file]
${NS}::scrollbar $w.file_pane.out.sbx \
-orient h \
-command [list $w_file xview]
${NS}::scrollbar $w.file_pane.out.sby \
-orient v \
-command [list scrollbar2many $w_columns yview]
eval grid $w_columns $w.file_pane.out.sby -sticky nsew
grid conf \
$w.file_pane.out.sbx \
-column [expr {[llength $w_columns] - 1}] \
-sticky we
grid columnconfigure \
$w.file_pane.out \
[expr {[llength $w_columns] - 1}] \
-weight 1
grid rowconfigure $w.file_pane.out 0 -weight 1
set finder [::searchbar::new \
$w.file_pane.out.ff $w_file \
-column [expr {[llength $w_columns] - 1}] \
set w_cviewer $w.file_pane.cm.t
text $w_cviewer \
-background white \
-foreground black \
-borderwidth 0 \
-state disabled \
-wrap none \
-height 10 \
-width 80 \
-xscrollcommand [list $w.file_pane.cm.sbx set] \
-yscrollcommand [list $w.file_pane.cm.sby set] \
-font font_diff
$w_cviewer tag conf still_loading \
-font font_uiitalic \
-justify center
$w_cviewer tag conf header_key \
-tabs {3c} \
-background $active_color \
-font font_uibold
$w_cviewer tag conf header_val \
-background $active_color \
-font font_ui
$w_cviewer tag raise sel
${NS}::scrollbar $w.file_pane.cm.sbx \
-orient h \
-command [list $w_cviewer xview]
${NS}::scrollbar $w.file_pane.cm.sby \
-orient v \
-command [list $w_cviewer yview]
pack $w.file_pane.cm.sby -side right -fill y
pack $w.file_pane.cm.sbx -side bottom -fill x
pack $w_cviewer -expand 1 -fill both
set status [::status_bar::new $w.status]
menu $w.ctxm -tearoff 0
$w.ctxm add command \
-label [mc "Copy Commit"] \
-command [cb _copycommit]
$w.ctxm add separator
$w.ctxm add command \
-label [mc "Find Text..."] \
-accelerator F7 \
-command [list searchbar::show $finder]
menu $w.ctxm.enc
build_encoding_menu $w.ctxm.enc [cb _setencoding]
$w.ctxm add cascade \
-label [mc "Encoding"] \
-menu $w.ctxm.enc
$w.ctxm add command \
-label [mc "Do Full Copy Detection"] \
-command [cb _fullcopyblame]
$w.ctxm add separator
$w.ctxm add command \
-label [mc "Show History Context"] \
-command [cb _gitkcommit]
$w.ctxm add command \
-label [mc "Blame Parent Commit"] \
-command [cb _blameparent]
foreach i $w_columns {
for {set g 0} {$g < [llength $group_colors]} {incr g} {
$i tag conf color$g -background [lindex $group_colors $g]
if {$i eq $w_file} {
$w_file tag raise found
$i tag raise sel
$i conf -cursor $cursor_ptr
$i conf -yscrollcommand \
"[list ::searchbar::scrolled $finder]
[list many2scrollbar $w_columns yview $w.file_pane.out.sby]"
bind $i <Button-1> "
[cb _hide_tooltip]
[cb _click $i @%x,%y]
focus $i
bind $i <Any-Motion> [cb _show_tooltip $i @%x,%y]
bind $i <Any-Enter> [cb _hide_tooltip]
bind $i <Any-Leave> [cb _hide_tooltip]
bind_button3 $i "
[cb _hide_tooltip]
set cursorX %x
set cursorY %y
set cursorW %W
tk_popup $w.ctxm %X %Y
bind $i <Shift-Tab> "[list focus $w_cviewer];break"
bind $i <Tab> "[cb _focus_search $w_cviewer];break"
foreach i [concat $w_columns $w_cviewer] {
bind $i <Key-Up> {catch {%W yview scroll -1 units};break}
bind $i <Key-Down> {catch {%W yview scroll 1 units};break}
bind $i <Key-Left> {catch {%W xview scroll -1 units};break}
bind $i <Key-Right> {catch {%W xview scroll 1 units};break}
bind $i <Key-k> {catch {%W yview scroll -1 units};break}
bind $i <Key-j> {catch {%W yview scroll 1 units};break}
bind $i <Key-h> {catch {%W xview scroll -1 units};break}
bind $i <Key-l> {catch {%W xview scroll 1 units};break}
bind $i <Control-Key-b> {catch {%W yview scroll -1 pages};break}
bind $i <Control-Key-f> {catch {%W yview scroll 1 pages};break}
bind $w_cviewer <Shift-Tab> "[cb _focus_search $w_file];break"
bind $w_cviewer <Tab> "[list focus $w_file];break"
bind $w_cviewer <Button-1> [list focus $w_cviewer]
bind $w_file <Visibility> [cb _focus_search $w_file]
bind $top <F7> [list searchbar::show $finder]
bind $top <Escape> [list searchbar::hide $finder]
bind $top <F3> [list searchbar::find_next $finder]
bind $top <Shift-F3> [list searchbar::find_prev $finder]
catch { bind $top <Shift-Key-XF86_Switch_VT_3> [list searchbar::find_prev $finder] }
grid configure $w.header -sticky ew
grid configure $w.file_pane -sticky nsew
grid configure $w.status -sticky ew
grid columnconfigure $top 0 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure $top 0 -weight 0
grid rowconfigure $top 1 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure $top 2 -weight 0
set req_w [winfo reqwidth $top]
set req_h [winfo reqheight $top]
set scr_w [expr {[winfo screenwidth $top] - 40}]
set scr_h [expr {[winfo screenheight $top] - 120}]
set opt_w [expr {$font_w * (80 + 5*3 + 3)}]
if {$req_w < $opt_w} {set req_w $opt_w}
if {$req_w > $scr_w} {set req_w $scr_w}
set opt_h [expr {$req_w*4/3}]
if {$req_h < $scr_h} {set req_h $scr_h}
if {$req_h > $opt_h} {set req_h $opt_h}
set g "${req_w}x${req_h}"
wm geometry $top $g
set old_height [winfo height $w.file_pane]
$w.file_pane sash place 0 \
[lindex [$w.file_pane sash coord 0] 0] \
[expr {int($old_height * 0.80)}]
bind $w.file_pane <Configure> \
"if {{$w.file_pane} eq {%W}} {[cb _resize %h]}"
wm protocol $top WM_DELETE_WINDOW "destroy $top"
bind $top <Destroy> [cb _handle_destroy %W]
_load $this $i_jump
method _focus_search {win} {
if {[searchbar::visible $finder]} {
focus [searchbar::editor $finder]
} else {
focus $win
method _handle_destroy {win} {
if {$win eq $w} {
_kill $this
method _kill {} {
if {$current_fd ne {}} {
kill_file_process $current_fd
catch {close $current_fd}
set current_fd {}
method _load {jump} {
variable group_colors
_hide_tooltip $this
if {$total_lines != 0 || $current_fd ne {}} {
_kill $this
foreach i $w_columns {
$i conf -state normal
$i delete 0.0 end
foreach g [$i tag names] {
if {[regexp {^g[0-9a-f]{40}$} $g]} {
$i tag delete $g
$i conf -state disabled
$w_cviewer conf -state normal
$w_cviewer delete 0.0 end
$w_cviewer conf -state disabled
set highlight_line -1
set highlight_column {}
set highlight_commit {}
set total_lines 0
if {$history eq {}} {
$w_back conf -state disabled
} else {
$w_back conf -state normal
# Index 0 is always empty. There is never line 0 as
# we use only 1 based lines, as that matches both with
# git-blame output and with Tk's text widget.
set amov_data [list [list]]
set asim_data [list [list]]
$status show [mc "Reading %s..." "$commit:[escape_path $path]"]
$w_path conf -text [escape_path $path]
set do_textconv 0
if {![is_config_false gui.textconv] && [git-version >= 1.7.2]} {
set filter [gitattr $path diff set]
set textconv [get_config [join [list diff $filter textconv] .]]
if {$filter ne {set} && $textconv ne {}} {
set do_textconv 1
if {$commit eq {}} {
if {$do_textconv ne 0} {
# Run textconv with sh -c "..." to allow it to
# contain command + arguments. On windows, just
# call the filter command.
if {![file executable [shellpath]]} {
set fd [open |[linsert $textconv end $path] r]
} else {
set fd [open |[list [shellpath] -c "$textconv \"\$0\"" $path] r]
} else {
set fd [open $path r]
fconfigure $fd -eofchar {}
} else {
if {$do_textconv ne 0} {
set fd [git_read cat-file --textconv "$commit:$path"]
} else {
set fd [git_read cat-file blob "$commit:$path"]
fconfigure $fd \
-blocking 0 \
-translation lf \
-encoding [get_path_encoding $path]
fileevent $fd readable [cb _read_file $fd $jump]
set current_fd $fd
method _history_menu {} {
set m $w.backmenu
if {[winfo exists $m]} {
$m delete 0 end
} else {
menu $m -tearoff 0
for {set i [expr {[llength $history] - 1}]
} {$i >= 0} {incr i -1} {
set e [lindex $history $i]
set c [lindex $e 0]
set f [lindex $e 1]
if {[regexp {^[0-9a-f]{40}$} $c]} {
set t [string range $c 0 8]...
} elseif {$c eq {}} {
set t {Working Directory}
} else {
set t $c
if {![catch {set summary $header($c,summary)}]} {
append t " $summary"
if {[string length $t] > 70} {
set t [string range $t 0 66]...
$m add command -label $t -command [cb _goback $i]
set X [winfo rootx $w_back]
set Y [expr {[winfo rooty $w_back] + [winfo height $w_back]}]
tk_popup $m $X $Y
method _goback {i} {
set dat [lindex $history $i]
set history [lrange $history 0 [expr {$i - 1}]]
set commit [lindex $dat 0]
set path [lindex $dat 1]
_load $this [lrange $dat 2 5]
method _read_file {fd jump} {
if {$fd ne $current_fd} {
catch {close $fd}
foreach i $w_columns {$i conf -state normal}
while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
regsub "\r\$" $line {} line
incr total_lines
lappend amov_data {}
lappend asim_data {}
if {$total_lines > 1} {
foreach i $w_columns {$i insert end "\n"}
$w_line insert end "$total_lines" linenumber
$w_file insert end "$line"
set ln_wc [expr {[string length $total_lines] + 2}]
if {[$w_line cget -width] < $ln_wc} {
$w_line conf -width $ln_wc
foreach i $w_columns {$i conf -state disabled}
if {[eof $fd]} {
close $fd
# If we don't force Tk to update the widgets *right now*
# none of our jump commands will cause a change in the UI.
if {[llength $jump] == 1} {
set highlight_line [lindex $jump 0]
$w_file see "$highlight_line.0"
} elseif {[llength $jump] == 4} {
set highlight_column [lindex $jump 0]
set highlight_line [lindex $jump 1]
$w_file xview moveto [lindex $jump 2]
$w_file yview moveto [lindex $jump 3]
_exec_blame $this $w_asim @asim_data \
[list] \
[mc "Loading copy/move tracking annotations..."]
} ifdeleted { catch {close $fd} }
method _exec_blame {cur_w cur_d options cur_s} {
lappend options --incremental --encoding=utf-8
if {$commit eq {}} {
lappend options --contents $path
} else {
lappend options $commit
lappend options -- $path
set fd [eval git_read --nice blame $options]
fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation lf -encoding utf-8
fileevent $fd readable [cb _read_blame $fd $cur_w $cur_d]
set current_fd $fd
set blame_lines 0
$status start \
$cur_s \
[mc "lines annotated"]
method _read_blame {fd cur_w cur_d} {
upvar #0 $cur_d line_data
variable group_colors
if {$fd ne $current_fd} {
catch {close $fd}
$cur_w conf -state normal
while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
if {[regexp {^([a-z0-9]{40}) (\d+) (\d+) (\d+)$} $line line \
cmit original_line final_line line_count]} {
set r_commit $cmit
set r_orig_line $original_line
set r_final_line $final_line
set r_line_count $line_count
} elseif {[string match {filename *} $line]} {
set file [string range $line 9 end]
set n $r_line_count
set lno $r_final_line
set oln $r_orig_line
set cmit $r_commit
if {[regexp {^0{40}$} $cmit]} {
set commit_abbr work
set commit_type curr_commit
} elseif {$cmit eq $commit} {
set commit_abbr this
set commit_type curr_commit
} else {
set commit_type prior_commit
set commit_abbr [string range $cmit 0 3]
set author_abbr {}
set a_name {}
catch {set a_name $header($cmit,author)}
while {$a_name ne {}} {
if {$author_abbr ne {}
&& [string index $a_name 0] eq {'}} {
regsub {^'[^']+'\s+} $a_name {} a_name
if {![regexp {^([[:upper:]])} $a_name _a]} break
append author_abbr $_a
unset _a
if {![regsub \
{^[[:upper:]][^\s]*\s+} \
$a_name {} a_name ]} break
if {$author_abbr eq {}} {
set author_abbr { |}
} else {
set author_abbr [string range $author_abbr 0 3]
unset a_name
set first_lno $lno
while {
$first_lno > 1
&& $cmit eq [lindex $line_data [expr {$first_lno - 1}] 0]
&& $file eq [lindex $line_data [expr {$first_lno - 1}] 1]
} {
incr first_lno -1
set color {}
if {$first_lno < $lno} {
foreach g [$w_file tag names $first_lno.0] {
if {[regexp {^color[0-9]+$} $g]} {
set color $g
} else {
set i [lsort [concat \
[$w_file tag names "[expr {$first_lno - 1}].0"] \
[$w_file tag names "[expr {$lno + $n}].0"] \
for {set g 0} {$g < [llength $group_colors]} {incr g} {
if {[lsearch -sorted -exact $i color$g] == -1} {
set color color$g
if {$color eq {}} {
set color color0
while {$n > 0} {
set lno_e "$lno.0 lineend + 1c"
if {[lindex $line_data $lno] ne {}} {
set g [lindex $line_data $lno 0]
foreach i $w_columns {
$i tag remove g$g $lno.0 $lno_e
lset line_data $lno [list $cmit $file $oln]
$cur_w delete $lno.0 "$lno.0 lineend"
if {$lno == $first_lno} {
$cur_w insert $lno.0 $commit_abbr $commit_type
} elseif {$lno == [expr {$first_lno + 1}]} {
$cur_w insert $lno.0 $author_abbr author_abbr
} else {
$cur_w insert $lno.0 { |}
foreach i $w_columns {
if {$cur_w eq $w_amov} {
for {set g 0} \
{$g < [llength $group_colors]} \
{incr g} {
$i tag remove color$g $lno.0 $lno_e
$i tag add $color $lno.0 $lno_e
$i tag add g$cmit $lno.0 $lno_e
if {$highlight_column eq $cur_w} {
if {$highlight_line == -1
&& [lindex [$w_file yview] 0] == 0} {
$w_file see $lno.0
set highlight_line $lno
if {$highlight_line == $lno} {
_showcommit $this $cur_w $lno
incr n -1
incr lno
incr oln
incr blame_lines
while {
$cmit eq [lindex $line_data $lno 0]
&& $file eq [lindex $line_data $lno 1]
} {
$cur_w delete $lno.0 "$lno.0 lineend"
if {$lno == $first_lno} {
$cur_w insert $lno.0 $commit_abbr $commit_type
} elseif {$lno == [expr {$first_lno + 1}]} {
$cur_w insert $lno.0 $author_abbr author_abbr
} else {
$cur_w insert $lno.0 { |}
if {$cur_w eq $w_amov} {
foreach i $w_columns {
for {set g 0} \
{$g < [llength $group_colors]} \
{incr g} {
$i tag remove color$g $lno.0 $lno_e
$i tag add $color $lno.0 $lno_e
incr lno
} elseif {[regexp {^([a-z-]+) (.*)$} $line line key data]} {
set header($r_commit,$key) $data
$cur_w conf -state disabled
if {[eof $fd]} {
close $fd
if {$cur_w eq $w_asim} {
# Switches for original location detection
set threshold [get_config gui.copyblamethreshold]
set original_options [list "-C$threshold"]
if {![is_config_true gui.fastcopyblame]} {
# thorough copy search; insert before the threshold
set original_options [linsert $original_options 0 -C]
if {[git-version >= 1.5.3]} {
lappend original_options -w ; # ignore indentation changes
_exec_blame $this $w_amov @amov_data \
$original_options \
[mc "Loading original location annotations..."]
} else {
set current_fd {}
$status stop [mc "Annotation complete."]
} else {
$status update $blame_lines $total_lines
} ifdeleted { catch {close $fd} }
method _find_commit_bound {data_list start_idx delta} {
upvar #0 $data_list line_data
set pos $start_idx
set limit [expr {[llength $line_data] - 1}]
set base_commit [lindex $line_data $pos 0]
while {$pos > 0 && $pos < $limit} {
set new_pos [expr {$pos + $delta}]
if {[lindex $line_data $new_pos 0] ne $base_commit} {
return $pos
set pos $new_pos
return $pos
method _fullcopyblame {} {
if {$current_fd ne {}} {
tk_messageBox \
-icon error \
-type ok \
-title [mc "Busy"] \
-message [mc "Annotation process is already running."]
# Switches for original location detection
set threshold [get_config gui.copyblamethreshold]
set original_options [list -C -C "-C$threshold"]
if {[git-version >= 1.5.3]} {
lappend original_options -w ; # ignore indentation changes
# Find the line range
set pos @$::cursorX,$::cursorY
set lno [lindex [split [$::cursorW index $pos] .] 0]
set min_amov_lno [_find_commit_bound $this @amov_data $lno -1]
set max_amov_lno [_find_commit_bound $this @amov_data $lno 1]
set min_asim_lno [_find_commit_bound $this @asim_data $lno -1]
set max_asim_lno [_find_commit_bound $this @asim_data $lno 1]
if {$min_asim_lno < $min_amov_lno} {
set min_amov_lno $min_asim_lno
if {$max_asim_lno > $max_amov_lno} {
set max_amov_lno $max_asim_lno
lappend original_options -L "$min_amov_lno,$max_amov_lno"
# Clear lines
for {set i $min_amov_lno} {$i <= $max_amov_lno} {incr i} {
lset amov_data $i [list ]
# Start the back-end process
_exec_blame $this $w_amov @amov_data \
$original_options \
[mc "Running thorough copy detection..."]
method _click {cur_w pos} {
set lno [lindex [split [$cur_w index $pos] .] 0]
_showcommit $this $cur_w $lno
method _setencoding {enc} {
force_path_encoding $path $enc
_load $this [list \
$highlight_column \
$highlight_line \
[lindex [$w_file xview] 0] \
[lindex [$w_file yview] 0] \
method _load_commit {cur_w cur_d pos} {
upvar #0 $cur_d line_data
set lno [lindex [split [$cur_w index $pos] .] 0]
set dat [lindex $line_data $lno]
if {$dat ne {}} {
_load_new_commit $this \
[lindex $dat 0] \
[lindex $dat 1] \
[list [lindex $dat 2]]
method _load_new_commit {new_commit new_path jump} {
lappend history [list \
$commit $path \
$highlight_column \
$highlight_line \
[lindex [$w_file xview] 0] \
[lindex [$w_file yview] 0] \
set commit $new_commit
set path $new_path
_load $this $jump
method _showcommit {cur_w lno} {
global repo_config
variable active_color
if {$highlight_commit ne {}} {
foreach i $w_columns {
$i tag conf g$highlight_commit -background {}
$i tag lower g$highlight_commit
if {$cur_w eq $w_asim} {
set dat [lindex $asim_data $lno]
set highlight_column $w_asim
} else {
set dat [lindex $amov_data $lno]
set highlight_column $w_amov
$w_cviewer conf -state normal
$w_cviewer delete 0.0 end
if {$dat eq {}} {
set cmit {}
$w_cviewer insert end [mc "Loading annotation..."] still_loading
} else {
set cmit [lindex $dat 0]
set file [lindex $dat 1]
foreach i $w_columns {
$i tag conf g$cmit -background $active_color
$i tag raise g$cmit
if {$i eq $w_file} {
$w_file tag raise found
$i tag raise sel
set author_name {}
set author_email {}
set author_time {}
catch {set author_name $header($cmit,author)}
catch {set author_email $header($cmit,author-mail)}
catch {set author_time [format_date $header($cmit,author-time)]}
set committer_name {}
set committer_email {}
set committer_time {}
catch {set committer_name $header($cmit,committer)}
catch {set committer_email $header($cmit,committer-mail)}
catch {set committer_time [format_date $header($cmit,committer-time)]}
if {[catch {set msg $header($cmit,message)}]} {
set msg {}
catch {
set fd [git_read cat-file commit $cmit]
fconfigure $fd -encoding binary -translation lf
# By default commits are assumed to be in utf-8
set enc utf-8
while {[gets $fd line] > 0} {
if {[string match {encoding *} $line]} {
set enc [string tolower [string range $line 9 end]]
set msg [read $fd]
close $fd
set enc [tcl_encoding $enc]
if {$enc ne {}} {
set msg [encoding convertfrom $enc $msg]
set msg [string trim $msg]
set header($cmit,message) $msg
$w_cviewer insert end "commit $cmit\n" header_key
$w_cviewer insert end [strcat [mc "Author:"] "\t"] header_key
$w_cviewer insert end "$author_name $author_email" header_val
$w_cviewer insert end " $author_time\n" header_val
$w_cviewer insert end [strcat [mc "Committer:"] "\t"] header_key
$w_cviewer insert end "$committer_name $committer_email" header_val
$w_cviewer insert end " $committer_time\n" header_val
if {$file ne $path} {
$w_cviewer insert end [strcat [mc "Original File:"] "\t"] header_key
$w_cviewer insert end "[escape_path $file]\n" header_val
$w_cviewer insert end "\n$msg"
$w_cviewer conf -state disabled
set highlight_line $lno
set highlight_commit $cmit
if {[lsearch -exact $tooltip_commit $highlight_commit] != -1} {
_hide_tooltip $this
method _get_click_amov_info {} {
set pos @$::cursorX,$::cursorY
set lno [lindex [split [$::cursorW index $pos] .] 0]
return [lindex $amov_data $lno]
method _copycommit {} {
set dat [_get_click_amov_info $this]
if {$dat ne {}} {
clipboard clear
clipboard append \
-format STRING \
-type STRING \
-- [lindex $dat 0]
method _format_offset_date {base offset} {
set exval [expr {$base + $offset*24*60*60}]
return [clock format $exval -format {%Y-%m-%d}]
method _gitkcommit {} {
global nullid
set dat [_get_click_amov_info $this]
if {$dat ne {}} {
set cmit [lindex $dat 0]
# If the line belongs to the working copy, use HEAD instead
if {$cmit eq $nullid} {
if {[catch {set cmit [git rev-parse --verify HEAD]} err]} {
error_popup [strcat [mc "Cannot find HEAD commit:"] "\n\n$err"]
set radius [get_config gui.blamehistoryctx]
set cmdline [list --select-commit=$cmit]
if {$radius > 0} {
set author_time {}
set committer_time {}
catch {set author_time $header($cmit,author-time)}
catch {set committer_time $header($cmit,committer-time)}
if {$committer_time eq {}} {
set committer_time $author_time
set after_time [_format_offset_date $this $committer_time [expr {-$radius}]]
set before_time [_format_offset_date $this $committer_time $radius]
lappend cmdline --after=$after_time --before=$before_time
lappend cmdline $cmit
set base_rev "HEAD"
if {$commit ne {}} {
set base_rev $commit
if {$base_rev ne $cmit} {
lappend cmdline $base_rev
do_gitk $cmdline
method _blameparent {} {
global nullid
set dat [_get_click_amov_info $this]
if {$dat ne {}} {
set cmit [lindex $dat 0]
set new_path [lindex $dat 1]
# Allow using Blame Parent on lines modified in the working copy
if {$cmit eq $nullid} {
set parent_ref "HEAD"
} else {
set parent_ref "$cmit^"
if {[catch {set cparent [git rev-parse --verify $parent_ref]} err]} {
error_popup [strcat [mc "Cannot find parent commit:"] "\n\n$err"]
_kill $this
# Generate a diff between the commit and its parent,
# and use the hunks to update the line number.
# Request zero context to simplify calculations.
if {$cmit eq $nullid} {
set diffcmd [list diff-index --unified=0 $cparent -- $new_path]
} else {
set diffcmd [list diff-tree --unified=0 $cparent $cmit -- $new_path]
if {[catch {set fd [eval git_read $diffcmd]} err]} {
$status stop [mc "Unable to display parent"]
error_popup [strcat [mc "Error loading diff:"] "\n\n$err"]
set r_orig_line [lindex $dat 2]
fconfigure $fd \
-blocking 0 \
-encoding binary \
-translation binary
fileevent $fd readable [cb _read_diff_load_commit \
$fd $cparent $new_path $r_orig_line]
set current_fd $fd
method _read_diff_load_commit {fd cparent new_path tline} {
if {$fd ne $current_fd} {
catch {close $fd}
while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
if {[regexp {^@@ -(\d+)(,(\d+))? \+(\d+)(,(\d+))? @@} $line line \
old_line osz old_size new_line nsz new_size]} {
if {$osz eq {}} { set old_size 1 }
if {$nsz eq {}} { set new_size 1 }
if {$new_line <= $tline} {
if {[expr {$new_line + $new_size}] > $tline} {
# Target line within the hunk
set line_shift [expr {
} else {
set line_shift [expr {$new_size-$old_size}]
set r_orig_line [expr {$r_orig_line - $line_shift}]
if {[eof $fd]} {
close $fd;
set current_fd {}
_load_new_commit $this \
$cparent \
$new_path \
[list $r_orig_line]
} ifdeleted { catch {close $fd} }
method _show_tooltip {cur_w pos} {
if {$tooltip_wm ne {}} {
_open_tooltip $this $cur_w
} elseif {$tooltip_timer eq {}} {
set tooltip_timer [after 1000 [cb _open_tooltip $cur_w]]
method _open_tooltip {cur_w} {
set tooltip_timer {}
set pos_x [winfo pointerx $cur_w]
set pos_y [winfo pointery $cur_w]
if {[winfo containing $pos_x $pos_y] ne $cur_w} {
_hide_tooltip $this
if {$tooltip_wm ne "$cur_w.tooltip"} {
_hide_tooltip $this
set tooltip_wm [toplevel $cur_w.tooltip -borderwidth 1]
wm overrideredirect $tooltip_wm 1
wm transient $tooltip_wm [winfo toplevel $cur_w]
set tooltip_t $tooltip_wm.label
text $tooltip_t \
-takefocus 0 \
-highlightthickness 0 \
-relief flat \
-borderwidth 0 \
-wrap none \
-background lightyellow \
-foreground black
$tooltip_t tag conf section_header -font font_uibold
pack $tooltip_t
} else {
$tooltip_t conf -state normal
$tooltip_t delete 0.0 end
set pos @[join [list \
[expr {$pos_x - [winfo rootx $cur_w]}] \
[expr {$pos_y - [winfo rooty $cur_w]}]] ,]
set lno [lindex [split [$cur_w index $pos] .] 0]
if {$cur_w eq $w_amov} {
set dat [lindex $amov_data $lno]
set org {}
} else {
set dat [lindex $asim_data $lno]
set org [lindex $amov_data $lno]
if {$dat eq {}} {
_hide_tooltip $this
set cmit [lindex $dat 0]
set tooltip_commit [list $cmit]
set author_name {}
set summary {}
set author_time {}
catch {set author_name $header($cmit,author)}
catch {set summary $header($cmit,summary)}
catch {set author_time [format_date $header($cmit,author-time)]}
$tooltip_t insert end "commit $cmit\n"
$tooltip_t insert end "$author_name $author_time\n"
$tooltip_t insert end "$summary"
if {$org ne {} && [lindex $org 0] ne $cmit} {
set save [$tooltip_t get 0.0 end]
$tooltip_t delete 0.0 end
set cmit [lindex $org 0]
set file [lindex $org 1]
lappend tooltip_commit $cmit
set author_name {}
set summary {}
set author_time {}
catch {set author_name $header($cmit,author)}
catch {set summary $header($cmit,summary)}
catch {set author_time [format_date $header($cmit,author-time)]}
$tooltip_t insert end [strcat [mc "Originally By:"] "\n"] section_header
$tooltip_t insert end "commit $cmit\n"
$tooltip_t insert end "$author_name $author_time\n"
$tooltip_t insert end "$summary\n"
if {$file ne $path} {
$tooltip_t insert end [strcat [mc "In File:"] " "] section_header
$tooltip_t insert end "$file\n"
$tooltip_t insert end "\n"
$tooltip_t insert end [strcat [mc "Copied Or Moved Here By:"] "\n"] section_header
$tooltip_t insert end $save
$tooltip_t conf -state disabled
_position_tooltip $this
# On MacOS raising a window causes it to acquire focus.
# Tk 8.5 on MacOS seems to properly support wm transient,
# so we can safely counter the effect there.
if {$::have_tk85 && [is_MacOSX]} {
if {$w eq {}} {
raise .
} else {
raise $w
method _position_tooltip {} {
set max_h [lindex [split [$tooltip_t index end] .] 0]
set max_w 0
for {set i 1} {$i <= $max_h} {incr i} {
set c [lindex [split [$tooltip_t index "$i.0 lineend"] .] 1]
if {$c > $max_w} {set max_w $c}
$tooltip_t conf -width $max_w -height $max_h
set req_w [winfo reqwidth $tooltip_t]
set req_h [winfo reqheight $tooltip_t]
set pos_x [expr {[winfo pointerx .] + 5}]
set pos_y [expr {[winfo pointery .] + 10}]
set g "${req_w}x${req_h}"
if {$pos_x >= 0} {append g +}
append g $pos_x
if {$pos_y >= 0} {append g +}
append g $pos_y
wm geometry $tooltip_wm $g
if {![is_MacOSX]} {
raise $tooltip_wm
method _hide_tooltip {} {
if {$tooltip_wm ne {}} {
destroy $tooltip_wm
set tooltip_wm {}
set tooltip_commit {}
if {$tooltip_timer ne {}} {
after cancel $tooltip_timer
set tooltip_timer {}
method _resize {new_height} {
set diff [expr {$new_height - $old_height}]
if {$diff == 0} return
set my [expr {[winfo height $w.file_pane] - 25}]
set o [$w.file_pane sash coord 0]
set ox [lindex $o 0]
set oy [expr {[lindex $o 1] + $diff}]
if {$oy < 0} {set oy 0}
if {$oy > $my} {set oy $my}
$w.file_pane sash place 0 $ox $oy
set old_height $new_height