Asciidoc-include it into the manuals for programs that use the --pretty command-line option, for consistency among the docs. This describes all the pretty-formats currently listed in the cmit_fmt enum in commit.h, and also briefly describes the presence and format of the 'Merge: ' line in some pretty formats. There's a hedge that limiting your view of history can affect what goes in the Merge: line, and that --abbrev/--no-abbrev do nothing to the 'raw' format. Signed-off-by: Chris Riddoch <chris@syntacticsugar.org> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <junkio@cox.net>
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Pretty-prints the details of a commit. `--pretty`
without an explicit `=<format>` defaults to 'medium'.
If the commit is a merge, and if the pretty-format
is not 'oneline', 'email' or 'raw', an additional line is
inserted before the 'Author:' line. This line begins with
"Merge: " and the sha1s of ancestral commits are printed,
separated by spaces. Note that the listed commits may not
necessarily be the list of the *direct* parent commits if you
have limited your view of history: for example, if you are
only interested in changes related to a certain directory or
file. Here are some additional details for each format:
* 'oneline'
<sha1> <title line>
This is designed to be as compact as possible.
* 'short'
commit <sha1>
Author: <author>
<title line>
* 'medium'
commit <sha1>
Author: <author>
Date: <date>
<title line>
<full commit message>
* 'full'
commit <sha1>
Author: <author>
Commit: <committer>
<title line>
<full commit message>
* 'fuller'
commit <sha1>
Author: <author>
AuthorDate: <date & time>
Commit: <committer>
CommitDate: <date & time>
<title line>
<full commit message>
* 'email'
From <sha1> <date>
From: <author>
Date: <date & time>
Subject: [PATCH] <title line>
full commit message>
* 'raw'
The 'raw' format shows the entire commit exactly as
stored in the commit object. Notably, the SHA1s are
displayed in full, regardless of whether --abbrev or
--no-abbrev are used, and 'parents' information show the
true parent commits, without taking grafts nor history
simplification into account.