-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1 iQIcBAABCAAGBQJYCJqmAAoJEDn3Aot9nM55uKQP/11BTzhOr9K3SLzwCr01ylGP 94AOA511vx3fIX5aWQ29S96tGbluo73RdbVsWFKKJcKSErpFPscFEiRkyjeMXE2T yWWOPOg08tm28ppZNp0Kqjb8VykUUKuG6gVT59DNFUZUqHYQbiQy+t8nwT+Qow3U dvo6lksovfSaW2FORWIi5KF5gD4v2F9qsbFgr725a8UoBrOmF0SWaCG4/ZYj0WxF 0rq8LjpvmMuQqd06DAoGMIsHa71R61En2QWfJ4YoE5+QRq8wQl37FmX+ojiA1rzY CG/vJO2Tw4v54wHKK1TCXG7LR4JhTcQZOa6zd8HHsPRn+viGDCMVUG9uMewfxH+m F47EVMxiKf0subm3fUhycqkvso0r6mOAddhz47RKT7tqU4XOnhPyGw0x6m7evawg Sz2+fOK3wwX2Qec5o3vBZKaEcOftSrLuZmbi5/j43crvcf+OAs9s/jdq/Ulpkks2 JI2i0DLzHABTbDn6QsuysEZnituks8T8Fdm5NOldritgBNVY81ifatekFscxt6Ct OrT9eGJk6iZiX1RvS+R7wykKJCBkxiyHqM8vSj5tPWjApgtnopPMudzNX41geaL9 ADeb8LVMTTNL/md8KED0deypilcPNnPbW035rAbyCpAsKbtgO3zdfzdzxsQ+dIvc MQpCDP5QPPr3toRVdNmb =VyhL -----END PGP SIGNATURE----- Merge tag 'gitgui-0.21.0' of git://repo.or.cz/git-gui git-gui 0.21.0 * tag 'gitgui-0.21.0' of git://repo.or.cz/git-gui: (22 commits) git-gui: set version 0.21 git-gui: Mark 'All' in remote.tcl for translation git-gui i18n: Updated Bulgarian translation (565,0f,0u) git-gui: avoid persisting modified author identity git-gui: handle the encoding of Git's output correctly git-gui: unicode file name support on windows git-gui: Update Russian translation git-gui: maintain backwards compatibility for merge syntax git-gui i18n: mark string in lib/error.tcl for translation git-gui: fix incorrect use of Tcl append command git-gui i18n: mark "usage:" strings for translation git-gui i18n: internationalize use of colon punctuation git-gui: ensure the file in the diff pane is in the list of selected files git-gui: support for $FILENAMES in tool definitions git-gui: fix initial git gui message encoding git-gui/po/glossary/txt-to-pot.sh: use the $( ... ) construct for command substitution git-gui (Windows): use git-gui.exe in `Create Desktop Shortcut` git-gui: fix detection of Cygwin Amend tab ordering and text widget border and highlighting. Allow keyboard control to work in the staging widgets. ...
485 lines
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485 lines
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# git-gui index (add/remove) support
# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
proc _delete_indexlock {} {
if {[catch {file delete -- [gitdir index.lock]} err]} {
error_popup [strcat [mc "Unable to unlock the index."] "\n\n$err"]
proc _close_updateindex {fd after} {
global use_ttk NS
fconfigure $fd -blocking 1
if {[catch {close $fd} err]} {
set w .indexfried
Dialog $w
wm withdraw $w
wm title $w [strcat "[appname] ([reponame]): " [mc "Index Error"]]
wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
set s [mc "Updating the Git index failed. A rescan will be automatically started to resynchronize git-gui."]
text $w.msg -yscrollcommand [list $w.vs set] \
-width [string length $s] -relief flat \
-borderwidth 0 -highlightthickness 0 \
-background [get_bg_color $w]
$w.msg tag configure bold -font font_uibold -justify center
${NS}::scrollbar $w.vs -command [list $w.msg yview]
$w.msg insert end $s bold \n\n$err {}
$w.msg configure -state disabled
${NS}::button $w.continue \
-text [mc "Continue"] \
-command [list destroy $w]
${NS}::button $w.unlock \
-text [mc "Unlock Index"] \
-command "destroy $w; _delete_indexlock"
grid $w.msg - $w.vs -sticky news
grid $w.unlock $w.continue - -sticky se -padx 2 -pady 2
grid columnconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
grid rowconfigure $w 0 -weight 1
wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW update
bind $w.continue <Visibility> "
grab $w
focus %W
wm deiconify $w
tkwait window $w
$::main_status stop
rescan $after 0
$::main_status stop
uplevel #0 $after
proc update_indexinfo {msg pathList after} {
global update_index_cp
if {![lock_index update]} return
set update_index_cp 0
set pathList [lsort $pathList]
set totalCnt [llength $pathList]
set batch [expr {int($totalCnt * .01) + 1}]
if {$batch > 25} {set batch 25}
$::main_status start $msg [mc "files"]
set fd [git_write update-index -z --index-info]
fconfigure $fd \
-blocking 0 \
-buffering full \
-buffersize 512 \
-encoding binary \
-translation binary
fileevent $fd writable [list \
write_update_indexinfo \
$fd \
$pathList \
$totalCnt \
$batch \
$after \
proc write_update_indexinfo {fd pathList totalCnt batch after} {
global update_index_cp
global file_states current_diff_path
if {$update_index_cp >= $totalCnt} {
_close_updateindex $fd $after
for {set i $batch} \
{$update_index_cp < $totalCnt && $i > 0} \
{incr i -1} {
set path [lindex $pathList $update_index_cp]
incr update_index_cp
set s $file_states($path)
switch -glob -- [lindex $s 0] {
A? {set new _O}
MT -
TM -
T_ {set new _T}
M? {set new _M}
TD -
D_ {set new _D}
D? {set new _?}
?? {continue}
set info [lindex $s 2]
if {$info eq {}} continue
puts -nonewline $fd "$info\t[encoding convertto utf-8 $path]\0"
display_file $path $new
$::main_status update $update_index_cp $totalCnt
proc update_index {msg pathList after} {
global update_index_cp
if {![lock_index update]} return
set update_index_cp 0
set pathList [lsort $pathList]
set totalCnt [llength $pathList]
set batch [expr {int($totalCnt * .01) + 1}]
if {$batch > 25} {set batch 25}
$::main_status start $msg [mc "files"]
set fd [git_write update-index --add --remove -z --stdin]
fconfigure $fd \
-blocking 0 \
-buffering full \
-buffersize 512 \
-encoding binary \
-translation binary
fileevent $fd writable [list \
write_update_index \
$fd \
$pathList \
$totalCnt \
$batch \
$after \
proc write_update_index {fd pathList totalCnt batch after} {
global update_index_cp
global file_states current_diff_path
if {$update_index_cp >= $totalCnt} {
_close_updateindex $fd $after
for {set i $batch} \
{$update_index_cp < $totalCnt && $i > 0} \
{incr i -1} {
set path [lindex $pathList $update_index_cp]
incr update_index_cp
switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
AD {set new __}
?D {set new D_}
_O -
AT -
AM {set new A_}
TM -
MT -
_T {set new T_}
_U -
U? {
if {[file exists $path]} {
set new M_
} else {
set new D_
?M {set new M_}
?? {continue}
puts -nonewline $fd "[encoding convertto utf-8 $path]\0"
display_file $path $new
$::main_status update $update_index_cp $totalCnt
proc checkout_index {msg pathList after} {
global update_index_cp
if {![lock_index update]} return
set update_index_cp 0
set pathList [lsort $pathList]
set totalCnt [llength $pathList]
set batch [expr {int($totalCnt * .01) + 1}]
if {$batch > 25} {set batch 25}
$::main_status start $msg [mc "files"]
set fd [git_write checkout-index \
--index \
--quiet \
--force \
-z \
--stdin \
fconfigure $fd \
-blocking 0 \
-buffering full \
-buffersize 512 \
-encoding binary \
-translation binary
fileevent $fd writable [list \
write_checkout_index \
$fd \
$pathList \
$totalCnt \
$batch \
$after \
proc write_checkout_index {fd pathList totalCnt batch after} {
global update_index_cp
global file_states current_diff_path
if {$update_index_cp >= $totalCnt} {
_close_updateindex $fd $after
for {set i $batch} \
{$update_index_cp < $totalCnt && $i > 0} \
{incr i -1} {
set path [lindex $pathList $update_index_cp]
incr update_index_cp
switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
U? {continue}
?M -
?T -
?D {
puts -nonewline $fd "[encoding convertto utf-8 $path]\0"
display_file $path ?_
$::main_status update $update_index_cp $totalCnt
proc unstage_helper {txt paths} {
global file_states current_diff_path
if {![lock_index begin-update]} return
set pathList [list]
set after {}
foreach path $paths {
switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
A? -
M? -
T? -
D? {
lappend pathList $path
if {$path eq $current_diff_path} {
set after {reshow_diff;}
if {$pathList eq {}} {
} else {
update_indexinfo \
$txt \
$pathList \
[concat $after [list ui_ready]]
proc do_unstage_selection {} {
global current_diff_path selected_paths
if {[array size selected_paths] > 0} {
unstage_helper \
[mc "Unstaging selected files from commit"] \
[array names selected_paths]
} elseif {$current_diff_path ne {}} {
unstage_helper \
[mc "Unstaging %s from commit" [short_path $current_diff_path]] \
[list $current_diff_path]
proc add_helper {txt paths} {
global file_states current_diff_path
if {![lock_index begin-update]} return
set pathList [list]
set after {}
foreach path $paths {
switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
_U -
U? {
if {$path eq $current_diff_path} {
merge_stage_workdir $path
_O -
?M -
?D -
?T {
lappend pathList $path
if {$path eq $current_diff_path} {
set after {reshow_diff;}
if {$pathList eq {}} {
} else {
update_index \
$txt \
$pathList \
[concat $after {ui_status [mc "Ready to commit."]}]
proc do_add_selection {} {
global current_diff_path selected_paths
if {[array size selected_paths] > 0} {
add_helper \
[mc "Adding selected files"] \
[array names selected_paths]
} elseif {$current_diff_path ne {}} {
add_helper \
[mc "Adding %s" [short_path $current_diff_path]] \
[list $current_diff_path]
proc do_add_all {} {
global file_states
set paths [list]
set untracked_paths [list]
foreach path [array names file_states] {
switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
U? {continue}
?M -
?T -
?D {lappend paths $path}
?O {lappend untracked_paths $path}
if {[llength $untracked_paths]} {
set reply 0
switch -- [get_config gui.stageuntracked] {
no {
set reply 0
yes {
set reply 1
ask -
default {
set reply [ask_popup [mc "Stage %d untracked files?" \
[llength $untracked_paths]]]
if {$reply} {
set paths [concat $paths $untracked_paths]
add_helper [mc "Adding all changed files"] $paths
proc revert_helper {txt paths} {
global file_states current_diff_path
if {![lock_index begin-update]} return
set pathList [list]
set after {}
foreach path $paths {
switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
U? {continue}
?M -
?T -
?D {
lappend pathList $path
if {$path eq $current_diff_path} {
set after {reshow_diff;}
# Split question between singular and plural cases, because
# such distinction is needed in some languages. Previously, the
# code used "Revert changes in" for both, but that can't work
# in languages where 'in' must be combined with word from
# rest of string (in different way for both cases of course).
# FIXME: Unfortunately, even that isn't enough in some languages
# as they have quite complex plural-form rules. Unfortunately,
# msgcat doesn't seem to support that kind of string translation.
set n [llength $pathList]
if {$n == 0} {
} elseif {$n == 1} {
set query [mc "Revert changes in file %s?" [short_path [lindex $pathList]]]
} else {
set query [mc "Revert changes in these %i files?" $n]
set reply [tk_dialog \
.confirm_revert \
"[appname] ([reponame])" \
[mc "Any unstaged changes will be permanently lost by the revert."]" \
question \
1 \
[mc "Do Nothing"] \
[mc "Revert Changes"] \
if {$reply == 1} {
checkout_index \
$txt \
$pathList \
[concat $after [list ui_ready]]
} else {
proc do_revert_selection {} {
global current_diff_path selected_paths
if {[array size selected_paths] > 0} {
revert_helper \
[mc "Reverting selected files"] \
[array names selected_paths]
} elseif {$current_diff_path ne {}} {
revert_helper \
[mc "Reverting %s" [short_path $current_diff_path]] \
[list $current_diff_path]
proc do_select_commit_type {} {
global commit_type selected_commit_type
if {$selected_commit_type eq {new}
&& [string match amend* $commit_type]} {
} elseif {$selected_commit_type eq {amend}
&& ![string match amend* $commit_type]} {
# The amend request was rejected...
if {![string match amend* $commit_type]} {
set selected_commit_type new