People that redirect STDOUT output should always see STDERR prompts interactively. STDERR should always be flushed without buffering, so they should always show up. If that is unset, we still explicitly flush by calling STDERR->flush. The svn command-line client prompts to STDERR, too. Signed-off-by: Eric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <junkio@cox.net>
3064 lines
80 KiB
Executable File
3064 lines
80 KiB
Executable File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# Copyright (C) 2006, Eric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>
# License: GPL v2 or later
use warnings;
use strict;
use vars qw/ $AUTHOR $VERSION
$AUTHOR = 'Eric Wong <normalperson@yhbt.net>';
use Cwd qw/abs_path/;
$GIT_DIR = abs_path($ENV{GIT_DIR} || '.git');
my $LC_ALL = $ENV{LC_ALL};
my $TZ = $ENV{TZ};
# make sure the svn binary gives consistent output between locales and TZs:
$ENV{TZ} = 'UTC';
$ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C';
$| = 1; # unbuffer STDOUT
# properties that we do not log:
my %SKIP = ( 'svn:wc:ra_dav:version-url' => 1,
'svn:special' => 1,
'svn:executable' => 1,
'svn:entry:committed-rev' => 1,
'svn:entry:last-author' => 1,
'svn:entry:uuid' => 1,
'svn:entry:committed-date' => 1,
sub fatal (@) { print STDERR @_; exit 1 }
require SVN::Core; # use()-ing this causes segfaults for me... *shrug*
require SVN::Ra;
require SVN::Delta;
if ($SVN::Core::VERSION lt '1.1.0') {
fatal "Need SVN::Core 1.1.0 or better (got $SVN::Core::VERSION)\n";
push @SVN::Git::Editor::ISA, 'SVN::Delta::Editor';
push @SVN::Git::Fetcher::ISA, 'SVN::Delta::Editor';
*SVN::Git::Fetcher::process_rm = *process_rm;
use Carp qw/croak/;
use IO::File qw//;
use File::Basename qw/dirname basename/;
use File::Path qw/mkpath/;
use Getopt::Long qw/:config gnu_getopt no_ignore_case auto_abbrev pass_through/;
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
use IPC::Open3;
use Memoize;
use Git qw/command command_oneline command_noisy
command_output_pipe command_input_pipe command_close_pipe/;
my ($SVN);
my $_optimize_commits = 1 unless $ENV{GIT_SVN_NO_OPTIMIZE_COMMITS};
my $sha1 = qr/[a-f\d]{40}/;
my $sha1_short = qr/[a-f\d]{4,40}/;
my $_esc_color = qr/(?:\033\[(?:(?:\d+;)*\d*)?m)*/;
my ($_revision,$_stdin,$_no_ignore_ext,$_no_stop_copy,$_help,$_rmdir,$_edit,
$_find_copies_harder, $_l, $_cp_similarity, $_cp_remote,
$_repack, $_repack_nr, $_repack_flags, $_q,
$_message, $_file, $_follow_parent, $_no_metadata,
$_template, $_shared, $_no_default_regex, $_no_graft_copy,
$_limit, $_verbose, $_incremental, $_oneline, $_l_fmt, $_show_commit,
$_version, $_upgrade, $_authors, $_branch_all_refs, @_opt_m,
$_merge, $_strategy, $_dry_run, $_ignore_nodate, $_non_recursive,
$_username, $_config_dir, $_no_auth_cache,
$_pager, $_color, $_prefix);
my (@_branch_from, %tree_map, %users, %rusers, %equiv);
my ($_svn_can_do_switch);
my @repo_path_split_cache;
my %fc_opts = ( 'no-ignore-externals' => \$_no_ignore_ext,
'branch|b=s' => \@_branch_from,
'follow-parent|follow' => \$_follow_parent,
'branch-all-refs|B' => \$_branch_all_refs,
'authors-file|A=s' => \$_authors,
'repack:i' => \$_repack,
'no-metadata' => \$_no_metadata,
'quiet|q' => \$_q,
'username=s' => \$_username,
'config-dir=s' => \$_config_dir,
'no-auth-cache' => \$_no_auth_cache,
'ignore-nodate' => \$_ignore_nodate,
'repack-flags|repack-args|repack-opts=s' => \$_repack_flags);
my ($_trunk, $_tags, $_branches);
my %multi_opts = ( 'trunk|T=s' => \$_trunk,
'tags|t=s' => \$_tags,
'branches|b=s' => \$_branches );
my %init_opts = ( 'template=s' => \$_template, 'shared' => \$_shared );
my %cmt_opts = ( 'edit|e' => \$_edit,
'rmdir' => \$_rmdir,
'find-copies-harder' => \$_find_copies_harder,
'l=i' => \$_l,
'copy-similarity|C=i'=> \$_cp_similarity
my %cmd = (
fetch => [ \&cmd_fetch, "Download new revisions from SVN",
{ 'revision|r=s' => \$_revision, %fc_opts } ],
init => [ \&init, "Initialize a repo for tracking" .
" (requires URL argument)",
\%init_opts ],
dcommit => [ \&dcommit, 'Commit several diffs to merge with upstream',
{ 'merge|m|M' => \$_merge,
'strategy|s=s' => \$_strategy,
'dry-run|n' => \$_dry_run,
%cmt_opts, %fc_opts } ],
'set-tree' => [ \&commit, "Set an SVN repository to a git tree-ish",
{ 'stdin|' => \$_stdin, %cmt_opts, %fc_opts, } ],
'show-ignore' => [ \&show_ignore, "Show svn:ignore listings",
{ 'revision|r=i' => \$_revision } ],
rebuild => [ \&rebuild, "Rebuild git-svn metadata (after git clone)",
{ 'no-ignore-externals' => \$_no_ignore_ext,
'copy-remote|remote=s' => \$_cp_remote,
'upgrade' => \$_upgrade } ],
'graft-branches' => [ \&graft_branches,
'Detect merges/branches from already imported history',
{ 'merge-rx|m' => \@_opt_m,
'branch|b=s' => \@_branch_from,
'branch-all-refs|B' => \$_branch_all_refs,
'no-default-regex' => \$_no_default_regex,
'no-graft-copy' => \$_no_graft_copy } ],
'multi-init' => [ \&multi_init,
'Initialize multiple trees (like git-svnimport)',
{ %multi_opts, %init_opts,
'revision|r=i' => \$_revision,
'username=s' => \$_username,
'config-dir=s' => \$_config_dir,
'no-auth-cache' => \$_no_auth_cache,
'prefix=s' => \$_prefix,
} ],
'multi-fetch' => [ \&multi_fetch,
'Fetch multiple trees (like git-svnimport)',
\%fc_opts ],
'log' => [ \&show_log, 'Show commit logs',
{ 'limit=i' => \$_limit,
'revision|r=s' => \$_revision,
'verbose|v' => \$_verbose,
'incremental' => \$_incremental,
'oneline' => \$_oneline,
'show-commit' => \$_show_commit,
'non-recursive' => \$_non_recursive,
'authors-file|A=s' => \$_authors,
'color' => \$_color,
'pager=s' => \$_pager,
} ],
'commit-diff' => [ \&commit_diff, 'Commit a diff between two trees',
{ 'message|m=s' => \$_message,
'file|F=s' => \$_file,
'revision|r=s' => \$_revision,
%cmt_opts } ],
my $cmd;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @ARGV; $i++) {
if (defined $cmd{$ARGV[$i]}) {
$cmd = $ARGV[$i];
splice @ARGV, $i, 1;
my %opts = %{$cmd{$cmd}->[2]} if (defined $cmd);
my $rv = GetOptions(%opts, 'help|H|h' => \$_help,
'version|V' => \$_version,
'id|i=s' => \$GIT_SVN);
exit 1 if (!$rv && $cmd ne 'log');
usage(0) if $_help;
version() if $_version;
usage(1) unless defined $cmd;
load_authors() if $_authors;
load_all_refs() if $_branch_all_refs;
migration_check() unless $cmd =~ /^(?:init|rebuild|multi-init|commit-diff)$/;
exit 0;
####################### primary functions ######################
sub usage {
my $exit = shift || 0;
my $fd = $exit ? \*STDERR : \*STDOUT;
print $fd <<"";
git-svn - bidirectional operations between a single Subversion tree and git
Usage: $0 <command> [options] [arguments]\n
print $fd "Available commands:\n" unless $cmd;
foreach (sort keys %cmd) {
next if $cmd && $cmd ne $_;
print $fd ' ',pack('A17',$_),$cmd{$_}->[1],"\n";
foreach (keys %{$cmd{$_}->[2]}) {
# prints out arguments as they should be passed:
my $x = s#[:=]s$## ? '<arg>' : s#[:=]i$## ? '<num>' : '';
print $fd ' ' x 21, join(', ', map { length $_ > 1 ?
"--$_" : "-$_" }
split /\|/,$_)," $x\n";
print $fd <<"";
\nGIT_SVN_ID may be set in the environment or via the --id/-i switch to an
arbitrary identifier if you're tracking multiple SVN branches/repositories in
one git repository and want to keep them separate. See git-svn(1) for more
exit $exit;
sub version {
print "git-svn version $VERSION (svn $SVN::Core::VERSION)\n";
exit 0;
sub rebuild {
if (!verify_ref("refs/remotes/$GIT_SVN^0")) {
$SVN_URL = shift or undef;
my $newest_rev = 0;
if ($_upgrade) {
} else {
my ($rev_list, $ctx) = command_output_pipe("rev-list",
my $latest;
while (<$rev_list>) {
my $c = $_;
croak "Non-SHA1: $c\n" unless $c =~ /^$sha1$/o;
my @commit = grep(/^git-svn-id: /,
command(qw/cat-file commit/, $c));
next if (!@commit); # skip merges
my ($url, $rev, $uuid) = extract_metadata($commit[$#commit]);
if (!defined $rev || !$uuid) {
croak "Unable to extract revision or UUID from ",
"$c, $commit[$#commit]\n";
# if we merged or otherwise started elsewhere, this is
# how we break out of it
next if (defined $SVN_UUID && ($uuid ne $SVN_UUID));
next if (defined $SVN_URL && defined $url && ($url ne $SVN_URL));
unless (defined $latest) {
if (!$SVN_URL && !$url) {
croak "SVN repository location required: $url\n";
$SVN_URL ||= $url;
$SVN_UUID ||= $uuid;
$latest = $rev;
revdb_set($REVDB, $rev, $c);
print "r$rev = $c\n";
$newest_rev = $rev if ($rev > $newest_rev);
command_close_pipe($rev_list, $ctx);
sub init {
my $url = shift or die "SVN repository location required " .
"as a command-line argument\n";
$url =~ s!/+$!!; # strip trailing slash
if (my $repo_path = shift) {
unless (-d $repo_path) {
$GIT_DIR = $ENV{GIT_DIR} = $repo_path . "/.git";
$SVN_URL = $url;
unless (-d $GIT_DIR) {
my @init_db = ('init');
push @init_db, "--template=$_template" if defined $_template;
push @init_db, "--shared" if defined $_shared;
sub cmd_fetch {
fetch_child_id($GIT_SVN, @_);
sub fetch {
$SVN_URL ||= file_to_s("$GIT_SVN_DIR/info/url");
my $ret = fetch_lib(@_);
if ($ret->{commit} && !verify_ref('refs/heads/master^0')) {
command_noisy(qw(update-ref refs/heads/master),$ret->{commit});
return $ret;
sub fetch_lib {
my (@parents) = @_;
$SVN_URL ||= file_to_s("$GIT_SVN_DIR/info/url");
$SVN ||= libsvn_connect($SVN_URL);
my ($last_rev, $last_commit) = svn_grab_base_rev();
my ($base, $head) = libsvn_parse_revision($last_rev);
if ($base > $head) {
return { revision => $last_rev, commit => $last_commit }
my $index = set_index($GIT_SVN_INDEX);
# limit ourselves and also fork() since get_log won't release memory
# after processing a revision and SVN stuff seems to leak
my $inc = 1000;
my ($min, $max) = ($base, $head < $base+$inc ? $head : $base+$inc);
if (defined $last_commit) {
unless (-e $GIT_SVN_INDEX) {
command_noisy('read-tree', $last_commit);
my $x = command_oneline('write-tree');
my ($y) = (command(qw/cat-file commit/, $last_commit)
=~ /^tree ($sha1)/m);
if ($y ne $x) {
unlink $GIT_SVN_INDEX or croak $!;
command_noisy('read-tree', $last_commit);
$x = command_oneline('write-tree');
if ($y ne $x) {
print STDERR "trees ($last_commit) $y != $x\n",
"Something is seriously wrong...\n";
while (1) {
# fork, because using SVN::Pool with get_log() still doesn't
# seem to help enough to keep memory usage down.
defined(my $pid = fork) or croak $!;
if (!$pid) {
$SVN::Error::handler = \&libsvn_skip_unknown_revs;
# Yes I'm perfectly aware that the fourth argument
# below is the limit revisions number. Unfortunately
# performance sucks with it enabled, so it's much
# faster to fetch revision ranges instead of relying
# on the limiter.
libsvn_get_log(libsvn_dup_ra($SVN), [''],
$min, $max, 0, 1, 1,
sub {
my $log_msg;
if ($last_commit) {
$log_msg = libsvn_fetch(
$last_commit, @_);
$last_commit = git_commit(
} else {
$log_msg = libsvn_new_tree(@_);
$last_commit = git_commit(
$log_msg, @parents);
exit 0;
waitpid $pid, 0;
croak $? if $?;
($last_rev, $last_commit) = svn_grab_base_rev();
last if ($max >= $head);
$min = $max + 1;
$max += $inc;
$max = $head if ($max > $head);
$SVN = libsvn_connect($SVN_URL);
return { revision => $last_rev, commit => $last_commit };
sub commit {
my (@commits) = @_;
if ($_stdin || !@commits) {
print "Reading from stdin...\n";
@commits = ();
while (<STDIN>) {
if (/\b($sha1_short)\b/o) {
unshift @commits, $1;
my @revs;
foreach my $c (@commits) {
my @tmp = command('rev-parse',$c);
if (scalar @tmp == 1) {
push @revs, $tmp[0];
} elsif (scalar @tmp > 1) {
push @revs, reverse(command('rev-list',@tmp));
} else {
die "Failed to rev-parse $c\n";
print "Done committing ",scalar @revs," revisions to SVN\n";
sub commit_lib {
my (@revs) = @_;
my ($r_last, $cmt_last) = svn_grab_base_rev();
defined $r_last or die "Must have an existing revision to commit\n";
my $fetched = fetch();
if ($r_last != $fetched->{revision}) {
print STDERR "There are new revisions that were fetched ",
"and need to be merged (or acknowledged) ",
"before committing.\n",
"last rev: $r_last\n",
" current: $fetched->{revision}\n";
exit 1;
my @lock = $SVN::Core::VERSION ge '1.2.0' ? (undef, 0) : ();
my $commit_msg = "$GIT_SVN_DIR/.svn-commit.tmp.$$";
my $repo;
foreach my $c (@revs) {
my $log_msg = get_commit_message($c, $commit_msg);
# fork for each commit because there's a memory leak I
# can't track down... (it's probably in the SVN code)
defined(my $pid = open my $fh, '-|') or croak $!;
if (!$pid) {
my $ed = SVN::Git::Editor->new(
{ r => $r_last,
ra => libsvn_dup_ra($SVN),
c => $c,
svn_path => $SVN->{svn_path},
sub {
@_, $c,
my $mods = libsvn_checkout_tree($cmt_last, $c, $ed);
if (@$mods == 0) {
print "No changes\nr$r_last = $cmt_last\n";
} else {
exit 0;
my ($r_new, $cmt_new, $no);
while (<$fh>) {
print $_;
if (/^r(\d+) = ($sha1)$/o) {
($r_new, $cmt_new) = ($1, $2);
} elsif ($_ eq 'No changes') {
$no = 1;
close $fh or exit 1;
if (! defined $r_new && ! defined $cmt_new) {
unless ($no) {
die "Failed to parse revision information\n";
} else {
($r_last, $cmt_last) = ($r_new, $cmt_new);
$ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C';
unlink $commit_msg;
sub dcommit {
my $head = shift || 'HEAD';
my $gs = "refs/remotes/$GIT_SVN";
my @refs = command(qw/rev-list --no-merges/, "$gs..$head");
my $last_rev;
foreach my $d (reverse @refs) {
if (!verify_ref("$d~1")) {
die "Commit $d\n",
"has no parent commit, and therefore ",
"nothing to diff against.\n",
"You should be working from a repository ",
"originally created by git-svn\n";
unless (defined $last_rev) {
(undef, $last_rev, undef) = cmt_metadata("$d~1");
unless (defined $last_rev) {
die "Unable to extract revision information ",
"from commit $d~1\n";
if ($_dry_run) {
print "diff-tree $d~1 $d\n";
} else {
if (my $r = commit_diff("$d~1", $d, undef, $last_rev)) {
$last_rev = $r;
} # else: no changes, same $last_rev
return if $_dry_run;
my @diff = command('diff-tree', 'HEAD', $gs, '--');
my @finish;
if (@diff) {
@finish = qw/rebase/;
push @finish, qw/--merge/ if $_merge;
push @finish, "--strategy=$_strategy" if $_strategy;
print STDERR "W: HEAD and $gs differ, using @finish:\n", @diff;
} else {
print "No changes between current HEAD and $gs\n",
"Resetting to the latest $gs\n";
@finish = qw/reset --mixed/;
command_noisy(@finish, $gs);
sub show_ignore {
$SVN_URL ||= file_to_s("$GIT_SVN_DIR/info/url");
my $repo;
$SVN ||= libsvn_connect($SVN_URL);
my $r = defined $_revision ? $_revision : $SVN->get_latest_revnum;
libsvn_traverse_ignore(\*STDOUT, '', $r);
sub graft_branches {
my $gr_file = "$GIT_DIR/info/grafts";
my ($grafts, $comments) = read_grafts($gr_file);
my $gr_sha1;
if (%$grafts) {
# temporarily disable our grafts file to make this idempotent
chomp($gr_sha1 = command(qw/hash-object -w/,$gr_file));
rename $gr_file, "$gr_file~$gr_sha1" or croak $!;
my $l_map = read_url_paths();
my @re = map { qr/$_/is } @_opt_m if @_opt_m;
unless ($_no_default_regex) {
push @re, (qr/\b(?:merge|merging|merged)\s+with\s+([\w\.\-]+)/i,
qr/\b(?:from|of)\s+([\w\.\-]+)/i );
foreach my $u (keys %$l_map) {
if (@re) {
foreach my $p (keys %{$l_map->{$u}}) {
unless ($_no_graft_copy) {
write_grafts($grafts, $comments, $gr_file);
unlink "$gr_file~$gr_sha1" if $gr_sha1;
sub multi_init {
my $url = shift;
unless (defined $_trunk || defined $_branches || defined $_tags) {
if (defined $_trunk) {
my $trunk_url = complete_svn_url($url, $_trunk);
my $ch_id;
if ($GIT_SVN eq 'git-svn') {
$ch_id = 1;
$GIT_SVN = $ENV{GIT_SVN_ID} = 'trunk';
unless (-d $GIT_SVN_DIR) {
if ($ch_id) {
print "GIT_SVN_ID set to 'trunk' for ",
"$trunk_url ($_trunk)\n";
command_noisy('repo-config', 'svn.trunk', $trunk_url);
$_prefix = '' unless defined $_prefix;
complete_url_ls_init($url, $_branches, '--branches/-b', $_prefix);
complete_url_ls_init($url, $_tags, '--tags/-t', $_prefix . 'tags/');
sub multi_fetch {
# try to do trunk first, since branches/tags
# may be descended from it.
if (-e "$GIT_DIR/svn/trunk/info/url") {
fetch_child_id('trunk', @_);
rec_fetch('', "$GIT_DIR/svn", @_);
sub show_log {
my (@args) = @_;
my ($r_min, $r_max);
my $r_last = -1; # prevent dupes
rload_authors() if $_authors;
if (defined $TZ) {
$ENV{TZ} = $TZ;
} else {
delete $ENV{TZ};
if (defined $_revision) {
if ($_revision =~ /^(\d+):(\d+)$/) {
($r_min, $r_max) = ($1, $2);
} elsif ($_revision =~ /^\d+$/) {
$r_min = $r_max = $_revision;
} else {
print STDERR "-r$_revision is not supported, use ",
"standard \'git log\' arguments instead\n";
exit 1;
@args = (git_svn_log_cmd($r_min, $r_max), @args);
my $log = command_output_pipe(@args);
my (@k, $c, $d);
while (<$log>) {
if (/^${_esc_color}commit ($sha1_short)/o) {
my $cmt = $1;
if ($c && cmt_showable($c) && $c->{r} != $r_last) {
$r_last = $c->{r};
process_commit($c, $r_min, $r_max, \@k) or
goto out;
$d = undef;
$c = { c => $cmt };
} elsif (/^${_esc_color}author (.+) (\d+) ([\-\+]?\d+)$/) {
get_author_info($c, $1, $2, $3);
} elsif (/^${_esc_color}(?:tree|parent|committer) /) {
# ignore
} elsif (/^${_esc_color}:\d{6} \d{6} $sha1_short/o) {
push @{$c->{raw}}, $_;
} elsif (/^${_esc_color}[ACRMDT]\t/) {
# we could add $SVN->{svn_path} here, but that requires
# remote access at the moment (repo_path_split)...
s#^(${_esc_color})([ACRMDT])\t#$1 $2 #;
push @{$c->{changed}}, $_;
} elsif (/^${_esc_color}diff /) {
$d = 1;
push @{$c->{diff}}, $_;
} elsif ($d) {
push @{$c->{diff}}, $_;
} elsif (/^${_esc_color} (git-svn-id:.+)$/) {
($c->{url}, $c->{r}, undef) = extract_metadata($1);
} elsif (s/^${_esc_color} //) {
push @{$c->{l}}, $_;
if ($c && defined $c->{r} && $c->{r} != $r_last) {
$r_last = $c->{r};
process_commit($c, $r_min, $r_max, \@k);
if (@k) {
my $swap = $r_max;
$r_max = $r_min;
$r_min = $swap;
process_commit($_, $r_min, $r_max) foreach reverse @k;
eval { command_close_pipe($log) };
print '-' x72,"\n" unless $_incremental || $_oneline;
sub commit_diff_usage {
print STDERR "Usage: $0 commit-diff <tree-ish> <tree-ish> [<URL>]\n";
exit 1
sub commit_diff {
my $ta = shift or commit_diff_usage();
my $tb = shift or commit_diff_usage();
if (!eval { $SVN_URL = shift || file_to_s("$GIT_SVN_DIR/info/url") }) {
print STDERR "Needed URL or usable git-svn id command-line\n";
my $r = shift;
unless (defined $r) {
if (defined $_revision) {
$r = $_revision
} else {
die "-r|--revision is a required argument\n";
if (defined $_message && defined $_file) {
print STDERR "Both --message/-m and --file/-F specified ",
"for the commit message.\n",
"I have no idea what you mean\n";
exit 1;
if (defined $_file) {
$_message = file_to_s($_file);
} else {
$_message ||= get_commit_message($tb,
$SVN ||= libsvn_connect($SVN_URL);
if ($r eq 'HEAD') {
$r = $SVN->get_latest_revnum;
} elsif ($r !~ /^\d+$/) {
die "revision argument: $r not understood by git-svn\n";
my @lock = $SVN::Core::VERSION ge '1.2.0' ? (undef, 0) : ();
my $rev_committed;
my $ed = SVN::Git::Editor->new({ r => $r,
ra => libsvn_dup_ra($SVN),
c => $tb,
svn_path => $SVN->{svn_path}
sub {
$rev_committed = $_[0];
print "Committed $_[0]\n";
}, @lock)
eval {
my $mods = libsvn_checkout_tree($ta, $tb, $ed);
if (@$mods == 0) {
print "No changes\n$ta == $tb\n";
} else {
fatal "$@\n" if $@;
$_message = $_file = undef;
return $rev_committed;
########################### utility functions #########################
sub cmt_showable {
my ($c) = @_;
return 1 if defined $c->{r};
if ($c->{l} && $c->{l}->[-1] eq "...\n" &&
$c->{a_raw} =~ /\@([a-f\d\-]+)>$/) {
my @msg = command(qw/cat-file commit/, $c->{c});
shift @msg while ($msg[0] ne "\n");
shift @msg;
@{$c->{l}} = grep !/^git-svn-id: /, @msg;
(undef, $c->{r}, undef) = extract_metadata(
(grep(/^git-svn-id: /, @msg))[-1]);
return defined $c->{r};
sub log_use_color {
return 1 if $_color;
my ($dc, $dcvar);
$dcvar = 'color.diff';
$dc = `git-repo-config --get $dcvar`;
if ($dc eq '') {
# nothing at all; fallback to "diff.color"
$dcvar = 'diff.color';
$dc = `git-repo-config --get $dcvar`;
if ($dc eq 'auto') {
my $pc;
$pc = `git-repo-config --get color.pager`;
if ($pc eq '') {
# does not have it -- fallback to pager.color
$pc = `git-repo-config --bool --get pager.color`;
else {
$pc = `git-repo-config --bool --get color.pager`;
if ($?) {
$pc = 'false';
if (-t *STDOUT || (defined $_pager && $pc eq 'true')) {
return ($ENV{TERM} && $ENV{TERM} ne 'dumb');
return 0;
return 0 if $dc eq 'never';
return 1 if $dc eq 'always';
chomp($dc = `git-repo-config --bool --get $dcvar`);
return ($dc eq 'true');
sub git_svn_log_cmd {
my ($r_min, $r_max) = @_;
my @cmd = (qw/log --abbrev-commit --pretty=raw
--default/, "refs/remotes/$GIT_SVN");
push @cmd, '-r' unless $_non_recursive;
push @cmd, qw/--raw --name-status/ if $_verbose;
push @cmd, '--color' if log_use_color();
return @cmd unless defined $r_max;
if ($r_max == $r_min) {
push @cmd, '--max-count=1';
if (my $c = revdb_get($REVDB, $r_max)) {
push @cmd, $c;
} else {
my ($c_min, $c_max);
$c_max = revdb_get($REVDB, $r_max);
$c_min = revdb_get($REVDB, $r_min);
if (defined $c_min && defined $c_max) {
if ($r_max > $r_max) {
push @cmd, "$c_min..$c_max";
} else {
push @cmd, "$c_max..$c_min";
} elsif ($r_max > $r_min) {
push @cmd, $c_max;
} else {
push @cmd, $c_min;
return @cmd;
sub fetch_child_id {
my $id = shift;
print "Fetching $id\n";
my $ref = "$GIT_DIR/refs/remotes/$id";
defined(my $pid = open my $fh, '-|') or croak $!;
if (!$pid) {
$GIT_SVN = $ENV{GIT_SVN_ID} = $id;
exit 0;
while (<$fh>) {
print $_;
check_repack() if (/^r\d+ = $sha1/o);
close $fh or croak $?;
sub rec_fetch {
my ($pfx, $p, @args) = @_;
my @dir;
foreach (sort <$p/*>) {
if (-r "$_/info/url") {
$pfx .= '/' if $pfx && $pfx !~ m!/$!;
my $id = $pfx . basename $_;
next if $id eq 'trunk';
fetch_child_id($id, @args);
} elsif (-d $_) {
push @dir, $_;
foreach (@dir) {
my $x = $_;
$x =~ s!^\Q$GIT_DIR\E/svn/!!;
rec_fetch($x, $_);
sub complete_svn_url {
my ($url, $path) = @_;
$path =~ s#/+$##;
$url =~ s#/+$## if $url;
if ($path !~ m#^[a-z\+]+://#) {
$path = '/' . $path if ($path !~ m#^/#);
if (!defined $url || $url !~ m#^[a-z\+]+://#) {
fatal("E: '$path' is not a complete URL ",
"and a separate URL is not specified\n");
$path = $url . $path;
return $path;
sub complete_url_ls_init {
my ($url, $path, $switch, $pfx) = @_;
unless ($path) {
print STDERR "W: $switch not specified\n";
my $full_url = complete_svn_url($url, $path);
my @ls = libsvn_ls_fullurl($full_url);
defined(my $pid = fork) or croak $!;
if (!$pid) {
foreach my $u (map { "$full_url/$_" } (grep m!/$!, @ls)) {
$u =~ s#/+$##;
if ($u !~ m!\Q$full_url\E/(.+)$!) {
print STDERR "W: Unrecognized URL: $u\n";
die "This should never happen\n";
# don't try to init already existing refs
my $id = $pfx.$1;
$GIT_SVN = $ENV{GIT_SVN_ID} = $id;
unless (-d $GIT_SVN_DIR) {
print "init $u => $id\n";
exit 0;
waitpid $pid, 0;
croak $? if $?;
my ($n) = ($switch =~ /^--(\w+)/);
command_noisy('repo-config', "svn.$n", $full_url);
sub common_prefix {
my $paths = shift;
my %common;
foreach (@$paths) {
my @tmp = split m#/#, $_;
my $p = '';
while (my $x = shift @tmp) {
$p .= "/$x";
$common{$p} ||= 0;
foreach (sort {length $b <=> length $a} keys %common) {
if ($common{$_} == @$paths) {
return $_;
return '';
# grafts set here are 'stronger' in that they're based on actual tree
# matches, and won't be deleted from merge-base checking in write_grafts()
sub graft_tree_joins {
my $grafts = shift;
map_tree_joins() if (@_branch_from && !%tree_map);
return unless %tree_map;
git_svn_each(sub {
my $i = shift;
my @args = (qw/rev-list --pretty=raw/, "refs/remotes/$i");
my ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(@args);
while (<$fh>) {
next unless /^commit ($sha1)$/o;
my $c = $1;
my ($t) = (<$fh> =~ /^tree ($sha1)$/o);
next unless $tree_map{$t};
my $l;
do {
$l = readline $fh;
} until ($l =~ /^committer (?:.+) (\d+) ([\-\+]?\d+)$/);
my ($s, $tz) = ($1, $2);
if ($tz =~ s/^\+//) {
$s += tz_to_s_offset($tz);
} elsif ($tz =~ s/^\-//) {
$s -= tz_to_s_offset($tz);
my ($url_a, $r_a, $uuid_a) = cmt_metadata($c);
foreach my $p (@{$tree_map{$t}}) {
next if $p eq $c;
my $mb = eval { command('merge-base', $c, $p) };
next unless ($@ || $?);
if (defined $r_a) {
# see if SVN says it's a relative
my ($url_b, $r_b, $uuid_b) =
next if (defined $url_b &&
defined $url_a &&
($url_a eq $url_b) &&
($uuid_a eq $uuid_b));
if ($uuid_a eq $uuid_b) {
if ($r_b < $r_a) {
$grafts->{$c}->{$p} = 2;
} elsif ($r_b > $r_a) {
$grafts->{$p}->{$c} = 2;
my $ct = get_commit_time($p);
if ($ct < $s) {
$grafts->{$c}->{$p} = 2;
} elsif ($ct > $s) {
$grafts->{$p}->{$c} = 2;
# what should we do when $ct == $s ?
command_close_pipe($fh, $ctx);
sub graft_file_copy_lib {
my ($grafts, $l_map, $u) = @_;
my $tree_paths = $l_map->{$u};
my $pfx = common_prefix([keys %$tree_paths]);
my ($repo, $path) = repo_path_split($u.$pfx);
$SVN = libsvn_connect($repo);
my ($base, $head) = libsvn_parse_revision();
my $inc = 1000;
my ($min, $max) = ($base, $head < $base+$inc ? $head : $base+$inc);
my $eh = $SVN::Error::handler;
$SVN::Error::handler = \&libsvn_skip_unknown_revs;
while (1) {
my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
libsvn_get_log(libsvn_dup_ra($SVN), [$path],
$min, $max, 0, 2, 1,
sub {
libsvn_graft_file_copies($grafts, $tree_paths,
$path, @_);
}, $pool);
last if ($max >= $head);
$min = $max + 1;
$max += $inc;
$max = $head if ($max > $head);
$SVN::Error::handler = $eh;
sub process_merge_msg_matches {
my ($grafts, $l_map, $u, $p, $c, @matches) = @_;
my (@strong, @weak);
foreach (@matches) {
# merging with ourselves is not interesting
next if $_ eq $p;
if ($l_map->{$u}->{$_}) {
push @strong, $_;
} else {
push @weak, $_;
foreach my $w (@weak) {
last if @strong;
# no exact match, use branch name as regexp.
my $re = qr/\Q$w\E/i;
foreach (keys %{$l_map->{$u}}) {
if (/$re/) {
push @strong, $l_map->{$u}->{$_};
last if @strong;
$w = basename($w);
$re = qr/\Q$w\E/i;
foreach (keys %{$l_map->{$u}}) {
if (/$re/) {
push @strong, $l_map->{$u}->{$_};
my ($rev) = ($c->{m} =~ /^git-svn-id:\s(?:\S+?)\@(\d+)
unless (defined $rev) {
($rev) = ($c->{m} =~/^git-svn-id:\s(\d+)
return unless defined $rev;
foreach my $m (@strong) {
my ($r0, $s0) = find_rev_before($rev, $m, 1);
$grafts->{$c->{c}}->{$s0} = 1 if defined $s0;
sub graft_merge_msg {
my ($grafts, $l_map, $u, $p, @re) = @_;
my $x = $l_map->{$u}->{$p};
my $rl = rev_list_raw("refs/remotes/$x");
while (my $c = next_rev_list_entry($rl)) {
foreach my $re (@re) {
my (@br) = ($c->{m} =~ /$re/g);
next unless @br;
sub read_uuid {
return if $SVN_UUID;
my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
$SVN_UUID = $SVN->get_uuid($pool);
sub verify_ref {
my ($ref) = @_;
eval { command_oneline([ 'rev-parse', '--verify', $ref ],
{ STDERR => 0 }); };
sub repo_path_split {
my $full_url = shift;
$full_url =~ s#/+$##;
foreach (@repo_path_split_cache) {
if ($full_url =~ s#$_##) {
my $u = $1;
$full_url =~ s#^/+##;
return ($u, $full_url);
my $tmp = libsvn_connect($full_url);
return ($tmp->{repos_root}, $tmp->{svn_path});
sub setup_git_svn {
defined $SVN_URL or croak "SVN repository location required\n";
unless (-d $GIT_DIR) {
croak "GIT_DIR=$GIT_DIR does not exist!\n";
open my $fh, '>>',$REVDB or croak $!;
close $fh;
sub get_tree_from_treeish {
my ($treeish) = @_;
croak "Not a sha1: $treeish\n" unless $treeish =~ /^$sha1$/o;
my $type = command_oneline(qw/cat-file -t/, $treeish);
my $expected;
while ($type eq 'tag') {
($treeish, $type) = command(qw/cat-file tag/, $treeish);
if ($type eq 'commit') {
$expected = (grep /^tree /, command(qw/cat-file commit/,
($expected) = ($expected =~ /^tree ($sha1)$/);
die "Unable to get tree from $treeish\n" unless $expected;
} elsif ($type eq 'tree') {
$expected = $treeish;
} else {
die "$treeish is a $type, expected tree, tag or commit\n";
return $expected;
sub get_diff {
my ($from, $treeish) = @_;
print "diff-tree $from $treeish\n";
my @diff_tree = qw(diff-tree -z -r);
if ($_cp_similarity) {
push @diff_tree, "-C$_cp_similarity";
} else {
push @diff_tree, '-C';
push @diff_tree, '--find-copies-harder' if $_find_copies_harder;
push @diff_tree, "-l$_l" if defined $_l;
push @diff_tree, $from, $treeish;
my ($diff_fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(@diff_tree);
local $/ = "\0";
my $state = 'meta';
my @mods;
while (<$diff_fh>) {
chomp $_; # this gets rid of the trailing "\0"
if ($state eq 'meta' && /^:(\d{6})\s(\d{6})\s
$sha1\s($sha1)\s([MTCRAD])\d*$/xo) {
push @mods, { mode_a => $1, mode_b => $2,
sha1_b => $3, chg => $4 };
if ($4 =~ /^(?:C|R)$/) {
$state = 'file_a';
} else {
$state = 'file_b';
} elsif ($state eq 'file_a') {
my $x = $mods[$#mods] or croak "Empty array\n";
if ($x->{chg} !~ /^(?:C|R)$/) {
croak "Error parsing $_, $x->{chg}\n";
$x->{file_a} = $_;
$state = 'file_b';
} elsif ($state eq 'file_b') {
my $x = $mods[$#mods] or croak "Empty array\n";
if (exists $x->{file_a} && $x->{chg} !~ /^(?:C|R)$/) {
croak "Error parsing $_, $x->{chg}\n";
if (!exists $x->{file_a} && $x->{chg} =~ /^(?:C|R)$/) {
croak "Error parsing $_, $x->{chg}\n";
$x->{file_b} = $_;
$state = 'meta';
} else {
croak "Error parsing $_\n";
command_close_pipe($diff_fh, $ctx);
return \@mods;
sub libsvn_checkout_tree {
my ($from, $treeish, $ed) = @_;
my $mods = get_diff($from, $treeish);
return $mods unless (scalar @$mods);
my %o = ( D => 1, R => 0, C => -1, A => 3, M => 3, T => 3 );
foreach my $m (sort { $o{$a->{chg}} <=> $o{$b->{chg}} } @$mods) {
my $f = $m->{chg};
if (defined $o{$f}) {
$ed->$f($m, $_q);
} else {
croak "Invalid change type: $f\n";
$ed->rmdirs($_q) if $_rmdir;
return $mods;
sub get_commit_message {
my ($commit, $commit_msg) = (@_);
my %log_msg = ( msg => '' );
open my $msg, '>', $commit_msg or croak $!;
my $type = command_oneline(qw/cat-file -t/, $commit);
if ($type eq 'commit' || $type eq 'tag') {
my ($msg_fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe('cat-file',
$type, $commit);
my $in_msg = 0;
while (<$msg_fh>) {
if (!$in_msg) {
$in_msg = 1 if (/^\s*$/);
} elsif (/^git-svn-id: /) {
# skip this, we regenerate the correct one
# on re-fetch anyways
} else {
print $msg $_ or croak $!;
command_close_pipe($msg_fh, $ctx);
close $msg or croak $!;
if ($_edit || ($type eq 'tree')) {
my $editor = $ENV{VISUAL} || $ENV{EDITOR} || 'vi';
system($editor, $commit_msg);
# file_to_s removes all trailing newlines, so just use chomp() here:
open $msg, '<', $commit_msg or croak $!;
{ local $/; chomp($log_msg{msg} = <$msg>); }
close $msg or croak $!;
return \%log_msg;
sub set_svn_commit_env {
if (defined $LC_ALL) {
} else {
delete $ENV{LC_ALL};
sub rev_list_raw {
my ($fh, $c) = command_output_pipe(qw/rev-list --pretty=raw/, @_);
return { fh => $fh, ctx => $c, t => { } };
sub next_rev_list_entry {
my $rl = shift;
my $fh = $rl->{fh};
my $x = $rl->{t};
while (<$fh>) {
if (/^commit ($sha1)$/o) {
if ($x->{c}) {
$rl->{t} = { c => $1 };
return $x;
} else {
$x->{c} = $1;
} elsif (/^parent ($sha1)$/o) {
$x->{p}->{$1} = 1;
} elsif (s/^ //) {
$x->{m} ||= '';
$x->{m} .= $_;
command_close_pipe($fh, $rl->{ctx});
return ($x != $rl->{t}) ? $x : undef;
sub s_to_file {
my ($str, $file, $mode) = @_;
open my $fd,'>',$file or croak $!;
print $fd $str,"\n" or croak $!;
close $fd or croak $!;
chmod ($mode &~ umask, $file) if (defined $mode);
sub file_to_s {
my $file = shift;
open my $fd,'<',$file or croak "$!: file: $file\n";
local $/;
my $ret = <$fd>;
close $fd or croak $!;
$ret =~ s/\s*$//s;
return $ret;
sub assert_revision_unknown {
my $r = shift;
if (my $c = revdb_get($REVDB, $r)) {
croak "$r = $c already exists! Why are we refetching it?";
sub git_commit {
my ($log_msg, @parents) = @_;
map_tree_joins() if (@_branch_from && !%tree_map);
my (@tmp_parents, @exec_parents, %seen_parent);
if (my $lparents = $log_msg->{parents}) {
@tmp_parents = @$lparents
# commit parents can be conditionally bound to a particular
# svn revision via: "svn_revno=commit_sha1", filter them out here:
foreach my $p (@parents) {
next unless defined $p;
if ($p =~ /^(\d+)=($sha1_short)$/o) {
if ($1 == $log_msg->{revision}) {
push @tmp_parents, $2;
} else {
push @tmp_parents, $p if $p =~ /$sha1_short/o;
my $tree = $log_msg->{tree};
if (!defined $tree) {
my $index = set_index($GIT_SVN_INDEX);
$tree = command_oneline('write-tree');
croak $? if $?;
# just in case we clobber the existing ref, we still want that ref
# as our parent:
if (my $cur = verify_ref("refs/remotes/$GIT_SVN^0")) {
chomp $cur;
push @tmp_parents, $cur;
if (exists $tree_map{$tree}) {
foreach my $p (@{$tree_map{$tree}}) {
my $skip;
foreach (@tmp_parents) {
# see if a common parent is found
my $mb = eval { command('merge-base', $_, $p) };
next if ($@ || $?);
$skip = 1;
next if $skip;
my ($url_p, $r_p, $uuid_p) = cmt_metadata($p);
next if (($SVN_UUID eq $uuid_p) &&
($log_msg->{revision} > $r_p));
next if (defined $url_p && defined $SVN_URL &&
($SVN_UUID eq $uuid_p) &&
($url_p eq $SVN_URL));
push @tmp_parents, $p;
foreach (@tmp_parents) {
next if $seen_parent{$_};
$seen_parent{$_} = 1;
push @exec_parents, $_;
# MAXPARENT is defined to 16 in commit-tree.c:
last if @exec_parents > 16;
my @exec = ('git-commit-tree', $tree);
push @exec, '-p', $_ foreach @exec_parents;
defined(my $pid = open3(my $msg_fh, my $out_fh, '>&STDERR', @exec))
or croak $!;
print $msg_fh $log_msg->{msg} or croak $!;
unless ($_no_metadata) {
print $msg_fh "\ngit-svn-id: $SVN_URL\@$log_msg->{revision}",
" $SVN_UUID\n" or croak $!;
$msg_fh->flush == 0 or croak $!;
close $msg_fh or croak $!;
chomp(my $commit = do { local $/; <$out_fh> });
close $out_fh or croak $!;
waitpid $pid, 0;
croak $? if $?;
if ($commit !~ /^$sha1$/o) {
die "Failed to commit, invalid sha1: $commit\n";
revdb_set($REVDB, $log_msg->{revision}, $commit);
# this output is read via pipe, do not change:
print "r$log_msg->{revision} = $commit\n";
return $commit;
sub check_repack {
if ($_repack && (--$_repack_nr == 0)) {
$_repack_nr = $_repack;
# repack doesn't use any arguments with spaces in them, does it?
command_noisy('repack', split(/\s+/, $_repack_flags));
sub set_commit_env {
my ($log_msg) = @_;
my $author = $log_msg->{author};
if (!defined $author || length $author == 0) {
$author = '(no author)';
my ($name,$email) = defined $users{$author} ? @{$users{$author}}
: ($author,"$author\@$SVN_UUID");
sub check_upgrade_needed {
if (!-r $REVDB) {
-d $GIT_SVN_DIR or mkpath([$GIT_SVN_DIR]);
open my $fh, '>>',$REVDB or croak $!;
close $fh;
return unless eval {
command([qw/rev-parse --verify/,"$GIT_SVN-HEAD^0"],
{STDERR => 0});
my $head = eval { command('rev-parse',"refs/remotes/$GIT_SVN") };
if ($@ || !$head) {
print STDERR "Please run: $0 rebuild --upgrade\n";
exit 1;
# fills %tree_map with a reverse mapping of trees to commits. Useful
# for finding parents to commit on.
sub map_tree_joins {
my %seen;
foreach my $br (@_branch_from) {
my $pipe = command_output_pipe(qw/rev-list
--topo-order --pretty=raw/, $br);
while (<$pipe>) {
if (/^commit ($sha1)$/o) {
my $commit = $1;
# if we've seen a commit,
# we've seen its parents
last if $seen{$commit};
my ($tree) = (<$pipe> =~ /^tree ($sha1)$/o);
unless (defined $tree) {
die "Failed to parse commit $commit\n";
push @{$tree_map{$tree}}, $commit;
$seen{$commit} = 1;
eval { command_close_pipe($pipe) };
sub load_all_refs {
if (@_branch_from) {
print STDERR '--branch|-b parameters are ignored when ',
"--branch-all-refs|-B is passed\n";
# don't worry about rev-list on non-commit objects/tags,
# it shouldn't blow up if a ref is a blob or tree...
@_branch_from = command(qw/rev-parse --symbolic --all/);
# '<svn username> = real-name <email address>' mapping based on git-svnimport:
sub load_authors {
open my $authors, '<', $_authors or die "Can't open $_authors $!\n";
while (<$authors>) {
next unless /^(\S+?|\(no author\))\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*<(.+)>\s*$/;
my ($user, $name, $email) = ($1, $2, $3);
$users{$user} = [$name, $email];
close $authors or croak $!;
sub rload_authors {
open my $authors, '<', $_authors or die "Can't open $_authors $!\n";
while (<$authors>) {
next unless /^(\S+?)\s*=\s*(.+?)\s*<(.+)>\s*$/;
my ($user, $name, $email) = ($1, $2, $3);
$rusers{"$name <$email>"} = $user;
close $authors or croak $!;
sub git_svn_each {
my $sub = shift;
foreach (command(qw/rev-parse --symbolic --all/)) {
next unless s#^refs/remotes/##;
chomp $_;
next unless -f "$GIT_DIR/svn/$_/info/url";
sub migrate_revdb {
git_svn_each(sub {
my $id = shift;
defined(my $pid = fork) or croak $!;
if (!$pid) {
$GIT_SVN = $ENV{GIT_SVN_ID} = $id;
exit 0 if -r $REVDB;
print "Upgrading svn => git mapping...\n";
-d $GIT_SVN_DIR or mkpath([$GIT_SVN_DIR]);
open my $fh, '>>',$REVDB or croak $!;
close $fh;
print "Done upgrading. You may now delete the ",
"deprecated $GIT_SVN_DIR/revs directory\n";
exit 0;
waitpid $pid, 0;
croak $? if $?;
sub migration_check {
migrate_revdb() unless (-e $REVDB);
return if (-d "$GIT_DIR/svn" || !-d $GIT_DIR);
print "Upgrading repository...\n";
unless (-d "$GIT_DIR/svn") {
mkdir "$GIT_DIR/svn" or croak $!;
print "Data from a previous version of git-svn exists, but\n\t",
"$GIT_SVN_DIR\n\t(required for this version ",
"($VERSION) of git-svn) does not.\n";
foreach my $x (command(qw/rev-parse --symbolic --all/)) {
next unless $x =~ s#^refs/remotes/##;
chomp $x;
next unless -f "$GIT_DIR/$x/info/url";
my $u = eval { file_to_s("$GIT_DIR/$x/info/url") };
next unless $u;
my $dn = dirname("$GIT_DIR/svn/$x");
mkpath([$dn]) unless -d $dn;
rename "$GIT_DIR/$x", "$GIT_DIR/svn/$x" or croak "$!: $x";
migrate_revdb() if (-d $GIT_SVN_DIR && !-w $REVDB);
print "Done upgrading.\n";
sub find_rev_before {
my ($r, $id, $eq_ok) = @_;
my $f = "$GIT_DIR/svn/$id/.rev_db";
return (undef,undef) unless -r $f;
--$r unless $eq_ok;
while ($r > 0) {
if (my $c = revdb_get($f, $r)) {
return ($r, $c);
return (undef, undef);
sub init_vars {
$GIT_SVN ||= $ENV{GIT_SVN_ID} || 'git-svn';
$REVDB = "$GIT_SVN_DIR/.rev_db";
$SVN_URL = undef;
$SVN_WC = "$GIT_SVN_DIR/tree";
%tree_map = ();
# convert GetOpt::Long specs for use by git-repo-config
sub read_repo_config {
return unless -d $GIT_DIR;
my $opts = shift;
foreach my $o (keys %$opts) {
my $v = $opts->{$o};
my ($key) = ($o =~ /^([a-z\-]+)/);
$key =~ s/-//g;
my $arg = 'git-repo-config';
$arg .= ' --int' if ($o =~ /[:=]i$/);
$arg .= ' --bool' if ($o !~ /[:=][sfi]$/);
if (ref $v eq 'ARRAY') {
chomp(my @tmp = `$arg --get-all svn.$key`);
@$v = @tmp if @tmp;
} else {
chomp(my $tmp = `$arg --get svn.$key`);
if ($tmp && !($arg =~ / --bool / && $tmp eq 'false')) {
$$v = $tmp;
sub set_default_vals {
if (defined $_repack) {
$_repack = 1000 if ($_repack <= 0);
$_repack_nr = $_repack;
$_repack_flags ||= '-d';
sub read_grafts {
my $gr_file = shift;
my ($grafts, $comments) = ({}, {});
if (open my $fh, '<', $gr_file) {
my @tmp;
while (<$fh>) {
if (/^($sha1)\s+/) {
my $c = $1;
if (@tmp) {
@{$comments->{$c}} = @tmp;
@tmp = ();
foreach my $p (split /\s+/, $_) {
$grafts->{$c}->{$p} = 1;
} else {
push @tmp, $_;
close $fh or croak $!;
@{$comments->{'END'}} = @tmp if @tmp;
return ($grafts, $comments);
sub write_grafts {
my ($grafts, $comments, $gr_file) = @_;
open my $fh, '>', $gr_file or croak $!;
foreach my $c (sort keys %$grafts) {
if ($comments->{$c}) {
print $fh $_ foreach @{$comments->{$c}};
my $p = $grafts->{$c};
my %x; # real parents
delete $p->{$c}; # commits are not self-reproducing...
my $ch = command_output_pipe(qw/cat-file commit/, $c);
while (<$ch>) {
if (/^parent ($sha1)/) {
$x{$1} = $p->{$1} = 1;
} else {
last unless /^\S/;
eval { command_close_pipe($ch) }; # breaking the pipe
# if real parents are the only ones in the grafts, drop it
next if join(' ',sort keys %$p) eq join(' ',sort keys %x);
my (@ip, @jp, $mb);
my %del = %x;
@ip = @jp = keys %$p;
foreach my $i (@ip) {
next if $del{$i} || $p->{$i} == 2;
foreach my $j (@jp) {
next if $i eq $j || $del{$j} || $p->{$j} == 2;
$mb = eval { command('merge-base', $i, $j) };
next unless $mb;
chomp $mb;
next if $x{$mb};
if ($mb eq $j) {
delete $p->{$i};
$del{$i} = 1;
} elsif ($mb eq $i) {
delete $p->{$j};
$del{$j} = 1;
# if real parents are the only ones in the grafts, drop it
next if join(' ',sort keys %$p) eq join(' ',sort keys %x);
print $fh $c, ' ', join(' ', sort keys %$p),"\n";
if ($comments->{'END'}) {
print $fh $_ foreach @{$comments->{'END'}};
close $fh or croak $!;
sub read_url_paths_all {
my ($l_map, $pfx, $p) = @_;
my @dir;
foreach (<$p/*>) {
if (-r "$_/info/url") {
$pfx .= '/' if $pfx && $pfx !~ m!/$!;
my $id = $pfx . basename $_;
my $url = file_to_s("$_/info/url");
my ($u, $p) = repo_path_split($url);
$l_map->{$u}->{$p} = $id;
} elsif (-d $_) {
push @dir, $_;
foreach (@dir) {
my $x = $_;
$x =~ s!^\Q$GIT_DIR\E/svn/!!o;
read_url_paths_all($l_map, $x, $_);
# this one only gets ids that have been imported, not new ones
sub read_url_paths {
my $l_map = {};
git_svn_each(sub { my $x = shift;
my $url = file_to_s("$GIT_DIR/svn/$x/info/url");
my ($u, $p) = repo_path_split($url);
$l_map->{$u}->{$p} = $x;
return $l_map;
sub extract_metadata {
my $id = shift or return (undef, undef, undef);
my ($url, $rev, $uuid) = ($id =~ /^git-svn-id:\s(\S+?)\@(\d+)
if (!defined $rev || !$uuid || !$url) {
# some of the original repositories I made had
# identifiers like this:
($rev, $uuid) = ($id =~/^git-svn-id:\s(\d+)\@([a-f\d\-]+)/);
return ($url, $rev, $uuid);
sub cmt_metadata {
return extract_metadata((grep(/^git-svn-id: /,
command(qw/cat-file commit/, shift)))[-1]);
sub get_commit_time {
my $cmt = shift;
my $fh = command_output_pipe(qw/rev-list --pretty=raw -n1/, $cmt);
while (<$fh>) {
/^committer\s(?:.+) (\d+) ([\-\+]?\d+)$/ or next;
my ($s, $tz) = ($1, $2);
if ($tz =~ s/^\+//) {
$s += tz_to_s_offset($tz);
} elsif ($tz =~ s/^\-//) {
$s -= tz_to_s_offset($tz);
eval { command_close_pipe($fh) };
return $s;
die "Can't get commit time for commit: $cmt\n";
sub tz_to_s_offset {
my ($tz) = @_;
$tz =~ s/(\d\d)$//;
return ($1 * 60) + ($tz * 3600);
# adapted from pager.c
sub config_pager {
$_pager ||= $ENV{GIT_PAGER} || $ENV{PAGER};
if (!defined $_pager) {
$_pager = 'less';
} elsif (length $_pager == 0 || $_pager eq 'cat') {
$_pager = undef;
sub run_pager {
return unless -t *STDOUT;
pipe my $rfd, my $wfd or return;
defined(my $pid = fork) or croak $!;
if (!$pid) {
open STDOUT, '>&', $wfd or croak $!;
open STDIN, '<&', $rfd or croak $!;
$ENV{LESS} ||= 'FRSX';
exec $_pager or croak "Can't run pager: $! ($_pager)\n";
sub get_author_info {
my ($dest, $author, $t, $tz) = @_;
$author =~ s/(?:^\s*|\s*$)//g;
$dest->{a_raw} = $author;
my $_a;
if ($_authors) {
$_a = $rusers{$author} || undef;
if (!$_a) {
($_a) = ($author =~ /<([^>]+)\@[^>]+>$/);
$dest->{t} = $t;
$dest->{tz} = $tz;
$dest->{a} = $_a;
# Date::Parse isn't in the standard Perl distro :(
if ($tz =~ s/^\+//) {
$t += tz_to_s_offset($tz);
} elsif ($tz =~ s/^\-//) {
$t -= tz_to_s_offset($tz);
$dest->{t_utc} = $t;
sub process_commit {
my ($c, $r_min, $r_max, $defer) = @_;
if (defined $r_min && defined $r_max) {
if ($r_min == $c->{r} && $r_min == $r_max) {
return 0;
return 1 if $r_min == $r_max;
if ($r_min < $r_max) {
# we need to reverse the print order
return 0 if (defined $_limit && --$_limit < 0);
push @$defer, $c;
return 1;
if ($r_min != $r_max) {
return 1 if ($r_min < $c->{r});
return 1 if ($r_max > $c->{r});
return 0 if (defined $_limit && --$_limit < 0);
return 1;
sub show_commit {
my $c = shift;
if ($_oneline) {
my $x = "\n";
if (my $l = $c->{l}) {
while ($l->[0] =~ /^\s*$/) { shift @$l }
$x = $l->[0];
$_l_fmt ||= 'A' . length($c->{r});
print 'r',pack($_l_fmt, $c->{r}),' | ';
print "$c->{c} | " if $_show_commit;
print $x;
} else {
sub show_commit_changed_paths {
my ($c) = @_;
return unless $c->{changed};
print "Changed paths:\n", @{$c->{changed}};
sub show_commit_normal {
my ($c) = @_;
print '-' x72, "\nr$c->{r} | ";
print "$c->{c} | " if $_show_commit;
print "$c->{a} | ", strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z (%a, %d %b %Y)",
localtime($c->{t_utc})), ' | ';
my $nr_line = 0;
if (my $l = $c->{l}) {
while ($l->[$#$l] eq "\n" && $#$l > 0
&& $l->[($#$l - 1)] eq "\n") {
pop @$l;
$nr_line = scalar @$l;
if (!$nr_line) {
print "1 line\n\n\n";
} else {
if ($nr_line == 1) {
$nr_line = '1 line';
} else {
$nr_line .= ' lines';
print $nr_line, "\n";
print "\n";
print $_ foreach @$l;
} else {
print "1 line\n";
print "\n";
foreach my $x (qw/raw diff/) {
if ($c->{$x}) {
print "\n";
print $_ foreach @{$c->{$x}}
sub _simple_prompt {
my ($cred, $realm, $default_username, $may_save, $pool) = @_;
$may_save = undef if $_no_auth_cache;
$default_username = $_username if defined $_username;
if (defined $default_username && length $default_username) {
if (defined $realm && length $realm) {
print STDERR "Authentication realm: $realm\n";
} else {
_username_prompt($cred, $realm, $may_save, $pool);
$cred->password(_read_password("Password for '" .
$cred->username . "': ", $realm));
sub _ssl_server_trust_prompt {
my ($cred, $realm, $failures, $cert_info, $may_save, $pool) = @_;
$may_save = undef if $_no_auth_cache;
print STDERR "Error validating server certificate for '$realm':\n";
if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::UNKNOWNCA) {
print STDERR " - The certificate is not issued by a trusted ",
"authority. Use the\n",
" fingerprint to validate the certificate manually!\n";
if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::CNMISMATCH) {
print STDERR " - The certificate hostname does not match.\n";
if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::NOTYETVALID) {
print STDERR " - The certificate is not yet valid.\n";
if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::EXPIRED) {
print STDERR " - The certificate has expired.\n";
if ($failures & $SVN::Auth::SSL::OTHER) {
print STDERR " - The certificate has an unknown error.\n";
printf STDERR
"Certificate information:\n".
" - Hostname: %s\n".
" - Valid: from %s until %s\n".
" - Issuer: %s\n".
" - Fingerprint: %s\n",
map $cert_info->$_, qw(hostname valid_from valid_until
issuer_dname fingerprint);
my $choice;
print STDERR $may_save ?
"(R)eject, accept (t)emporarily or accept (p)ermanently? " :
"(R)eject or accept (t)emporarily? ";
$choice = lc(substr(<STDIN> || 'R', 0, 1));
if ($choice =~ /^t$/i) {
} elsif ($choice =~ /^r$/i) {
return -1;
} elsif ($may_save && $choice =~ /^p$/i) {
} else {
goto prompt;
sub _ssl_client_cert_prompt {
my ($cred, $realm, $may_save, $pool) = @_;
$may_save = undef if $_no_auth_cache;
print STDERR "Client certificate filename: ";
chomp(my $filename = <STDIN>);
sub _ssl_client_cert_pw_prompt {
my ($cred, $realm, $may_save, $pool) = @_;
$may_save = undef if $_no_auth_cache;
$cred->password(_read_password("Password: ", $realm));
sub _username_prompt {
my ($cred, $realm, $may_save, $pool) = @_;
$may_save = undef if $_no_auth_cache;
if (defined $realm && length $realm) {
print STDERR "Authentication realm: $realm\n";
my $username;
if (defined $_username) {
$username = $_username;
} else {
print STDERR "Username: ";
chomp($username = <STDIN>);
sub _read_password {
my ($prompt, $realm) = @_;
print STDERR $prompt;
require Term::ReadKey;
my $password = '';
while (defined(my $key = Term::ReadKey::ReadKey(0))) {
last if $key =~ /[\012\015]/; # \n\r
$password .= $key;
print STDERR "\n";
sub libsvn_connect {
my ($url) = @_;
SVN::_Core::svn_config_ensure($_config_dir, undef);
my ($baton, $callbacks) = SVN::Core::auth_open_helper([
\&_simple_prompt, 2),
\&_ssl_client_cert_prompt, 2),
\&_ssl_client_cert_pw_prompt, 2),
\&_username_prompt, 2),
my $config = SVN::Core::config_get_config($_config_dir);
my $ra = SVN::Ra->new(url => $url, auth => $baton,
config => $config,
pool => SVN::Pool->new,
auth_provider_callbacks => $callbacks);
$ra->{svn_path} = $url;
$ra->{repos_root} = $ra->get_repos_root;
$ra->{svn_path} =~ s#^\Q$ra->{repos_root}\E/*##;
push @repo_path_split_cache, qr/^(\Q$ra->{repos_root}\E)/;
return $ra;
sub libsvn_can_do_switch {
unless (defined $_svn_can_do_switch) {
my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
my $rep = eval {
$SVN->do_switch(1, '', 0, $SVN->{url},
SVN::Delta::Editor->new, $pool);
if ($@) {
$_svn_can_do_switch = 0;
} else {
$_svn_can_do_switch = 1;
sub libsvn_dup_ra {
my ($ra) = @_;
SVN::Ra->new(map { $_ => $ra->{$_} } qw/config url
auth auth_provider_callbacks repos_root svn_path/);
sub uri_encode {
my ($f) = @_;
$f =~ s#([^a-zA-Z0-9\*!\:_\./\-])#uc sprintf("%%%02x",ord($1))#eg;
sub uri_decode {
my ($f) = @_;
$f =~ tr/+/ /;
$f =~ s/%([A-F0-9]{2})/chr hex($1)/ge;
sub libsvn_log_entry {
my ($rev, $author, $date, $msg, $parents, $untracked) = @_;
my ($Y,$m,$d,$H,$M,$S) = ($date =~ /^(\d{4})\-(\d\d)\-(\d\d)T
or die "Unable to parse date: $date\n";
if (defined $author && length $author > 0 &&
defined $_authors && ! defined $users{$author}) {
die "Author: $author not defined in $_authors file\n";
$msg = '' if ($rev == 0 && !defined $msg);
open my $un, '>>', "$GIT_SVN_DIR/unhandled.log" or croak $!;
my $h;
print $un "r$rev\n" or croak $!;
$h = $untracked->{empty};
foreach (sort keys %$h) {
my $act = $h->{$_} ? '+empty_dir' : '-empty_dir';
print $un " $act: ", uri_encode($_), "\n" or croak $!;
warn "W: $act: $_\n";
foreach my $t (qw/dir_prop file_prop/) {
$h = $untracked->{$t} or next;
foreach my $path (sort keys %$h) {
my $ppath = $path eq '' ? '.' : $path;
foreach my $prop (sort keys %{$h->{$path}}) {
next if $SKIP{$prop};
my $v = $h->{$path}->{$prop};
if (defined $v) {
print $un " +$t: ",
uri_encode($ppath), ' ',
uri_encode($prop), ' ',
uri_encode($v), "\n"
or croak $!;
} else {
print $un " -$t: ",
uri_encode($ppath), ' ',
uri_encode($prop), "\n"
or croak $!;
foreach my $t (qw/absent_file absent_directory/) {
$h = $untracked->{$t} or next;
foreach my $parent (sort keys %$h) {
foreach my $path (sort @{$h->{$parent}}) {
print $un " $t: ",
uri_encode("$parent/$path"), "\n"
or croak $!;
warn "W: $t: $parent/$path ",
"Insufficient permissions?\n";
# revprops (make this optional? it's an extra network trip...)
my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
my $rp = $SVN->rev_proplist($rev, $pool);
foreach (sort keys %$rp) {
next if /^svn:(?:author|date|log)$/;
print $un " rev_prop: ", uri_encode($_), ' ',
uri_encode($rp->{$_}), "\n";
close $un or croak $!;
{ revision => $rev, date => "+0000 $Y-$m-$d $H:$M:$S",
author => $author, msg => $msg."\n", parents => $parents || [],
revprops => $rp }
sub process_rm {
my ($gui, $last_commit, $f, $q) = @_;
# remove entire directories.
if (command('ls-tree',$last_commit,'--',$f) =~ /^040000 tree/) {
my ($ls, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(qw/ls-tree
-r --name-only -z/,
local $/ = "\0";
while (<$ls>) {
print $gui '0 ',0 x 40,"\t",$_ or croak $!;
print "\tD\t$_\n" unless $q;
print "\tD\t$f/\n" unless $q;
command_close_pipe($ls, $ctx);
return $SVN::Node::dir;
} else {
print $gui '0 ',0 x 40,"\t",$f,"\0" or croak $!;
print "\tD\t$f\n" unless $q;
return $SVN::Node::file;
sub libsvn_fetch {
my ($last_commit, $paths, $rev, $author, $date, $msg) = @_;
my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
my $ed = SVN::Git::Fetcher->new({ c => $last_commit, q => $_q });
my $reporter = $SVN->do_update($rev, '', 1, $ed, $pool);
my @lock = $SVN::Core::VERSION ge '1.2.0' ? (undef) : ();
my (undef, $last_rev, undef) = cmt_metadata($last_commit);
$reporter->set_path('', $last_rev, 0, @lock, $pool);
unless ($ed->{git_commit_ok}) {
die "SVN connection failed somewhere...\n";
libsvn_log_entry($rev, $author, $date, $msg, [$last_commit], $ed);
sub svn_grab_base_rev {
my $c = eval { command_oneline([qw/rev-parse --verify/,
{ STDERR => 0 }) };
if (defined $c && length $c) {
my ($url, $rev, $uuid) = cmt_metadata($c);
return ($rev, $c) if defined $rev;
if ($_no_metadata) {
my $offset = -41; # from tail
my $rl;
open my $fh, '<', $REVDB or
die "--no-metadata specified and $REVDB not readable\n";
seek $fh, $offset, 2;
$rl = readline $fh;
defined $rl or return (undef, undef);
chomp $rl;
while ($c ne $rl && tell $fh != 0) {
$offset -= 41;
seek $fh, $offset, 2;
$rl = readline $fh;
defined $rl or return (undef, undef);
chomp $rl;
my $rev = tell $fh;
croak $! if ($rev < -1);
$rev = ($rev - 41) / 41;
close $fh or croak $!;
return ($rev, $c);
return (undef, undef);
sub libsvn_parse_revision {
my $base = shift;
my $head = $SVN->get_latest_revnum();
if (!defined $_revision || $_revision eq 'BASE:HEAD') {
return ($base + 1, $head) if (defined $base);
return (0, $head);
return ($1, $2) if ($_revision =~ /^(\d+):(\d+)$/);
return ($_revision, $_revision) if ($_revision =~ /^\d+$/);
if ($_revision =~ /^BASE:(\d+)$/) {
return ($base + 1, $1) if (defined $base);
return (0, $head);
return ($1, $head) if ($_revision =~ /^(\d+):HEAD$/);
die "revision argument: $_revision not understood by git-svn\n",
"Try using the command-line svn client instead\n";
sub libsvn_traverse_ignore {
my ($fh, $path, $r) = @_;
$path =~ s#^/+##g;
my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
my ($dirent, undef, $props) = $SVN->get_dir($path, $r, $pool);
my $p = $path;
$p =~ s#^\Q$SVN->{svn_path}\E/##;
print $fh length $p ? "\n# $p\n" : "\n# /\n";
if (my $s = $props->{'svn:ignore'}) {
$s =~ s/[\r\n]+/\n/g;
chomp $s;
if (length $p == 0) {
$s =~ s#\n#\n/$p#g;
print $fh "/$s\n";
} else {
$s =~ s#\n#\n/$p/#g;
print $fh "/$p/$s\n";
foreach (sort keys %$dirent) {
next if $dirent->{$_}->kind != $SVN::Node::dir;
libsvn_traverse_ignore($fh, "$path/$_", $r);
sub revisions_eq {
my ($path, $r0, $r1) = @_;
return 1 if $r0 == $r1;
my $nr = 0;
# should be OK to use Pool here (r1 - r0) should be small
my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
libsvn_get_log($SVN, [$path], $r0, $r1,
0, 0, 1, sub {$nr++}, $pool);
return 0 if ($nr > 1);
return 1;
sub libsvn_find_parent_branch {
my ($paths, $rev, $author, $date, $msg) = @_;
my $svn_path = '/'.$SVN->{svn_path};
# look for a parent from another branch:
my $i = $paths->{$svn_path} or return;
my $branch_from = $i->copyfrom_path or return;
my $r = $i->copyfrom_rev;
print STDERR "Found possible branch point: ",
"$branch_from => $svn_path, $r\n";
$branch_from =~ s#^/##;
my $l_map = {};
read_url_paths_all($l_map, '', "$GIT_DIR/svn");
my $url = $SVN->{repos_root};
defined $l_map->{$url} or return;
my $id = $l_map->{$url}->{$branch_from};
if (!defined $id && $_follow_parent) {
print STDERR "Following parent: $branch_from\@$r\n";
# auto create a new branch and follow it
$id = basename($branch_from);
$id .= '@'.$r if -r "$GIT_DIR/svn/$id";
while (-r "$GIT_DIR/svn/$id") {
# just grow a tail if we're not unique enough :x
$id .= '-';
return unless defined $id;
my ($r0, $parent) = find_rev_before($r,$id,1);
if ($_follow_parent && (!defined $r0 || !defined $parent)) {
defined(my $pid = fork) or croak $!;
if (!$pid) {
$GIT_SVN = $ENV{GIT_SVN_ID} = $id;
$SVN_URL = "$url/$branch_from";
$SVN = undef;
# we can't assume SVN_URL exists at r+1:
$_revision = "0:$r";
exit 0;
waitpid $pid, 0;
croak $? if $?;
($r0, $parent) = find_rev_before($r,$id,1);
return unless (defined $r0 && defined $parent);
if (revisions_eq($branch_from, $r0, $r)) {
unlink $GIT_SVN_INDEX;
print STDERR "Found branch parent: ($GIT_SVN) $parent\n";
command_noisy('read-tree', $parent);
unless (libsvn_can_do_switch()) {
return _libsvn_new_tree($paths, $rev, $author, $date,
$msg, [$parent]);
# do_switch works with svn/trunk >= r22312, but that is not
# included with SVN 1.4.2 (the latest version at the moment),
# so we can't rely on it.
my $ra = libsvn_connect("$url/$branch_from");
my $ed = SVN::Git::Fetcher->new({c => $parent, q => $_q });
my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
my $reporter = $ra->do_switch($rev, '', 1, $SVN->{url},
$ed, $pool);
my @lock = $SVN::Core::VERSION ge '1.2.0' ? (undef) : ();
$reporter->set_path('', $r0, 0, @lock, $pool);
unless ($ed->{git_commit_ok}) {
die "SVN connection failed somewhere...\n";
return libsvn_log_entry($rev, $author, $date, $msg, [$parent]);
print STDERR "Nope, branch point not imported or unknown\n";
return undef;
sub libsvn_get_log {
my ($ra, @args) = @_;
$args[4]-- if $args[4] && ! $_follow_parent;
if ($SVN::Core::VERSION le '1.2.0') {
splice(@args, 3, 1);
sub libsvn_new_tree {
if (my $log_entry = libsvn_find_parent_branch(@_)) {
return $log_entry;
my ($paths, $rev, $author, $date, $msg) = @_; # $pool is last
_libsvn_new_tree($paths, $rev, $author, $date, $msg, []);
sub _libsvn_new_tree {
my ($paths, $rev, $author, $date, $msg, $parents) = @_;
my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
my $ed = SVN::Git::Fetcher->new({q => $_q});
my $reporter = $SVN->do_update($rev, '', 1, $ed, $pool);
my @lock = $SVN::Core::VERSION ge '1.2.0' ? (undef) : ();
$reporter->set_path('', $rev, 1, @lock, $pool);
unless ($ed->{git_commit_ok}) {
die "SVN connection failed somewhere...\n";
libsvn_log_entry($rev, $author, $date, $msg, $parents, $ed);
sub find_graft_path_commit {
my ($tree_paths, $p1, $r1) = @_;
foreach my $x (keys %$tree_paths) {
next unless ($p1 =~ /^\Q$x\E/);
my $i = $tree_paths->{$x};
my ($r0, $parent) = find_rev_before($r1,$i,1);
return $parent if (defined $r0 && $r0 == $r1);
print STDERR "r$r1 of $i not imported\n";
return undef;
sub find_graft_path_parents {
my ($grafts, $tree_paths, $c, $p0, $r0) = @_;
foreach my $x (keys %$tree_paths) {
next unless ($p0 =~ /^\Q$x\E/);
my $i = $tree_paths->{$x};
my ($r, $parent) = find_rev_before($r0, $i, 1);
if (defined $r && defined $parent && revisions_eq($x,$r,$r0)) {
my ($url_b, undef, $uuid_b) = cmt_metadata($c);
my ($url_a, undef, $uuid_a) = cmt_metadata($parent);
next if ($url_a && $url_b && $url_a eq $url_b &&
$uuid_b eq $uuid_a);
$grafts->{$c}->{$parent} = 1;
sub libsvn_graft_file_copies {
my ($grafts, $tree_paths, $path, $paths, $rev) = @_;
foreach (keys %$paths) {
my $i = $paths->{$_};
my ($m, $p0, $r0) = ($i->action, $i->copyfrom_path,
next unless (defined $p0 && defined $r0);
my $p1 = $_;
$p1 =~ s#^/##;
$p0 =~ s#^/##;
my $c = find_graft_path_commit($tree_paths, $p1, $rev);
next unless $c;
find_graft_path_parents($grafts, $tree_paths, $c, $p0, $r0);
sub set_index {
my $old = $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE};
return $old;
sub restore_index {
my ($old) = @_;
if (defined $old) {
} else {
sub libsvn_commit_cb {
my ($rev, $date, $committer, $c, $msg, $r_last, $cmt_last) = @_;
if ($_optimize_commits && $rev == ($r_last + 1)) {
my $log = libsvn_log_entry($rev,$committer,$date,$msg);
$log->{tree} = get_tree_from_treeish($c);
my $cmt = git_commit($log, $cmt_last, $c);
my @diff = command('diff-tree', $cmt, $c);
if (@diff) {
print STDERR "Trees differ: $cmt $c\n",
exit 1;
} else {
sub libsvn_ls_fullurl {
my $fullurl = shift;
my $ra = libsvn_connect($fullurl);
my @ret;
my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
my $r = defined $_revision ? $_revision : $ra->get_latest_revnum;
my ($dirent, undef, undef) = $ra->get_dir('', $r, $pool);
foreach my $d (sort keys %$dirent) {
if ($dirent->{$d}->kind == $SVN::Node::dir) {
push @ret, "$d/"; # add '/' for compat with cli svn
return @ret;
sub libsvn_skip_unknown_revs {
my $err = shift;
my $errno = $err->apr_err();
# Maybe the branch we're tracking didn't
# exist when the repo started, so it's
# not an error if it doesn't, just continue
# Wonderfully consistent library, eh?
# 160013 - svn:// and file://
# 175002 - http(s)://
# 175007 - http(s):// (this repo required authorization, too...)
# More codes may be discovered later...
if ($errno == 175007 || $errno == 175002 || $errno == 160013) {
croak "Error from SVN, ($errno): ", $err->expanded_message,"\n";
# Tie::File seems to be prone to offset errors if revisions get sparse,
# it's not that fast, either. Tie::File is also not in Perl 5.6. So
# one of my favorite modules is out :< Next up would be one of the DBM
# modules, but I'm not sure which is most portable... So I'll just
# go with something that's plain-text, but still capable of
# being randomly accessed. So here's my ultra-simple fixed-width
# database. All records are 40 characters + "\n", so it's easy to seek
# to a revision: (41 * rev) is the byte offset.
# A record of 40 0s denotes an empty revision.
# And yes, it's still pretty fast (faster than Tie::File).
sub revdb_set {
my ($file, $rev, $commit) = @_;
length $commit == 40 or croak "arg3 must be a full SHA1 hexsum\n";
open my $fh, '+<', $file or croak $!;
my $offset = $rev * 41;
# assume that append is the common case:
seek $fh, 0, 2 or croak $!;
my $pos = tell $fh;
if ($pos < $offset) {
print $fh (('0' x 40),"\n") x (($offset - $pos) / 41);
seek $fh, $offset, 0 or croak $!;
print $fh $commit,"\n";
close $fh or croak $!;
sub revdb_get {
my ($file, $rev) = @_;
my $ret;
my $offset = $rev * 41;
open my $fh, '<', $file or croak $!;
seek $fh, $offset, 0;
if (tell $fh == $offset) {
$ret = readline $fh;
if (defined $ret) {
chomp $ret;
$ret = undef if ($ret =~ /^0{40}$/);
close $fh or croak $!;
return $ret;
sub copy_remote_ref {
my $origin = $_cp_remote ? $_cp_remote : 'origin';
my $ref = "refs/remotes/$GIT_SVN";
if (command('ls-remote', $origin, $ref)) {
command_noisy('fetch', $origin, "$ref:$ref");
} elsif ($_cp_remote && !$_upgrade) {
die "Unable to find remote reference: ",
"refs/remotes/$GIT_SVN on $origin\n";
my $kill_stupid_warnings = $SVN::Node::none.$SVN::Node::file.
package SVN::Git::Fetcher;
use vars qw/@ISA/;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp qw/croak/;
use IO::File qw//;
use Git qw/command command_oneline command_noisy
command_output_pipe command_input_pipe command_close_pipe/;
# file baton members: path, mode_a, mode_b, pool, fh, blob, base
sub new {
my ($class, $git_svn) = @_;
my $self = SVN::Delta::Editor->new;
bless $self, $class;
$self->{c} = $git_svn->{c} if exists $git_svn->{c};
$self->{q} = $git_svn->{q};
$self->{empty} = {};
$self->{dir_prop} = {};
$self->{file_prop} = {};
$self->{absent_dir} = {};
$self->{absent_file} = {};
($self->{gui}, $self->{ctx}) = command_input_pipe(
qw/update-index -z --index-info/);
require Digest::MD5;
sub open_root {
{ path => '' };
sub open_directory {
my ($self, $path, $pb, $rev) = @_;
{ path => $path };
sub delete_entry {
my ($self, $path, $rev, $pb) = @_;
my $t = process_rm($self->{gui}, $self->{c}, $path, $self->{q});
$self->{empty}->{$path} = 0 if $t == $SVN::Node::dir;
sub open_file {
my ($self, $path, $pb, $rev) = @_;
my ($mode, $blob) = (command('ls-tree', $self->{c}, '--',$path)
=~ /^(\d{6}) blob ([a-f\d]{40})\t/);
unless (defined $mode && defined $blob) {
die "$path was not found in commit $self->{c} (r$rev)\n";
{ path => $path, mode_a => $mode, mode_b => $mode, blob => $blob,
pool => SVN::Pool->new, action => 'M' };
sub add_file {
my ($self, $path, $pb, $cp_path, $cp_rev) = @_;
my ($dir, $file) = ($path =~ m#^(.*?)/?([^/]+)$#);
delete $self->{empty}->{$dir};
{ path => $path, mode_a => 100644, mode_b => 100644,
pool => SVN::Pool->new, action => 'A' };
sub add_directory {
my ($self, $path, $cp_path, $cp_rev) = @_;
my ($dir, $file) = ($path =~ m#^(.*?)/?([^/]+)$#);
delete $self->{empty}->{$dir};
$self->{empty}->{$path} = 1;
{ path => $path };
sub change_dir_prop {
my ($self, $db, $prop, $value) = @_;
$self->{dir_prop}->{$db->{path}} ||= {};
$self->{dir_prop}->{$db->{path}}->{$prop} = $value;
sub absent_directory {
my ($self, $path, $pb) = @_;
$self->{absent_dir}->{$pb->{path}} ||= [];
push @{$self->{absent_dir}->{$pb->{path}}}, $path;
sub absent_file {
my ($self, $path, $pb) = @_;
$self->{absent_file}->{$pb->{path}} ||= [];
push @{$self->{absent_file}->{$pb->{path}}}, $path;
sub change_file_prop {
my ($self, $fb, $prop, $value) = @_;
if ($prop eq 'svn:executable') {
if ($fb->{mode_b} != 120000) {
$fb->{mode_b} = defined $value ? 100755 : 100644;
} elsif ($prop eq 'svn:special') {
$fb->{mode_b} = defined $value ? 120000 : 100644;
} else {
$self->{file_prop}->{$fb->{path}} ||= {};
$self->{file_prop}->{$fb->{path}}->{$prop} = $value;
sub apply_textdelta {
my ($self, $fb, $exp) = @_;
my $fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile;
# $fh gets auto-closed() by SVN::TxDelta::apply(),
# (but $base does not,) so dup() it for reading in close_file
open my $dup, '<&', $fh or croak $!;
my $base = IO::File->new_tmpfile;
if ($fb->{blob}) {
defined (my $pid = fork) or croak $!;
if (!$pid) {
open STDOUT, '>&', $base or croak $!;
print STDOUT 'link ' if ($fb->{mode_a} == 120000);
exec qw/git-cat-file blob/, $fb->{blob} or croak $!;
waitpid $pid, 0;
croak $? if $?;
if (defined $exp) {
seek $base, 0, 0 or croak $!;
my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
my $got = $md5->hexdigest;
die "Checksum mismatch: $fb->{path} $fb->{blob}\n",
"expected: $exp\n",
" got: $got\n" if ($got ne $exp);
seek $base, 0, 0 or croak $!;
$fb->{fh} = $dup;
$fb->{base} = $base;
[ SVN::TxDelta::apply($base, $fh, undef, $fb->{path}, $fb->{pool}) ];
sub close_file {
my ($self, $fb, $exp) = @_;
my $hash;
my $path = $fb->{path};
if (my $fh = $fb->{fh}) {
seek($fh, 0, 0) or croak $!;
my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
my $got = $md5->hexdigest;
die "Checksum mismatch: $path\n",
"expected: $exp\n got: $got\n" if ($got ne $exp);
seek($fh, 0, 0) or croak $!;
if ($fb->{mode_b} == 120000) {
read($fh, my $buf, 5) == 5 or croak $!;
$buf eq 'link ' or die "$path has mode 120000",
"but is not a link\n";
defined(my $pid = open my $out,'-|') or die "Can't fork: $!\n";
if (!$pid) {
open STDIN, '<&', $fh or croak $!;
exec qw/git-hash-object -w --stdin/ or croak $!;
chomp($hash = do { local $/; <$out> });
close $out or croak $!;
close $fh or croak $!;
$hash =~ /^[a-f\d]{40}$/ or die "not a sha1: $hash\n";
close $fb->{base} or croak $!;
} else {
$hash = $fb->{blob} or die "no blob information\n";
my $gui = $self->{gui};
print $gui "$fb->{mode_b} $hash\t$path\0" or croak $!;
print "\t$fb->{action}\t$path\n" if $fb->{action} && ! $self->{q};
sub abort_edit {
my $self = shift;
eval { command_close_pipe($self->{gui}, $self->{ctx}) };
sub close_edit {
my $self = shift;
command_close_pipe($self->{gui}, $self->{ctx});
$self->{git_commit_ok} = 1;
package SVN::Git::Editor;
use vars qw/@ISA/;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Carp qw/croak/;
use IO::File;
use Git qw/command command_oneline command_noisy
command_output_pipe command_input_pipe command_close_pipe/;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $git_svn = shift;
my $self = SVN::Delta::Editor->new(@_);
bless $self, $class;
foreach (qw/svn_path c r ra /) {
die "$_ required!\n" unless (defined $git_svn->{$_});
$self->{$_} = $git_svn->{$_};
$self->{pool} = SVN::Pool->new;
$self->{bat} = { '' => $self->open_root($self->{r}, $self->{pool}) };
$self->{rm} = { };
require Digest::MD5;
return $self;
sub split_path {
return ($_[0] =~ m#^(.*?)/?([^/]+)$#);
sub repo_path {
(defined $_[1] && length $_[1]) ? $_[1] : ''
sub url_path {
my ($self, $path) = @_;
$self->{ra}->{url} . '/' . $self->repo_path($path);
sub rmdirs {
my ($self, $q) = @_;
my $rm = $self->{rm};
delete $rm->{''}; # we never delete the url we're tracking
return unless %$rm;
foreach (keys %$rm) {
my @d = split m#/#, $_;
my $c = shift @d;
$rm->{$c} = 1;
while (@d) {
$c .= '/' . shift @d;
$rm->{$c} = 1;
delete $rm->{$self->{svn_path}};
delete $rm->{''}; # we never delete the url we're tracking
return unless %$rm;
my ($fh, $ctx) = command_output_pipe(
qw/ls-tree --name-only -r -z/, $self->{c});
local $/ = "\0";
while (<$fh>) {
my @dn = split m#/#, $_;
while (pop @dn) {
delete $rm->{join '/', @dn};
unless (%$rm) {
eval { command_close_pipe($fh) };
command_close_pipe($fh, $ctx);
my ($r, $p, $bat) = ($self->{r}, $self->{pool}, $self->{bat});
foreach my $d (sort { $b =~ tr#/#/# <=> $a =~ tr#/#/# } keys %$rm) {
$self->close_directory($bat->{$d}, $p);
my ($dn) = ($d =~ m#^(.*?)/?(?:[^/]+)$#);
print "\tD+\t/$d/\n" unless $q;
$self->SUPER::delete_entry($d, $r, $bat->{$dn}, $p);
delete $bat->{$d};
sub open_or_add_dir {
my ($self, $full_path, $baton) = @_;
my $p = SVN::Pool->new;
my $t = $self->{ra}->check_path($full_path, $self->{r}, $p);
if ($t == $SVN::Node::none) {
return $self->add_directory($full_path, $baton,
undef, -1, $self->{pool});
} elsif ($t == $SVN::Node::dir) {
return $self->open_directory($full_path, $baton,
$self->{r}, $self->{pool});
print STDERR "$full_path already exists in repository at ",
"r$self->{r} and it is not a directory (",
($t == $SVN::Node::file ? 'file' : 'unknown'),"/$t)\n";
exit 1;
sub ensure_path {
my ($self, $path) = @_;
my $bat = $self->{bat};
$path = $self->repo_path($path);
return $bat->{''} unless (length $path);
my @p = split m#/+#, $path;
my $c = shift @p;
$bat->{$c} ||= $self->open_or_add_dir($c, $bat->{''});
while (@p) {
my $c0 = $c;
$c .= '/' . shift @p;
$bat->{$c} ||= $self->open_or_add_dir($c, $bat->{$c0});
return $bat->{$c};
sub A {
my ($self, $m, $q) = @_;
my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b});
my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir);
my $fbat = $self->add_file($self->repo_path($m->{file_b}), $pbat,
undef, -1);
print "\tA\t$m->{file_b}\n" unless $q;
$self->chg_file($fbat, $m);
sub C {
my ($self, $m, $q) = @_;
my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b});
my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir);
my $fbat = $self->add_file($self->repo_path($m->{file_b}), $pbat,
$self->url_path($m->{file_a}), $self->{r});
print "\tC\t$m->{file_a} => $m->{file_b}\n" unless $q;
$self->chg_file($fbat, $m);
sub delete_entry {
my ($self, $path, $pbat) = @_;
my $rpath = $self->repo_path($path);
my ($dir, $file) = split_path($rpath);
$self->{rm}->{$dir} = 1;
$self->SUPER::delete_entry($rpath, $self->{r}, $pbat, $self->{pool});
sub R {
my ($self, $m, $q) = @_;
my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b});
my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir);
my $fbat = $self->add_file($self->repo_path($m->{file_b}), $pbat,
$self->url_path($m->{file_a}), $self->{r});
print "\tR\t$m->{file_a} => $m->{file_b}\n" unless $q;
$self->chg_file($fbat, $m);
($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_a});
$pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir);
$self->delete_entry($m->{file_a}, $pbat);
sub M {
my ($self, $m, $q) = @_;
my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b});
my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir);
my $fbat = $self->open_file($self->repo_path($m->{file_b}),
print "\t$m->{chg}\t$m->{file_b}\n" unless $q;
$self->chg_file($fbat, $m);
sub T { shift->M(@_) }
sub change_file_prop {
my ($self, $fbat, $pname, $pval) = @_;
$self->SUPER::change_file_prop($fbat, $pname, $pval, $self->{pool});
sub chg_file {
my ($self, $fbat, $m) = @_;
if ($m->{mode_b} =~ /755$/ && $m->{mode_a} !~ /755$/) {
} elsif ($m->{mode_b} !~ /755$/ && $m->{mode_a} =~ /755$/) {
my $fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile or croak $!;
if ($m->{mode_b} =~ /^120/) {
print $fh 'link ' or croak $!;
} elsif ($m->{mode_a} =~ /^120/ && $m->{mode_b} !~ /^120/) {
defined(my $pid = fork) or croak $!;
if (!$pid) {
open STDOUT, '>&', $fh or croak $!;
exec qw/git-cat-file blob/, $m->{sha1_b} or croak $!;
waitpid $pid, 0;
croak $? if $?;
$fh->flush == 0 or croak $!;
seek $fh, 0, 0 or croak $!;
my $md5 = Digest::MD5->new;
$md5->addfile($fh) or croak $!;
seek $fh, 0, 0 or croak $!;
my $exp = $md5->hexdigest;
my $pool = SVN::Pool->new;
my $atd = $self->apply_textdelta($fbat, undef, $pool);
my $got = SVN::TxDelta::send_stream($fh, @$atd, $pool);
die "Checksum mismatch\nexpected: $exp\ngot: $got\n" if ($got ne $exp);
close $fh or croak $!;
sub D {
my ($self, $m, $q) = @_;
my ($dir, $file) = split_path($m->{file_b});
my $pbat = $self->ensure_path($dir);
print "\tD\t$m->{file_b}\n" unless $q;
$self->delete_entry($m->{file_b}, $pbat);
sub close_edit {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($p,$bat) = ($self->{pool}, $self->{bat});
foreach (sort { $b =~ tr#/#/# <=> $a =~ tr#/#/# } keys %$bat) {
$self->close_directory($bat->{$_}, $p);
sub abort_edit {
my ($self) = @_;
Data structures:
$log_msg hashref as returned by libsvn_log_entry()
msg => 'whitespace-formatted log entry
', # trailing newline is preserved
revision => '8', # integer
date => '2004-02-24T17:01:44.108345Z', # commit date
author => 'committer name'
@mods = array of diff-index line hashes, each element represents one line
of diff-index output
diff-index line ($m hash)
mode_a => first column of diff-index output, no leading ':',
mode_b => second column of diff-index output,
sha1_b => sha1sum of the final blob,
chg => change type [MCRADT],
file_a => original file name of a file (iff chg is 'C' or 'R')
file_b => new/current file name of a file (any chg)
# retval of read_url_paths{,_all}();
$l_map = {
# repository root url
'https://svn.musicpd.org' => {
# repository path # GIT_SVN_ID
'mpd/trunk' => 'trunk',
'mpd/tags/0.11.5' => 'tags/0.11.5',
I don't trust the each() function on unless I created %hash myself
because the internal iterator may not have started at base.