Git's native command line interface has had branch renaming support for quite a while, through the -m/-M options to the git-branch command line tool. This is an extremely useful feature as users may decide that the name of their current branch is not an adequate description, or was just entered incorrectly when it was created. Even though most people would consider git-branch to be a Porcelain tool I'm using it here in git-gui as it is the only code that implements the rather complex set of logic needed to successfully rename a branch in Git. Currently that is along the lines of: *) Backup the ref *) Backup the reflog *) Delete the old ref *) Create the new ref *) Move the backed up reflog to the new ref *) Record the rename event in the reflog *) If the current branch was renamed, update HEAD *) If HEAD changed, record the rename event in the HEAD reflog *) Rename the [branch "$name"] section in the config file Since that is some rather ugly set of functionality to implement and get right, and some of it isn't easily accessible through the raw plumbing layer I'm just cheating by relying on the Porcelain. Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>
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138 lines
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# git-gui branch rename support
# Copyright (C) 2007 Shawn Pearce
class branch_rename {
field w
field oldname
field newname
constructor dialog {} {
global all_heads current_branch
make_toplevel top w
wm title $top "[appname] ([reponame]): Rename Branch"
if {$top ne {.}} {
wm geometry $top "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
set oldname $current_branch
set newname [get_config gui.newbranchtemplate]
label $w.header -text {Rename Branch} -font font_uibold
pack $w.header -side top -fill x
frame $w.buttons
button $w.buttons.rename -text Rename \
-default active \
-command [cb _rename]
pack $w.buttons.rename -side right
button $w.buttons.cancel -text {Cancel} \
-command [list destroy $w]
pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
frame $w.rename
label $w.rename.oldname_l -text {Branch:}
eval tk_optionMenu $w.rename.oldname_m @oldname $all_heads
label $w.rename.newname_l -text {New Name:}
entry $w.rename.newname_t \
-borderwidth 1 \
-relief sunken \
-width 40 \
-textvariable @newname \
-validate key \
-validatecommand {
if {%d == 1 && [regexp {[~^:?*\[\0- ]} %S]} {return 0}
return 1
grid $w.rename.oldname_l $w.rename.oldname_m -sticky w -padx {0 5}
grid $w.rename.newname_l $w.rename.newname_t -sticky we -padx {0 5}
grid columnconfigure $w.rename 1 -weight 1
pack $w.rename -anchor nw -fill x -pady 5 -padx 5
bind $w <Key-Return> [cb _rename]
bind $w <Key-Escape> [list destroy $w]
bind $w <Visibility> "
grab $w
$w.rename.newname_t icursor end
focus $w.rename.newname_t
bind $w.header <Destroy> [list delete_this $this]
tkwait window $w
method _rename {} {
global all_heads current_branch
if {$oldname eq {}} {
tk_messageBox \
-icon error \
-type ok \
-title [wm title $w] \
-parent $w \
-message "Please select a branch to rename."
focus $w.rename.oldname_m
if {$newname eq {}
|| $newname eq [get_config gui.newbranchtemplate]} {
tk_messageBox \
-icon error \
-type ok \
-title [wm title $w] \
-parent $w \
-message "Please supply a branch name."
focus $w.rename.newname_t
if {![catch {git show-ref --verify -- "refs/heads/$newname"}]} {
tk_messageBox \
-icon error \
-type ok \
-title [wm title $w] \
-parent $w \
-message "Branch '$newname' already exists."
focus $w.rename.newname_t
if {[catch {git check-ref-format "heads/$newname"}]} {
tk_messageBox \
-icon error \
-type ok \
-title [wm title $w] \
-parent $w \
-message "We do not like '$newname' as a branch name."
focus $w.rename.newname_t
if {[catch {git branch -m $oldname $newname} err]} {
tk_messageBox \
-icon error \
-type ok \
-title [wm title $w] \
-parent $w \
-message "Failed to rename '$oldname'.\n\n$err"
set oldidx [lsearch -exact -sorted $all_heads $oldname]
if {$oldidx >= 0} {
set all_heads [lreplace $all_heads $oldidx $oldidx]
lappend all_heads $newname
set all_heads [lsort $all_heads]
if {$current_branch eq $oldname} {
set current_branch $newname
destroy $w