Eric Wong 72942938bf git-svn: allow --find-copies-harder and -l<num> to be passed on commit
Both of these options are passed directly to git-diff-tree when
committing to a SVN repository.

Signed-off-by: Eric Wong <>
Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <>
2006-02-20 13:32:40 -08:00

777 lines
21 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use strict;
use vars qw/ $AUTHOR $VERSION
$AUTHOR = 'Eric Wong <>';
$VERSION = '0.9.0';
$GIT_DIR = $ENV{GIT_DIR} || "$ENV{PWD}/.git";
$GIT_SVN = $ENV{GIT_SVN_ID} || 'git-svn';
$SVN_URL = undef;
$REV_DIR = "$GIT_DIR/$GIT_SVN/revs";
$SVN_WC = "$GIT_DIR/$GIT_SVN/tree";
# make sure the svn binary gives consistent output between locales and TZs:
$ENV{TZ} = 'UTC';
$ENV{LC_ALL} = 'C';
# If SVN:: library support is added, please make the dependencies
# optional and preserve the capability to use the command-line client.
# See what I do with XML::Simple to make the dependency optional.
use Carp qw/croak/;
use IO::File qw//;
use File::Basename qw/dirname basename/;
use File::Path qw/mkpath/;
use Getopt::Long qw/:config gnu_getopt no_ignore_case auto_abbrev/;
use File::Spec qw//;
my $sha1 = qr/[a-f\d]{40}/;
my $sha1_short = qr/[a-f\d]{6,40}/;
my ($_revision,$_stdin,$_no_ignore_ext,$_no_stop_copy,$_help,$_rmdir,$_edit,
$_find_copies_harder, $_l);
GetOptions( 'revision|r=s' => \$_revision,
'no-ignore-externals' => \$_no_ignore_ext,
'stdin|' => \$_stdin,
'edit|e' => \$_edit,
'rmdir' => \$_rmdir,
'help|H|h' => \$_help,
'find-copies-harder' => \$_find_copies_harder,
'l=i' => \$_l,
'no-stop-on-copy' => \$_no_stop_copy );
my %cmd = (
fetch => [ \&fetch, "Download new revisions from SVN" ],
init => [ \&init, "Initialize and fetch (import)"],
commit => [ \&commit, "Commit git revisions to SVN" ],
rebuild => [ \&rebuild, "Rebuild git-svn metadata (after git clone)" ],
help => [ \&usage, "Show help" ],
my $cmd;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @ARGV; $i++) {
if (defined $cmd{$ARGV[$i]}) {
$cmd = $ARGV[$i];
splice @ARGV, $i, 1;
# we may be called as git-svn-(command), or git-svn(command).
foreach (keys %cmd) {
if (/git\-svn\-?($_)(?:\.\w+)?$/) {
$cmd = $1;
usage(0) if $_help;
usage(1) unless (defined $cmd);
exit 0;
####################### primary functions ######################
sub usage {
my $exit = shift || 0;
my $fd = $exit ? \*STDERR : \*STDOUT;
print $fd <<"";
git-svn - bidirectional operations between a single Subversion tree and git
Usage: $0 <command> [options] [arguments]\n
Available commands:
foreach (sort keys %cmd) {
print $fd ' ',pack('A10',$_),$cmd{$_}->[1],"\n";
print $fd <<"";
\nGIT_SVN_ID may be set in the environment to an arbitrary identifier if
you're tracking multiple SVN branches/repositories in one git repository
and want to keep them separate.
exit $exit;
sub rebuild {
$SVN_URL = shift or undef;
my $repo_uuid;
my $newest_rev = 0;
my $pid = open(my $rev_list,'-|');
defined $pid or croak $!;
if ($pid == 0) {
exec("git-rev-list","$GIT_SVN-HEAD") or croak $!;
my $first;
while (<$rev_list>) {
my $c = $_;
croak "Non-SHA1: $c\n" unless $c =~ /^$sha1$/o;
my @commit = grep(/^git-svn-id: /,`git-cat-file commit $c`);
next if (!@commit); # skip merges
my $id = $commit[$#commit];
my ($url, $rev, $uuid) = ($id =~ /^git-svn-id:\s(\S+?)\@(\d+)
if (!$rev || !$uuid || !$url) {
# some of the original repositories I made had
# indentifiers like this:
($rev, $uuid) = ($id =~/^git-svn-id:\s(\d+)
if (!$rev || !$uuid) {
croak "Unable to extract revision or UUID from ",
"$c, $id\n";
print "r$rev = $c\n";
unless (defined $first) {
if (!$SVN_URL && !$url) {
croak "SVN repository location required: $url\n";
$SVN_URL ||= $url;
$repo_uuid = setup_git_svn();
$first = $rev;
if ($uuid ne $repo_uuid) {
croak "Repository UUIDs do not match!\ngot: $uuid\n",
"expected: $repo_uuid\n";
assert_revision_eq_or_unknown($rev, $c);
$newest_rev = $rev if ($rev > $newest_rev);
close $rev_list or croak $?;
if (!chdir $SVN_WC) {
my @svn_co = ('svn','co',"-r$first");
push @svn_co, '--ignore-externals' unless $_no_ignore_ext;
sys(@svn_co, $SVN_URL, $SVN_WC);
chdir $SVN_WC or croak $!;
$pid = fork;
defined $pid or croak $!;
if ($pid == 0) {
my @svn_up = qw(svn up);
push @svn_up, '--ignore-externals' unless $_no_ignore_ext;
waitpid $pid, 0;
sub init {
$SVN_URL = shift or croak "SVN repository location required\n";
unless (-d $GIT_DIR) {
sub fetch {
my (@parents) = @_;
$SVN_URL ||= file_to_s("$GIT_DIR/$GIT_SVN/info/url");
my @log_args = -d $SVN_WC ? ($SVN_WC) : ($SVN_URL);
unless ($_revision) {
$_revision = -d $SVN_WC ? 'BASE:HEAD' : '0:HEAD';
push @log_args, "-r$_revision";
push @log_args, '--stop-on-copy' unless $_no_stop_copy;
eval { require XML::Simple or croak $! };
my $svn_log = $@ ? svn_log_raw(@log_args) : svn_log_xml(@log_args);
@$svn_log = sort { $a->{revision} <=> $b->{revision} } @$svn_log;
my $base = shift @$svn_log or croak "No base revision!\n";
my $last_commit = undef;
unless (-d $SVN_WC) {
my @svn_co = ('svn','co',"-r$base->{revision}");
push @svn_co,'--ignore-externals' unless $_no_ignore_ext;
sys(@svn_co, $SVN_URL, $SVN_WC);
chdir $SVN_WC or croak $!;
$last_commit = git_commit($base, @parents);
unless (-f "$GIT_DIR/refs/heads/master") {
sys(qw(git-update-ref refs/heads/master),$last_commit);
assert_svn_wc_clean($base->{revision}, $last_commit);
} else {
chdir $SVN_WC or croak $!;
$last_commit = file_to_s("$REV_DIR/$base->{revision}");
my @svn_up = qw(svn up);
push @svn_up, '--ignore-externals' unless $_no_ignore_ext;
my $last_rev = $base->{revision};
foreach my $log_msg (@$svn_log) {
assert_svn_wc_clean($last_rev, $last_commit);
$last_rev = $log_msg->{revision};
$last_commit = git_commit($log_msg, $last_commit, @parents);
assert_svn_wc_clean($last_rev, $last_commit);
return pop @$svn_log;
sub commit {
my (@commits) = @_;
if ($_stdin || !@commits) {
print "Reading from stdin...\n";
@commits = ();
while (<STDIN>) {
if (/^([a-f\d]{6,40})\b/) {
unshift @commits, $1;
my @revs;
foreach (@commits) {
push @revs, (safe_qx('git-rev-parse',$_));
chomp @revs;
chdir $SVN_WC or croak $!;
my $svn_current_rev = svn_info('.')->{'Last Changed Rev'};
foreach my $c (@revs) {
print "Committing $c\n";
svn_checkout_tree($svn_current_rev, $c);
$svn_current_rev = svn_commit_tree($svn_current_rev, $c);
print "Done committing ",scalar @revs," revisions to SVN\n";
########################### utility functions #########################
sub setup_git_svn {
defined $SVN_URL or croak "SVN repository location required\n";
unless (-d $GIT_DIR) {
croak "GIT_DIR=$GIT_DIR does not exist!\n";
my $uuid = svn_info($SVN_URL)->{'Repository UUID'} or
croak "Repository UUID unreadable\n";
open my $fd, '>>', "$GIT_DIR/$GIT_SVN/info/exclude" or croak $!;
print $fd '.svn',"\n";
close $fd or croak $!;
return $uuid;
sub assert_svn_wc_clean {
my ($svn_rev, $commit) = @_;
croak "$svn_rev is not an integer!\n" unless ($svn_rev =~ /^\d+$/);
croak "$commit is not a sha1!\n" unless ($commit =~ /^$sha1$/o);
my $svn_info = svn_info('.');
if ($svn_rev != $svn_info->{'Last Changed Rev'}) {
croak "Expected r$svn_rev, got r",
$svn_info->{'Last Changed Rev'},"\n";
my @status = grep(!/^Performing status on external/,(`svn status`));
@status = grep(!/^\s*$/,@status);
if (scalar @status) {
print STDERR "Tree ($SVN_WC) is not clean:\n";
print STDERR $_ foreach @status;
my ($tree_a) = grep(/^tree $sha1$/o,`git-cat-file commit $commit`);
$tree_a =~ s/^tree //;
chomp $tree_a;
chomp(my $tree_b = `GIT_INDEX_FILE=$GIT_SVN_INDEX git-write-tree`);
if ($tree_a ne $tree_b) {
croak "$svn_rev != $commit, $tree_a != $tree_b\n";
sub parse_diff_tree {
my $diff_fh = shift;
local $/ = "\0";
my $state = 'meta';
my @mods;
while (<$diff_fh>) {
chomp $_; # this gets rid of the trailing "\0"
print $_,"\n";
if ($state eq 'meta' && /^:(\d{6})\s(\d{6})\s
$sha1\s($sha1)\s([MTCRAD])\d*$/xo) {
push @mods, { mode_a => $1, mode_b => $2,
sha1_b => $3, chg => $4 };
if ($4 =~ /^(?:C|R)$/) {
$state = 'file_a';
} else {
$state = 'file_b';
} elsif ($state eq 'file_a') {
my $x = $mods[$#mods] or croak __LINE__,": Empty array\n";
if ($x->{chg} !~ /^(?:C|R)$/) {
croak __LINE__,": Error parsing $_, $x->{chg}\n";
$x->{file_a} = $_;
$state = 'file_b';
} elsif ($state eq 'file_b') {
my $x = $mods[$#mods] or croak __LINE__,": Empty array\n";
if (exists $x->{file_a} && $x->{chg} !~ /^(?:C|R)$/) {
croak __LINE__,": Error parsing $_, $x->{chg}\n";
if (!exists $x->{file_a} && $x->{chg} =~ /^(?:C|R)$/) {
croak __LINE__,": Error parsing $_, $x->{chg}\n";
$x->{file_b} = $_;
$state = 'meta';
} else {
croak __LINE__,": Error parsing $_\n";
close $diff_fh or croak $!;
return \@mods;
sub svn_check_prop_executable {
my $m = shift;
if ($m->{mode_b} =~ /755$/ && $m->{mode_a} !~ /755$/) {
sys(qw(svn propset svn:executable 1), $m->{file_b});
} elsif ($m->{mode_b} !~ /755$/ && $m->{mode_a} =~ /755$/) {
sys(qw(svn propdel svn:executable), $m->{file_b});
sub svn_ensure_parent_path {
my $dir_b = dirname(shift);
svn_ensure_parent_path($dir_b) if ($dir_b ne File::Spec->curdir);
mkpath([$dir_b]) unless (-d $dir_b);
sys(qw(svn add -N), $dir_b) unless (-d "$dir_b/.svn");
sub svn_checkout_tree {
my ($svn_rev, $commit) = @_;
my $from = file_to_s("$REV_DIR/$svn_rev");
print "diff-tree '$from' '$commit'\n";
my $pid = open my $diff_fh, '-|';
defined $pid or croak $!;
if ($pid == 0) {
my @diff_tree = qw(git-diff-tree -z -r -C);
push @diff_tree, '--find-copies-harder' if $_find_copies_harder;
push @diff_tree, "-l$_l" if defined $_l;
exec(@diff_tree, $from, $commit) or croak $!;
my $mods = parse_diff_tree($diff_fh);
unless (@$mods) {
# git can do empty commits, SVN doesn't allow it...
return $svn_rev;
my %rm;
foreach my $m (@$mods) {
if ($m->{chg} eq 'C') {
svn_ensure_parent_path( $m->{file_b} );
sys(qw(svn cp), $m->{file_a}, $m->{file_b});
blob_to_file( $m->{sha1_b}, $m->{file_b});
} elsif ($m->{chg} eq 'D') {
$rm{dirname $m->{file_b}}->{basename $m->{file_b}} = 1;
sys(qw(svn rm --force), $m->{file_b});
} elsif ($m->{chg} eq 'R') {
svn_ensure_parent_path( $m->{file_b} );
sys(qw(svn mv --force), $m->{file_a}, $m->{file_b});
blob_to_file( $m->{sha1_b}, $m->{file_b});
$rm{dirname $m->{file_a}}->{basename $m->{file_a}} = 1;
} elsif ($m->{chg} eq 'M') {
if ($m->{mode_b} =~ /^120/ && $m->{mode_a} =~ /^120/) {
unlink $m->{file_b} or croak $!;
blob_to_symlink($m->{sha1_b}, $m->{file_b});
} else {
blob_to_file($m->{sha1_b}, $m->{file_b});
} elsif ($m->{chg} eq 'T') {
sys(qw(svn rm --force),$m->{file_b});
if ($m->{mode_b} =~ /^120/ && $m->{mode_a} =~ /^100/) {
blob_to_symlink($m->{sha1_b}, $m->{file_b});
} else {
blob_to_file($m->{sha1_b}, $m->{file_b});
sys(qw(svn add --force), $m->{file_b});
} elsif ($m->{chg} eq 'A') {
svn_ensure_parent_path( $m->{file_b} );
blob_to_file( $m->{sha1_b}, $m->{file_b});
if ($m->{mode_b} =~ /755$/) {
chmod 0755, $m->{file_b};
sys(qw(svn add --force), $m->{file_b});
} else {
croak "Invalid chg: $m->{chg}\n";
if ($_rmdir) {
my $old_index = $ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE};
foreach my $dir (keys %rm) {
my $files = $rm{$dir};
my @files;
foreach (safe_qx('svn','ls',$dir)) {
push @files, $_ unless $files->{$_};
sys(qw(svn rm),$dir) unless @files;
if ($old_index) {
$ENV{GIT_INDEX_FILE} = $old_index;
} else {
sub svn_commit_tree {
my ($svn_rev, $commit) = @_;
my $commit_msg = "$GIT_DIR/$GIT_SVN/.svn-commit.tmp.$$";
open my $msg, '>', $commit_msg or croak $!;
chomp(my $type = `git-cat-file -t $commit`);
if ($type eq 'commit') {
my $pid = open my $msg_fh, '-|';
defined $pid or croak $!;
if ($pid == 0) {
exec(qw(git-cat-file commit), $commit) or croak $!;
my $in_msg = 0;
while (<$msg_fh>) {
if (!$in_msg) {
$in_msg = 1 if (/^\s*$/);
} else {
print $msg $_ or croak $!;
close $msg_fh or croak $!;
close $msg or croak $!;
if ($_edit || ($type eq 'tree')) {
my $editor = $ENV{VISUAL} || $ENV{EDITOR} || 'vi';
system($editor, $commit_msg);
my @ci_output = safe_qx(qw(svn commit -F),$commit_msg);
my ($committed) = grep(/^Committed revision \d+\./,@ci_output);
unlink $commit_msg;
defined $committed or croak
"Commit output failed to parse committed revision!\n",
my ($rev_committed) = ($committed =~ /^Committed revision (\d+)\./);
# resync immediately
my @svn_up = (qw(svn up), "-r$svn_rev");
push @svn_up, '--ignore-externals' unless $_no_ignore_ext;
return fetch("$rev_committed=$commit")->{revision};
sub svn_log_xml {
my (@log_args) = @_;
my $log_fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile or croak $!;
my $pid = fork;
defined $pid or croak $!;
if ($pid == 0) {
open STDOUT, '>&', $log_fh or croak $!;
exec (qw(svn log --xml), @log_args) or croak $!
waitpid $pid, 0;
croak $? if $?;
seek $log_fh, 0, 0;
my @svn_log;
my $log = XML::Simple::XMLin( $log_fh,
ForceArray => ['path','revision','logentry'],
KeepRoot => 0,
KeyAttr => { logentry => '+revision',
paths => '+path' },
foreach my $r (sort {$a <=> $b} keys %$log) {
my $log_msg = $log->{$r};
my ($Y,$m,$d,$H,$M,$S) = ($log_msg->{date} =~
or croak "Failed to parse date: ",
$log_msg->{date} = "+0000 $Y-$m-$d $H:$M:$S";
# XML::Simple can't handle <msg></msg> as a string:
if (ref $log_msg->{msg} eq 'HASH') {
$log_msg->{msg} = "\n";
} else {
$log_msg->{msg} .= "\n";
push @svn_log, $log->{$r};
return \@svn_log;
sub svn_log_raw {
my (@log_args) = @_;
my $pid = open my $log_fh,'-|';
defined $pid or croak $!;
if ($pid == 0) {
exec (qw(svn log), @log_args) or croak $!
my @svn_log;
my $state;
while (<$log_fh>) {
if (/^\-{72}$/) {
$state = 'rev';
# if we have an empty log message, put something there:
if (@svn_log) {
$svn_log[$#svn_log]->{msg} ||= "\n";
if ($state eq 'rev' && s/^r(\d+)\s*\|\s*//) {
my $rev = $1;
my ($author, $date) = split(/\s*\|\s*/, $_, 2);
my ($Y,$m,$d,$H,$M,$S,$tz) = ($date =~
or croak "Failed to parse date: $date\n";
my %log_msg = ( revision => $rev,
date => "$tz $Y-$m-$d $H:$M:$S",
author => $author,
msg => '' );
push @svn_log, \%log_msg;
$state = 'msg_start';
# skip the first blank line of the message:
if ($state eq 'msg_start' && /^$/) {
$state = 'msg';
} elsif ($state eq 'msg') {
$svn_log[$#svn_log]->{msg} .= $_."\n";
close $log_fh or croak $?;
return \@svn_log;
sub svn_info {
my $url = shift || $SVN_URL;
my $pid = open my $info_fh, '-|';
defined $pid or croak $!;
if ($pid == 0) {
exec(qw(svn info),$url) or croak $!;
my $ret = {};
# only single-lines seem to exist in svn info output
while (<$info_fh>) {
chomp $_;
if (m#^([^:]+)\s*:\s*(\S*)$#) {
$ret->{$1} = $2;
push @{$ret->{-order}}, $1;
close $info_fh or croak $!;
return $ret;
sub sys { system(@_) == 0 or croak $? }
sub git_addremove {
system( "git-diff-files --name-only -z ".
" | git-update-index --remove -z --stdin; ".
"git-ls-files -z --others ".
" | git-update-index --add -z --stdin; "
) == 0 or croak $?
sub s_to_file {
my ($str, $file, $mode) = @_;
open my $fd,'>',$file or croak $!;
print $fd $str,"\n" or croak $!;
close $fd or croak $!;
chmod ($mode &~ umask, $file) if (defined $mode);
sub file_to_s {
my $file = shift;
open my $fd,'<',$file or croak "$!: file: $file\n";
local $/;
my $ret = <$fd>;
close $fd or croak $!;
$ret =~ s/\s*$//s;
return $ret;
sub assert_revision_unknown {
my $revno = shift;
if (-f "$REV_DIR/$revno") {
croak "$REV_DIR/$revno already exists! ",
"Why are we refetching it?";
sub assert_revision_eq_or_unknown {
my ($revno, $commit) = @_;
if (-f "$REV_DIR/$revno") {
my $current = file_to_s("$REV_DIR/$revno");
if ($commit ne $current) {
croak "$REV_DIR/$revno already exists!\n",
"current: $current\nexpected: $commit\n";
sub git_commit {
my ($log_msg, @parents) = @_;
my $out_fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile or croak $!;
my $info = svn_info('.');
my $uuid = $info->{'Repository UUID'};
defined $uuid or croak "Unable to get Repository UUID\n";
# commit parents can be conditionally bound to a particular
# svn revision via: "svn_revno=commit_sha1", filter them out here:
my @exec_parents;
foreach my $p (@parents) {
next unless defined $p;
if ($p =~ /^(\d+)=($sha1_short)$/o) {
if ($1 == $log_msg->{revision}) {
push @exec_parents, $2;
} else {
push @exec_parents, $p if $p =~ /$sha1_short/o;
my $pid = fork;
defined $pid or croak $!;
if ($pid == 0) {
chomp(my $tree = `git-write-tree`);
croak if $?;
my $msg_fh = IO::File->new_tmpfile or croak $!;
print $msg_fh $log_msg->{msg}, "\ngit-svn-id: ",
" $uuid\n" or croak $!;
$msg_fh->flush == 0 or croak $!;
seek $msg_fh, 0, 0 or croak $!;
my @exec = ('git-commit-tree',$tree);
push @exec, '-p', $_ foreach @exec_parents;
open STDIN, '<&', $msg_fh or croak $!;
open STDOUT, '>&', $out_fh or croak $!;
exec @exec or croak $!;
croak if $?;
$out_fh->flush == 0 or croak $!;
seek $out_fh, 0, 0 or croak $!;
chomp(my $commit = do { local $/; <$out_fh> });
if ($commit !~ /^$sha1$/o) {
croak "Failed to commit, invalid sha1: $commit\n";
my @update_ref = ('git-update-ref',"refs/heads/$GIT_SVN-HEAD",$commit);
if (my $primary_parent = shift @exec_parents) {
push @update_ref, $primary_parent;
print "r$log_msg->{revision} = $commit\n";
return $commit;
sub blob_to_symlink {
my ($blob, $link) = @_;
defined $link or croak "\$link not defined!\n";
croak "Not a sha1: $blob\n" unless $blob =~ /^$sha1$/o;
my $dest = `git-cat-file blob $blob`; # no newline, so no chomp
symlink $dest, $link or croak $!;
sub blob_to_file {
my ($blob, $file) = @_;
defined $file or croak "\$file not defined!\n";
croak "Not a sha1: $blob\n" unless $blob =~ /^$sha1$/o;
open my $blob_fh, '>', $file or croak "$!: $file\n";
my $pid = fork;
defined $pid or croak $!;
if ($pid == 0) {
open STDOUT, '>&', $blob_fh or croak $!;
waitpid $pid, 0;
croak $? if $?;
close $blob_fh or croak $!;
sub safe_qx {
my $pid = open my $child, '-|';
defined $pid or croak $!;
if ($pid == 0) {
exec(@_) or croak $?;
my @ret = (<$child>);
close $child or croak $?;
die $? if $?; # just in case close didn't error out
return wantarray ? @ret : join('',@ret);
sub svn_check_ignore_externals {
return if $_no_ignore_ext;
unless (grep /ignore-externals/,(safe_qx(qw(svn co -h)))) {
print STDERR "W: Installed svn version does not support ",
$_no_ignore_ext = 1;
Data structures:
@svn_log = array of log_msg hashes
$log_msg hash
msg => 'whitespace-formatted log entry
', # trailing newline is preserved
revision => '8', # integer
date => '2004-02-24T17:01:44.108345Z', # commit date
author => 'committer name'
@mods = array of diff-index line hashes, each element represents one line
of diff-index output
diff-index line ($m hash)
mode_a => first column of diff-index output, no leading ':',
mode_b => second column of diff-index output,
sha1_b => sha1sum of the final blob,
chg => change type [MCRAD],
file_a => original file name of a file (iff chg is 'C' or 'R')
file_b => new/current file name of a file (any chg)