Apparently aspell 0.50 does not recognize "$$cr master" as a command, but instead tries to offer suggestions for how to correctly spell the word "cr". This is not quite what we are after when we want the name of the current dictionary. Instead of locking up git-gui waiting for a response that may never come back from aspell we avoid sending this command if the binary we have started claims to be before version 0.60. Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>
415 lines
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415 lines
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# git-gui spellchecking support through ispell/aspell
# Copyright (C) 2008 Shawn Pearce
class spellcheck {
field s_fd {} ; # pipe to ispell/aspell
field s_version {} ; # ispell/aspell version string
field s_lang {} ; # current language code
field s_prog aspell; # are we actually old ispell?
field s_failed 0 ; # is $s_prog bogus and not working?
field w_text ; # text widget we are spelling
field w_menu ; # context menu for the widget
field s_menuidx 0 ; # last index of insertion into $w_menu
field s_i {} ; # timer registration for _run callbacks
field s_clear 0 ; # did we erase mispelled tags yet?
field s_seen [list] ; # lines last seen from $w_text in _run
field s_checked [list] ; # lines already checked
field s_pending [list] ; # [$line $data] sent to ispell/aspell
field s_suggest ; # array, list of suggestions, keyed by misspelling
constructor init {pipe_fd ui_text ui_menu} {
set w_text $ui_text
set w_menu $ui_menu
array unset s_suggest
bind_button3 $w_text [cb _popup_suggest %X %Y @%x,%y]
_connect $this $pipe_fd
return $this
method _connect {pipe_fd} {
fconfigure $pipe_fd \
-encoding utf-8 \
-eofchar {} \
-translation lf
if {[gets $pipe_fd s_version] <= 0} {
if {[catch {close $pipe_fd} err]} {
# Eh? Is this actually ispell choking on aspell options?
if {$s_prog eq {aspell}
&& [regexp -nocase {^Usage: } $err]
&& ![catch {
set pipe_fd [open [list | $s_prog -v] r]
gets $pipe_fd s_version
close $pipe_fd
&& $s_version ne {}} {
if {{@(#) } eq [string range $s_version 0 4]} {
set s_version [string range $s_version 5 end]
set s_failed 1
error_popup [strcat \
[mc "Unsupported spell checker"] \
set s_version {}
regsub -nocase {^Error: } $err {} err
if {$s_fd eq {}} {
error_popup [strcat [mc "Spell checking is unavailable"] ":\n\n$err"]
} else {
error_popup [strcat \
[mc "Invalid spell checking configuration"] \
":\n\n$err\n\n" \
[mc "Reverting dictionary to %s." $s_lang]]
} else {
error_popup [mc "Spell checker silently failed on startup"]
if {{@(#) } ne [string range $s_version 0 4]} {
catch {close $pipe_fd}
error_popup [strcat [mc "Unrecognized spell checker"] ":\n\n$s_version"]
set s_version [string range $s_version 5 end]
regexp \
{International Ispell Version .* \(but really (Aspell .*?)\)$} \
$s_version _junk s_version
regexp {^Aspell (\d)+\.(\d+)} $s_version _junk major minor
puts $pipe_fd ! ; # enable terse mode
# fetch the language
if {$major > 0 || ($major == 0 && $minor >= 60)} {
puts $pipe_fd {$$cr master}
flush $pipe_fd
gets $pipe_fd s_lang
regexp {[/\\]([^/\\]+)\.[^\.]+$} $s_lang _ s_lang
} else {
set s_lang {}
if {$::default_config(gui.spellingdictionary) eq {}
&& [get_config gui.spellingdictionary] eq {}} {
set ::default_config(gui.spellingdictionary) $s_lang
if {$s_fd ne {}} {
catch {close $s_fd}
set s_fd $pipe_fd
fconfigure $s_fd -blocking 0
fileevent $s_fd readable [cb _read]
$w_text tag conf misspelled \
-foreground red \
-underline 1
array unset s_suggest
set s_seen [list]
set s_checked [list]
set s_pending [list]
_run $this
method lang {{n {}}} {
if {$n ne {} && $s_lang ne $n && !$s_failed} {
set spell_cmd [list |]
lappend spell_cmd aspell
lappend spell_cmd --master=$n
lappend spell_cmd --mode=none
lappend spell_cmd --encoding=UTF-8
lappend spell_cmd pipe
_connect $this [open $spell_cmd r+]
return $s_lang
method version {} {
if {$s_version ne {}} {
return "$s_version, $s_lang"
return {}
method stop {} {
while {$s_menuidx > 0} {
$w_menu delete 0
incr s_menuidx -1
$w_text tag delete misspelled
catch {close $s_fd}
catch {after cancel $s_i}
set s_fd {}
set s_i {}
set s_lang {}
method _popup_suggest {X Y pos} {
while {$s_menuidx > 0} {
$w_menu delete 0
incr s_menuidx -1
set b_loc [$w_text index "$pos wordstart"]
set e_loc [_wordend $this $b_loc]
set orig [$w_text get $b_loc $e_loc]
set tags [$w_text tag names $b_loc]
if {[lsearch -exact $tags misspelled] >= 0} {
if {[info exists s_suggest($orig)]} {
set cnt 0
foreach s $s_suggest($orig) {
if {$cnt < 5} {
$w_menu insert $s_menuidx command \
-label $s \
-command [cb _replace $b_loc $e_loc $s]
incr s_menuidx
incr cnt
} else {
} else {
$w_menu insert $s_menuidx command \
-label [mc "No Suggestions"] \
-state disabled
incr s_menuidx
$w_menu insert $s_menuidx separator
incr s_menuidx
$w_text mark set saved-insert insert
tk_popup $w_menu $X $Y
method _replace {b_loc e_loc word} {
$w_text configure -autoseparators 0
$w_text edit separator
$w_text delete $b_loc $e_loc
$w_text insert $b_loc $word
$w_text edit separator
$w_text configure -autoseparators 1
$w_text mark set insert saved-insert
method _restart_timer {} {
set s_i [after 300 [cb _run]]
proc _match_length {max_line arr_name} {
upvar $arr_name a
if {[llength $a] > $max_line} {
set a [lrange $a 0 $max_line]
while {[llength $a] <= $max_line} {
lappend a {}
method _wordend {pos} {
set pos [$w_text index "$pos wordend"]
set tags [$w_text tag names $pos]
while {[lsearch -exact $tags misspelled] >= 0} {
set pos [$w_text index "$pos +1c"]
set tags [$w_text tag names $pos]
return $pos
method _run {} {
set cur_pos [$w_text index {insert -1c}]
set cur_line [lindex [split $cur_pos .] 0]
set max_line [lindex [split [$w_text index end] .] 0]
_match_length $max_line s_seen
_match_length $max_line s_checked
# Nothing in the message buffer? Nothing to spellcheck.
if {$cur_line == 1
&& $max_line == 2
&& [$w_text get 1.0 end] eq "\n"} {
array unset s_suggest
_restart_timer $this
set active 0
for {set n 1} {$n <= $max_line} {incr n} {
set s [$w_text get "$n.0" "$n.end"]
# Don't spellcheck the current line unless we are at
# a word boundary. The user might be typing on it.
if {$n == $cur_line
&& ![regexp {^\W$} [$w_text get $cur_pos insert]]} {
# If the current word is mispelled remove the tag
# but force a spellcheck later.
set tags [$w_text tag names $cur_pos]
if {[lsearch -exact $tags misspelled] >= 0} {
$w_text tag remove misspelled \
"$cur_pos wordstart" \
[_wordend $this $cur_pos]
lset s_seen $n $s
lset s_checked $n {}
if {[lindex $s_seen $n] eq $s
&& [lindex $s_checked $n] ne $s} {
# Don't send empty lines to Aspell it doesn't check them.
if {$s eq {}} {
lset s_checked $n $s
# Don't send typical s-b-o lines as the emails are
# almost always misspelled according to Aspell.
if {[regexp -nocase {^[a-z-]+-by:.*<.*@.*>$} $s]} {
$w_text tag remove misspelled "$n.0" "$n.end"
lset s_checked $n $s
puts $s_fd ^$s
lappend s_pending [list $n $s]
set active 1
} else {
# Delay until another idle loop to make sure we don't
# spellcheck lines the user is actively changing.
lset s_seen $n $s
if {$active} {
set s_clear 1
flush $s_fd
} else {
_restart_timer $this
method _read {} {
while {[gets $s_fd line] >= 0} {
set lineno [lindex $s_pending 0 0]
if {$s_clear} {
$w_text tag remove misspelled "$lineno.0" "$lineno.end"
set s_clear 0
if {$line eq {}} {
lset s_checked $lineno [lindex $s_pending 0 1]
set s_pending [lrange $s_pending 1 end]
set s_clear 1
set sugg [list]
switch -- [string range $line 0 1] {
{& } {
set line [split [string range $line 2 end] :]
set info [split [lindex $line 0] { }]
set orig [lindex $info 0]
set offs [lindex $info 2]
foreach s [split [lindex $line 1] ,] {
lappend sugg [string range $s 1 end]
{# } {
set info [split [string range $line 2 end] { }]
set orig [lindex $info 0]
set offs [lindex $info 1]
default {
puts stderr "<spell> $line"
incr offs -1
set b_loc "$lineno.$offs"
set e_loc [$w_text index "$lineno.$offs wordend"]
set curr [$w_text get $b_loc $e_loc]
# At least for English curr = "bob", orig = "bob's"
# so Tk didn't include the 's but Aspell did. We
# try to round out the word.
while {$curr ne $orig
&& [string equal -length [string length $curr] $curr $orig]} {
set n_loc [$w_text index "$e_loc +1c"]
set n_curr [$w_text get $b_loc $n_loc]
if {$n_curr eq $curr} {
set curr $n_curr
set e_loc $n_loc
if {$curr eq $orig} {
$w_text tag add misspelled $b_loc $e_loc
if {[llength $sugg] > 0} {
set s_suggest($orig) $sugg
} else {
unset -nocomplain s_suggest($orig)
} else {
unset -nocomplain s_suggest($orig)
fconfigure $s_fd -block 1
if {[eof $s_fd]} {
if {![catch {close $s_fd} err]} {
set err [mc "Unexpected EOF from spell checker"]
catch {after cancel $s_i}
$w_text tag remove misspelled 1.0 end
error_popup [strcat [mc "Spell Checker Failed"] "\n\n" $err]
fconfigure $s_fd -block 0
if {[llength $s_pending] == 0} {
_restart_timer $this
proc available_langs {} {
set langs [list]
catch {
set fd [open [list | aspell dump dicts] r]
while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
if {$line eq {}} continue
lappend langs $line
close $fd
return $langs