The strings we were showing from po2msg didn't exactly match those of msgfmt's --statistics output so we didn't show quite the same results when building git-gui's message files. Now we're closer to what msgfmt shows (at least for an en_US locale) so the make output matches. I noticed that the fuzzy translation count is off by one for the current po/zh_cn.po file. Not sure why and I'm not going to try and debug it at this time as the po2msg is strictly a fallback, users building from source really should prefer msgfmt. Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>
153 lines
2.9 KiB
153 lines
2.9 KiB
# Tcl ignores the next line -*- tcl -*- \
exec tclsh "$0" -- "$@"
# This is a really stupid program, which serves as an alternative to
# msgfmt. It _only_ translates to Tcl mode, does _not_ validate the
# input, and does _not_ output any statistics.
proc u2a {s} {
set res ""
foreach i [split $s ""] {
scan $i %c c
if {$c<128} {
# escape '[', '\' and ']'
if {$c == 0x5b || $c == 0x5d} {
append res "\\"
append res $i
} else {
append res \\u[format %04.4x $c]
return $res
set output_directory "."
set lang "dummy"
set files [list]
set show_statistics 0
# parse options
for {set i 0} {$i < $argc} {incr i} {
set arg [lindex $argv $i]
if {$arg == "--statistics"} {
incr show_statistics
if {$arg == "--tcl"} {
# we know
if {$arg == "-l"} {
incr i
set lang [lindex $argv $i]
if {$arg == "-d"} {
incr i
set tmp [lindex $argv $i]
regsub "\[^/\]$" $tmp "&/" output_directory
lappend files $arg
proc flush_msg {} {
global msgid msgstr mode lang out fuzzy
global translated_count fuzzy_count not_translated_count
if {![info exists msgid] || $mode == ""} {
set mode ""
if {$fuzzy == 1} {
incr fuzzy_count
set fuzzy 0
if {$msgid == ""} {
set prefix "set ::msgcat::header"
} else {
if {$msgstr == ""} {
incr not_translated_count
set prefix "::msgcat::mcset $lang \"[u2a $msgid]\""
incr translated_count
puts $out "$prefix \"[u2a $msgstr]\""
set fuzzy 0
set translated_count 0
set fuzzy_count 0
set not_translated_count 0
foreach file $files {
regsub "^.*/\(\[^/\]*\)\.po$" $file "$output_directory\\1.msg" outfile
set in [open $file "r"]
fconfigure $in -encoding utf-8
set out [open $outfile "w"]
set mode ""
while {[gets $in line] >= 0} {
if {[regexp "^#" $line]} {
if {[regexp ", fuzzy" $line]} {
set fuzzy 1
} else {
} elseif {[regexp "^msgid \"(.*)\"$" $line dummy match]} {
set msgid $match
set mode "msgid"
} elseif {[regexp "^msgstr \"(.*)\"$" $line dummy match]} {
set msgstr $match
set mode "msgstr"
} elseif {$line == ""} {
} elseif {[regexp "^\"(.*)\"$" $line dummy match]} {
if {$mode == "msgid"} {
append msgid $match
} elseif {$mode == "msgstr"} {
append msgstr $match
} else {
puts stderr "I do not know what to do: $match"
} else {
puts stderr "Cannot handle $line"
close $in
close $out
if {$show_statistics} {
set str ""
append str "$translated_count translated message"
if {$translated_count != 1} {
append str s
if {$fuzzy_count > 1} {
append str ", $fuzzy_count fuzzy translation"
if {$fuzzy_count != 1} {
append str s
if {$not_translated_count > 0} {
append str ", $not_translated_count untranslated message"
if {$not_translated_count != 1} {
append str s
append str .
puts $str