* commit 'git-gui/master': (36 commits) git-gui: Change prior tree SHA-1 verification to use git_read git-gui: Include a space in Cygwin shortcut command lines git-gui: Use sh.exe in Cygwin shortcuts git-gui: Paper bag fix for Cygwin shortcut creation git-gui: Improve the Windows and Mac OS X shortcut creators git-gui: Teach console widget to use git_read git-gui: Perform our own magic shbang detection on Windows git-gui: Treat `git version` as `git --version` git-gui: Assume unfound commands are known by git wrapper git-gui: Correct gitk installation location git-gui: Always use absolute path to all git executables git-gui: Show a progress meter for checking out files git-gui: Change the main window progress bar to use status_bar git-gui: Extract blame viewer status bar into mega-widget git-gui: Allow double-click in checkout dialog to start checkout git-gui: Default selection to first matching ref git-gui: Unabbreviate commit SHA-1s prior to display git-gui: Refactor branch switch to support detached head git-gui: Refactor our ui_status_value update technique git-gui: Better handling of detached HEAD ...
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# git-gui branch merge support
# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
namespace eval merge {
proc _can_merge {} {
global HEAD commit_type file_states
if {[string match amend* $commit_type]} {
info_popup {Cannot merge while amending.
You must finish amending this commit before starting any type of merge.
return 0
if {[committer_ident] eq {}} {return 0}
if {![lock_index merge]} {return 0}
# -- Our in memory state should match the repository.
repository_state curType curHEAD curMERGE_HEAD
if {$commit_type ne $curType || $HEAD ne $curHEAD} {
info_popup {Last scanned state does not match repository state.
Another Git program has modified this repository since the last scan. A rescan must be performed before a merge can be performed.
The rescan will be automatically started now.
rescan ui_ready
return 0
foreach path [array names file_states] {
switch -glob -- [lindex $file_states($path) 0] {
_O {
continue; # and pray it works!
U? {
error_popup "You are in the middle of a conflicted merge.
File [short_path $path] has merge conflicts.
You must resolve them, add the file, and commit to complete the current merge. Only then can you begin another merge.
return 0
?? {
error_popup "You are in the middle of a change.
File [short_path $path] is modified.
You should complete the current commit before starting a merge. Doing so will help you abort a failed merge, should the need arise.
return 0
return 1
proc _refs {w list} {
set r {}
foreach i [$w.source.l curselection] {
lappend r [lindex [lindex $list $i] 0]
return $r
proc _visualize {w list} {
set revs [_refs $w $list]
if {$revs eq {}} return
lappend revs --not HEAD
do_gitk $revs
proc _start {w list} {
global HEAD current_branch
set cmd [list git merge]
set names [_refs $w $list]
set revcnt [llength $names]
append cmd { } $names
if {$revcnt == 0} {
} elseif {$revcnt == 1} {
set unit branch
} elseif {$revcnt <= 15} {
set unit branches
if {[tk_dialog \
$w.confirm_octopus \
[wm title $w] \
"Use octopus merge strategy?
You are merging $revcnt branches at once. This requires using the octopus merge driver, which may not succeed if there are file-level conflicts.
" \
question \
0 \
{Cancel} \
{Use octopus} \
] != 1} return
} else {
tk_messageBox \
-icon error \
-type ok \
-title [wm title $w] \
-parent $w \
-message "Too many branches selected.
You have requested to merge $revcnt branches in an octopus merge. This exceeds Git's internal limit of 15 branches per merge.
Please select fewer branches. To merge more than 15 branches, merge the branches in batches.
set msg "Merging $current_branch, [join $names {, }]"
ui_status "$msg..."
set cons [console::new "Merge" $msg]
console::exec $cons $cmd \
[namespace code [list _finish $revcnt $cons]]
wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW {}
destroy $w
proc _finish {revcnt w ok} {
console::done $w $ok
if {$ok} {
set msg {Merge completed successfully.}
} else {
if {$revcnt != 1} {
info_popup "Octopus merge failed.
Your merge of $revcnt branches has failed.
There are file-level conflicts between the branches which must be resolved manually.
The working directory will now be reset.
You can attempt this merge again by merging only one branch at a time." $w
set fd [git_read read-tree --reset -u HEAD]
fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation binary
fileevent $fd readable \
[namespace code [list _reset_wait $fd]]
ui_status {Aborting... please wait...}
set msg {Merge failed. Conflict resolution is required.}
rescan [list ui_status $msg]
proc dialog {} {
global current_branch
global M1B
if {![_can_merge]} return
set fmt {list %(objectname) %(*objectname) %(refname) %(subject)}
set fr_fd [git_read for-each-ref \
--tcl \
--format=$fmt \
refs/heads \
refs/remotes \
refs/tags \
fconfigure $fr_fd -translation binary
while {[gets $fr_fd line] > 0} {
set line [eval $line]
set ref [lindex $line 2]
regsub ^refs/(heads|remotes|tags)/ $ref {} ref
set subj($ref) [lindex $line 3]
lappend sha1([lindex $line 0]) $ref
if {[lindex $line 1] ne {}} {
lappend sha1([lindex $line 1]) $ref
close $fr_fd
set to_show {}
set fr_fd [git_read rev-list --all --not HEAD]
while {[gets $fr_fd line] > 0} {
if {[catch {set ref $sha1($line)}]} continue
foreach n $ref {
lappend to_show [list $n $line]
close $fr_fd
set to_show [lsort -unique $to_show]
set w .merge_setup
toplevel $w
wm geometry $w "+[winfo rootx .]+[winfo rooty .]"
set _visualize [namespace code [list _visualize $w $to_show]]
set _start [namespace code [list _start $w $to_show]]
label $w.header \
-text "Merge Into $current_branch" \
-font font_uibold
pack $w.header -side top -fill x
frame $w.buttons
button $w.buttons.visualize -text Visualize -command $_visualize
pack $w.buttons.visualize -side left
button $w.buttons.create -text Merge -command $_start
pack $w.buttons.create -side right
button $w.buttons.cancel \
-text {Cancel} \
-command "unlock_index;destroy $w"
pack $w.buttons.cancel -side right -padx 5
pack $w.buttons -side bottom -fill x -pady 10 -padx 10
labelframe $w.source -text {Source Branches}
listbox $w.source.l \
-height 10 \
-width 70 \
-font font_diff \
-selectmode extended \
-yscrollcommand [list $w.source.sby set]
scrollbar $w.source.sby -command [list $w.source.l yview]
pack $w.source.sby -side right -fill y
pack $w.source.l -side left -fill both -expand 1
pack $w.source -fill both -expand 1 -pady 5 -padx 5
foreach ref $to_show {
set n [lindex $ref 0]
if {[string length $n] > 20} {
set n "[string range $n 0 16]..."
$w.source.l insert end [format {%s %-20s %s} \
[string range [lindex $ref 1] 0 5] \
$n \
$subj([lindex $ref 0])]
bind $w.source.l <Key-K> [list event generate %W <Shift-Key-Up>]
bind $w.source.l <Key-J> [list event generate %W <Shift-Key-Down>]
bind $w.source.l <Key-k> [list event generate %W <Key-Up>]
bind $w.source.l <Key-j> [list event generate %W <Key-Down>]
bind $w.source.l <Key-h> [list event generate %W <Key-Left>]
bind $w.source.l <Key-l> [list event generate %W <Key-Right>]
bind $w.source.l <Key-v> $_visualize
bind $w <$M1B-Key-Return> $_start
bind $w <Visibility> "grab $w; focus $w.source.l"
bind $w <Key-Escape> "unlock_index;destroy $w"
wm protocol $w WM_DELETE_WINDOW "unlock_index;destroy $w"
wm title $w "[appname] ([reponame]): Merge"
tkwait window $w
proc reset_hard {} {
global HEAD commit_type file_states
if {[string match amend* $commit_type]} {
info_popup {Cannot abort while amending.
You must finish amending this commit.
if {![lock_index abort]} return
if {[string match *merge* $commit_type]} {
set op merge
} else {
set op commit
if {[ask_popup "Abort $op?
Aborting the current $op will cause *ALL* uncommitted changes to be lost.
Continue with aborting the current $op?"] eq {yes}} {
set fd [git_read read-tree --reset -u HEAD]
fconfigure $fd -blocking 0 -translation binary
fileevent $fd readable [namespace code [list _reset_wait $fd]]
ui_status {Aborting... please wait...}
} else {
proc _reset_wait {fd} {
global ui_comm
read $fd
if {[eof $fd]} {
close $fd
$ui_comm delete 0.0 end
$ui_comm edit modified false
catch {file delete [gitdir MERGE_HEAD]}
catch {file delete [gitdir rr-cache MERGE_RR]}
catch {file delete [gitdir SQUASH_MSG]}
catch {file delete [gitdir MERGE_MSG]}
catch {file delete [gitdir GITGUI_MSG]}
rescan {ui_status {Abort completed. Ready.}}