Formalize our dependency on perl 5.8, bumped from 5.6.[12]. We already used the three-arg form of open() which was introduced in 5.6.1, but t/t9700/test.pl explicitly depended on 5.6.2. However git-add--interactive.pl has been failing on the 5.6 line since it was introduced in v1.5.0-rc0~12^2~2 back in 2006 due to this open syntax: sub run_cmd_pipe { my $fh = undef; open($fh, '-|', @_) or die; return <$fh>; } Which when executed dies on "Can't use an undefined value as filehandle reference". Several of our tests also fail on 5.6 (even more when compiled with NO_PERL_MAKEMAKER=1): t2016-checkout-patch.sh t3904-stash-patch.sh t3701-add-interactive.sh t7105-reset-patch.sh t7501-commit.sh t9700-perl-git.sh Our code is bitrotting on 5.6 with no-one interested in fixing it, and pinning us to such an ancient release of Perl is keeping us from using useful features introduced in the 5.8 release. The 5.6 series is now over 10 years old, and the 5.6.2 maintenance release almost 7. 5.8 on the other hand is more than 8 years old. All the modern Unix-like operating systems have now upgraded to it or a later version, and 5.8 packages are available for old IRIX, AIX Solaris and Tru64 systems. Signed-off-by: Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason <avarab@gmail.com> Acked-by: Tor Arntsen <tor@spacetec.no> Acked-by: Randal L. Schwartz <merlyn@stonehenge.com> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com>
120 lines
4.8 KiB
Executable File
120 lines
4.8 KiB
Executable File
use lib (split(/:/, $ENV{GITPERLLIB}));
use 5.008;
use warnings;
use strict;
use Test::More qw(no_plan);
# t9700-perl-git.sh kicks off our testing, so we have to go from
# there.
use Cwd;
use File::Basename;
BEGIN { use_ok('Git') }
# set up
our $abs_repo_dir = cwd();
ok(our $r = Git->repository(Directory => "."), "open repository");
# config
is($r->config("test.string"), "value", "config scalar: string");
is_deeply([$r->config("test.dupstring")], ["value1", "value2"],
"config array: string");
is($r->config("test.nonexistent"), undef, "config scalar: nonexistent");
is_deeply([$r->config("test.nonexistent")], [], "config array: nonexistent");
is($r->config_int("test.int"), 2048, "config_int: integer");
is($r->config_int("test.nonexistent"), undef, "config_int: nonexistent");
ok($r->config_bool("test.booltrue"), "config_bool: true");
ok(!$r->config_bool("test.boolfalse"), "config_bool: false");
our $ansi_green = "\x1b[32m";
is($r->get_color("color.test.slot1", "red"), $ansi_green, "get_color");
# Cannot test $r->get_colorbool("color.foo")) because we do not
# control whether our STDOUT is a terminal.
# Failure cases for config:
# Save and restore STDERR; we will probably extract this into a
# "dies_ok" method and possibly move the STDERR handling to Git.pm.
open our $tmpstderr, ">&STDERR" or die "cannot save STDERR"; close STDERR;
eval { $r->config("test.dupstring") };
ok($@, "config: duplicate entry in scalar context fails");
eval { $r->config_bool("test.boolother") };
ok($@, "config_bool: non-boolean values fail");
open STDERR, ">&", $tmpstderr or die "cannot restore STDERR";
# ident
like($r->ident("aUthor"), qr/^A U Thor <author\@example.com> [0-9]+ \+0000$/,
"ident scalar: author (type)");
like($r->ident("cOmmitter"), qr/^C O Mitter <committer\@example.com> [0-9]+ \+0000$/,
"ident scalar: committer (type)");
is($r->ident("invalid"), "invalid", "ident scalar: invalid ident string (no parsing)");
my ($name, $email, $time_tz) = $r->ident('author');
is_deeply([$name, $email], ["A U Thor", "author\@example.com"],
"ident array: author");
like($time_tz, qr/[0-9]+ \+0000/, "ident array: author");
is_deeply([$r->ident("Name <email> 123 +0000")], ["Name", "email", "123 +0000"],
"ident array: ident string");
is_deeply([$r->ident("invalid")], [], "ident array: invalid ident string");
# ident_person
is($r->ident_person("aUthor"), "A U Thor <author\@example.com>",
"ident_person: author (type)");
is($r->ident_person("Name <email> 123 +0000"), "Name <email>",
"ident_person: ident string");
is($r->ident_person("Name", "email", "123 +0000"), "Name <email>",
"ident_person: array");
# objects and hashes
ok(our $file1hash = $r->command_oneline('rev-parse', "HEAD:file1"), "(get file hash)");
my $tmpfile = "file.tmp";
open TEMPFILE, "+>$tmpfile" or die "Can't open $tmpfile: $!";
is($r->cat_blob($file1hash, \*TEMPFILE), 15, "cat_blob: size");
our $blobcontents;
{ local $/; seek TEMPFILE, 0, 0; $blobcontents = <TEMPFILE>; }
is($blobcontents, "changed file 1\n", "cat_blob: data");
close TEMPFILE or die "Failed writing to $tmpfile: $!";
is(Git::hash_object("blob", $tmpfile), $file1hash, "hash_object: roundtrip");
open TEMPFILE, ">$tmpfile" or die "Can't open $tmpfile: $!";
print TEMPFILE my $test_text = "test blob, to be inserted\n";
close TEMPFILE or die "Failed writing to $tmpfile: $!";
like(our $newhash = $r->hash_and_insert_object($tmpfile), qr/[0-9a-fA-F]{40}/,
"hash_and_insert_object: returns hash");
open TEMPFILE, "+>$tmpfile" or die "Can't open $tmpfile: $!";
is($r->cat_blob($newhash, \*TEMPFILE), length $test_text, "cat_blob: roundtrip size");
{ local $/; seek TEMPFILE, 0, 0; $blobcontents = <TEMPFILE>; }
is($blobcontents, $test_text, "cat_blob: roundtrip data");
unlink $tmpfile;
# paths
is($r->repo_path, $abs_repo_dir . "/.git", "repo_path");
is($r->wc_path, $abs_repo_dir . "/", "wc_path");
is($r->wc_subdir, "", "wc_subdir initial");
is($r->wc_subdir, "directory1", "wc_subdir after wc_chdir");
is($r->config("test.string"), "value", "config after wc_chdir");
# Object generation in sub directory
my $r2 = Git->repository();
is($r2->repo_path, $abs_repo_dir . "/.git", "repo_path (2)");
is($r2->wc_path, $abs_repo_dir . "/", "wc_path (2)");
is($r2->wc_subdir, "directory2/", "wc_subdir initial (2)");
# commands in sub directory
my $last_commit = $r2->command_oneline(qw(rev-parse --verify HEAD));
like($last_commit, qr/^[0-9a-fA-F]{40}$/, 'rev-parse returned hash');
my $dir_commit = $r2->command_oneline('log', '-n1', '--pretty=format:%H', '.');
isnt($last_commit, $dir_commit, 'log . does not show last commit');
printf "1..%d\n", Test::More->builder->current_test;
my $is_passing = eval { Test::More->is_passing };
exit($is_passing ? 0 : 1) unless $@ =~ /Can't locate object method/;