cehteh on #git noticed that secondary windows such as console windows from push/fetch/merge or the blame browser failed on ion when we tried to open them a second time. The issue turned out to be the fact that on ion [winfo ismapped .] returns false if . is not visible right now because it has been obscured by another window in the same panel. So we need to keep track of whether or not the root window has been displayed for this application, and once it has been we cannot ever assume that ismapped is going to return true. Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>
187 lines
4.3 KiB
187 lines
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# git-gui simple class/object fake-alike
# Copyright (C) 2007 Shawn Pearce
proc class {class body} {
if {[namespace exists $class]} {
error "class $class already declared"
namespace eval $class "
variable __nextid 0
variable __sealed 0
variable __field_list {}
variable __field_array
proc cb {name args} {
upvar this this
concat \[list ${class}::\$name \$this\] \$args
namespace eval $class $body
proc field {name args} {
set class [uplevel {namespace current}]
variable ${class}::__sealed
variable ${class}::__field_array
switch [llength $args] {
0 { set new [list $name] }
1 { set new [list $name [lindex $args 0]] }
default { error "wrong # args: field name value?" }
if {$__sealed} {
error "class $class is sealed (cannot add new fields)"
if {[catch {set old $__field_array($name)}]} {
variable ${class}::__field_list
lappend __field_list $new
set __field_array($name) 1
} else {
error "field $name already declared"
proc constructor {name params body} {
set class [uplevel {namespace current}]
set ${class}::__sealed 1
variable ${class}::__field_list
set mbodyc {}
append mbodyc {set this } $class
append mbodyc {::__o[incr } $class {::__nextid]::__d} \;
append mbodyc {create_this } $class \;
append mbodyc {set __this [namespace qualifiers $this]} \;
if {$__field_list ne {}} {
append mbodyc {upvar #0}
foreach n $__field_list {
set n [lindex $n 0]
append mbodyc { ${__this}::} $n { } $n
regsub -all @$n\\M $body "\${__this}::$n" body
append mbodyc \;
foreach n $__field_list {
if {[llength $n] == 2} {
append mbodyc \
{set } [lindex $n 0] { } [list [lindex $n 1]] \;
append mbodyc $body
namespace eval $class [list proc $name $params $mbodyc]
proc method {name params body {deleted {}} {del_body {}}} {
set class [uplevel {namespace current}]
set ${class}::__sealed 1
variable ${class}::__field_list
set params [linsert $params 0 this]
set mbodyc {}
append mbodyc {set __this [namespace qualifiers $this]} \;
switch $deleted {
{} {}
ifdeleted {
append mbodyc {if {![namespace exists $__this]} }
append mbodyc \{ $del_body \; return \} \;
default {
error "wrong # args: method name args body (ifdeleted body)?"
set decl {}
foreach n $__field_list {
set n [lindex $n 0]
if {[regexp -- $n\\M $body]} {
if { [regexp -all -- $n\\M $body] == 1
&& [regexp -all -- \\\$$n\\M $body] == 1
&& [regexp -all -- \\\$$n\\( $body] == 0} {
regsub -all \
\\\$$n\\M $body \
"\[set \${__this}::$n\]" body
} else {
append decl { ${__this}::} $n { } $n
regsub -all @$n\\M $body "\${__this}::$n" body
if {$decl ne {}} {
append mbodyc {upvar #0} $decl \;
append mbodyc $body
namespace eval $class [list proc $name $params $mbodyc]
proc create_this {class} {
upvar this this
namespace eval [namespace qualifiers $this] [list proc \
[namespace tail $this] \
[list name args] \
"eval \[list ${class}::\$name $this\] \$args" \
proc delete_this {{t {}}} {
if {$t eq {}} {
upvar this this
set t $this
set t [namespace qualifiers $t]
if {[namespace exists $t]} {namespace delete $t}
proc make_toplevel {t w args} {
upvar $t top $w pfx this this
if {[llength $args] % 2} {
error "make_toplevel topvar winvar {options}"
set autodelete 1
foreach {name value} $args {
switch -exact -- $name {
-autodelete {set autodelete $value}
default {error "unsupported option $name"}
if {$::root_exists || [winfo ismapped .]} {
regsub -all {::} $this {__} w
set top .$w
set pfx $top
toplevel $top
set ::root_exists 1
} else {
set top .
set pfx {}
if {$autodelete} {
wm protocol $top WM_DELETE_WINDOW "
[list delete_this $this]
[list destroy $top]
## auto_mkindex support for class/constructor/method
auto_mkindex_parser::command class {name body} {
variable parser
variable contextStack
set contextStack [linsert $contextStack 0 $name]
$parser eval [list _%@namespace eval $name] $body
set contextStack [lrange $contextStack 1 end]
auto_mkindex_parser::command constructor {name args} {
variable index
variable scriptFile
append index [list set auto_index([fullname $name])] \
[format { [list source [file join $dir %s]]} \
[file split $scriptFile]] "\n"