'rerere gc' prunes resolutions of conflicted merges that occurred long time ago, and when doing so it takes the creation time of the conflicted automerge results into account. This can cause the loss of frequently used conflict resolutions (e.g. long-living topic branches are merged into a regularly rebuilt integration branch (think of git's pu)) when they become old enough to exceed 'rerere gc's threshold. To prevent the loss of valuable merge resolutions 'rerere' will (1) update the timestamp of the recorded conflict resolution (i.e. 'postimage') each time when encountering and resolving the same merge conflict, and (2) take this timestamp, i.e. the time of the last usage into account when gc'ing. Signed-off-by: SZEDER Gábor <szeder@ira.uka.de> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com>
249 lines
6.2 KiB
Executable File
249 lines
6.2 KiB
Executable File
# Copyright (c) 2006 Johannes E. Schindelin
test_description='git rerere
. ./test-lib.sh
test_expect_success 'setup' "
cat > a1 <<- EOF &&
Some title
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
No more; and by a sleep to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd.
git add a1 &&
git commit -q -a -m initial &&
git checkout -b first &&
cat >> a1 <<- EOF &&
Some title
To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
git commit -q -a -m first &&
git checkout -b second master &&
git show first:a1 |
sed -e 's/To die, t/To die! T/' -e 's/Some title/Some Title/' > a1 &&
echo '* END *' >>a1 &&
git commit -q -a -m second
test_expect_success 'nothing recorded without rerere' '
(rm -rf .git/rr-cache; git config rerere.enabled false) &&
test_must_fail git merge first &&
! test -d .git/rr-cache
# activate rerere, old style
test_expect_success 'conflicting merge' '
git reset --hard &&
mkdir .git/rr-cache &&
git config --unset rerere.enabled &&
test_must_fail git merge first
sha1=$(perl -pe 's/ .*//' .git/MERGE_RR)
test_expect_success 'recorded preimage' "grep ^=======$ $rr/preimage"
test_expect_success 'rerere.enabled works, too' '
rm -rf .git/rr-cache &&
git config rerere.enabled true &&
git reset --hard &&
test_must_fail git merge first &&
grep ^=======$ $rr/preimage
test_expect_success 'no postimage or thisimage yet' \
"test ! -f $rr/postimage -a ! -f $rr/thisimage"
test_expect_success 'preimage has right number of lines' '
cnt=$(sed -ne "/^<<<<<<</,/^>>>>>>>/p" $rr/preimage | wc -l) &&
test $cnt = 13
git show first:a1 > a1
cat > expect << EOF
--- a/a1
+++ b/a1
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-Some Title
+Some title
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
@@ -8,21 +8,11 @@
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd.
-Some Title
-To die! To sleep;
Some title
To die, to sleep;
To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
-* END *
git rerere diff > out
test_expect_success 'rerere diff' 'test_cmp expect out'
cat > expect << EOF
git rerere status > out
test_expect_success 'rerere status' 'test_cmp expect out'
test_expect_success 'commit succeeds' \
"git commit -q -a -m 'prefer first over second'"
test_expect_success 'recorded postimage' "test -f $rr/postimage"
oldmtimepost=$(test-chmtime -v -60 $rr/postimage |cut -f 1)
test_expect_success 'another conflicting merge' '
git checkout -b third master &&
git show second^:a1 | sed "s/To die: t/To die! T/" > a1 &&
git commit -q -a -m third &&
test_must_fail git pull . first
git show first:a1 | sed 's/To die: t/To die! T/' > expect
test_expect_success 'rerere kicked in' "! grep ^=======$ a1"
test_expect_success 'rerere prefers first change' 'test_cmp a1 expect'
test_expect_success 'rerere updates postimage timestamp' '
newmtimepost=$(test-chmtime -v +0 $rr/postimage |cut -f 1) &&
test $oldmtimepost -lt $newmtimepost
rm $rr/postimage
echo "$sha1 a1" | perl -pe 'y/\012/\000/' > .git/MERGE_RR
test_expect_success 'rerere clear' 'git rerere clear'
test_expect_success 'clear removed the directory' "test ! -d $rr"
mkdir $rr
echo Hello > $rr/preimage
echo World > $rr/postimage
mkdir $rr2
echo Hello > $rr2/preimage
test-chmtime =$just_over_60_days_ago $rr/preimage
test-chmtime =$almost_60_days_ago $rr/postimage
test-chmtime =$almost_15_days_ago $rr2/preimage
test_expect_success 'garbage collection (part1)' 'git rerere gc'
test_expect_success 'young or recently used records still live' \
"test -f $rr/preimage && test -f $rr2/preimage"
test-chmtime =$just_over_60_days_ago $rr/postimage
test-chmtime =$just_over_15_days_ago $rr2/preimage
test_expect_success 'garbage collection (part2)' 'git rerere gc'
test_expect_success 'old records rest in peace' \
"test ! -f $rr/preimage && test ! -f $rr2/preimage"
test_expect_success 'file2 added differently in two branches' '
git reset --hard &&
git checkout -b fourth &&
echo Hallo > file2 &&
git add file2 &&
git commit -m version1 &&
git checkout third &&
echo Bello > file2 &&
git add file2 &&
git commit -m version2 &&
test_must_fail git merge fourth &&
echo Cello > file2 &&
git add file2 &&
git commit -m resolution
test_expect_success 'resolution was recorded properly' '
git reset --hard HEAD~2 &&
git checkout -b fifth &&
echo Hallo > file3 &&
git add file3 &&
git commit -m version1 &&
git checkout third &&
echo Bello > file3 &&
git add file3 &&
git commit -m version2 &&
git tag version2 &&
test_must_fail git merge fifth &&
test Cello = "$(cat file3)" &&
test 0 != $(git ls-files -u | wc -l)
test_expect_success 'rerere.autoupdate' '
git config rerere.autoupdate true
git reset --hard &&
git checkout version2 &&
test_must_fail git merge fifth &&
test 0 = $(git ls-files -u | wc -l)
test_expect_success 'merge --rerere-autoupdate' '
git config --unset rerere.autoupdate
git reset --hard &&
git checkout version2 &&
test_must_fail git merge --rerere-autoupdate fifth &&
test 0 = $(git ls-files -u | wc -l)
test_expect_success 'merge --no-rerere-autoupdate' '
git config rerere.autoupdate true
git reset --hard &&
git checkout version2 &&
test_must_fail git merge --no-rerere-autoupdate fifth &&
test 2 = $(git ls-files -u | wc -l)