A new date format "--date=human" that morphs its output depending on how far the time is from the current time has been introduced. "--date=auto" can be used to use this new format when the output is going to the pager or to the terminal and otherwise the default format. * lt/date-human: Add `human` date format tests. Add `human` format to test-tool Add 'human' date format documentation Replace the proposed 'auto' mode with 'auto:' Add 'human' date format
130 lines
3.0 KiB
130 lines
3.0 KiB
#include "test-tool.h"
#include "cache.h"
static const char *usage_msg = "\n"
" test-tool date relative [time_t]...\n"
" test-tool date human [time_t]...\n"
" test-tool date show:<format> [time_t]...\n"
" test-tool date parse [date]...\n"
" test-tool date approxidate [date]...\n"
" test-tool date timestamp [date]...\n"
" test-tool date is64bit\n"
" test-tool date time_t-is64bit\n";
static void show_relative_dates(const char **argv, struct timeval *now)
struct strbuf buf = STRBUF_INIT;
for (; *argv; argv++) {
time_t t = atoi(*argv);
show_date_relative(t, now, &buf);
printf("%s -> %s\n", *argv, buf.buf);
static void show_human_dates(const char **argv)
for (; *argv; argv++) {
time_t t = atoi(*argv);
printf("%s -> %s\n", *argv, show_date(t, 0, DATE_MODE(HUMAN)));
static void show_dates(const char **argv, const char *format)
struct date_mode mode;
parse_date_format(format, &mode);
for (; *argv; argv++) {
char *arg;
timestamp_t t;
int tz;
* Do not use our normal timestamp parsing here, as the point
* is to test the formatting code in isolation.
t = parse_timestamp(*argv, &arg, 10);
while (*arg == ' ')
tz = atoi(arg);
printf("%s -> %s\n", *argv, show_date(t, tz, &mode));
static void parse_dates(const char **argv, struct timeval *now)
struct strbuf result = STRBUF_INIT;
for (; *argv; argv++) {
timestamp_t t;
int tz;
parse_date(*argv, &result);
if (sscanf(result.buf, "%"PRItime" %d", &t, &tz) == 2)
printf("%s -> %s\n",
*argv, show_date(t, tz, DATE_MODE(ISO8601)));
printf("%s -> bad\n", *argv);
static void parse_approxidate(const char **argv, struct timeval *now)
for (; *argv; argv++) {
timestamp_t t;
t = approxidate_relative(*argv, now);
printf("%s -> %s\n", *argv, show_date(t, 0, DATE_MODE(ISO8601)));
static void parse_approx_timestamp(const char **argv, struct timeval *now)
for (; *argv; argv++) {
timestamp_t t;
t = approxidate_relative(*argv, now);
printf("%s -> %"PRItime"\n", *argv, t);
int cmd__date(int argc, const char **argv)
struct timeval now;
const char *x;
x = getenv("GIT_TEST_DATE_NOW");
if (x) {
now.tv_sec = atoi(x);
now.tv_usec = 0;
gettimeofday(&now, NULL);
if (!*argv)
if (!strcmp(*argv, "relative"))
show_relative_dates(argv+1, &now);
else if (!strcmp(*argv, "human"))
else if (skip_prefix(*argv, "show:", &x))
show_dates(argv+1, x);
else if (!strcmp(*argv, "parse"))
parse_dates(argv+1, &now);
else if (!strcmp(*argv, "approxidate"))
parse_approxidate(argv+1, &now);
else if (!strcmp(*argv, "timestamp"))
parse_approx_timestamp(argv+1, &now);
else if (!strcmp(*argv, "is64bit"))
return sizeof(timestamp_t) == 8 ? 0 : 1;
else if (!strcmp(*argv, "time_t-is64bit"))
return sizeof(time_t) == 8 ? 0 : 1;
return 0;