When passing an option '--foo' that it does not recognize, the aggregate.perl script should die with an helpful error message like: Unknown option: foo ./aggregate.perl [options] [--] [<dir_or_rev>...] [--] \ [<test_script>...] > Options: --codespeed * Format output for Codespeed --reponame <str> * Send given reponame to codespeed --sort-by <str> * Sort output (only "regression" \ criteria is supported) rather than: fatal: Needed a single revision rev-parse --verify --foo: command returned error: 128 To implement that let's use Getopt::Long for option parsing instead of the current manual and sloppy parsing. This should save some code and make option parsing simpler, tighter and safer. This will avoid something like 'foo--sort-by=regression' to be handled as if '--sort-by=regression' had been used, for example. As Getopt::Long eats '--' at the end of options, this changes a bit the way '--' is handled as we can now have '--' both after the options and before the scripts. Signed-off-by: Christian Couder <chriscool@tuxfamily.org> Signed-off-by: Junio C Hamano <gitster@pobox.com>
316 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable File
316 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable File
use lib '../../perl/build/lib';
use strict;
use warnings;
use JSON;
use Getopt::Long;
use Git;
sub get_times {
my $name = shift;
open my $fh, "<", $name or return undef;
my $line = <$fh>;
return undef if not defined $line;
close $fh or die "cannot close $name: $!";
$line =~ /^(?:(\d+):)?(\d+):(\d+(?:\.\d+)?) (\d+(?:\.\d+)?) (\d+(?:\.\d+)?)$/
or die "bad input line: $line";
my $rt = ((defined $1 ? $1 : 0.0)*60+$2)*60+$3;
return ($rt, $4, $5);
sub format_times {
my ($r, $u, $s, $firstr) = @_;
if (!defined $r) {
return "<missing>";
my $out = sprintf "%.2f(%.2f+%.2f)", $r, $u, $s;
if (defined $firstr) {
if ($firstr > 0) {
$out .= sprintf " %+.1f%%", 100.0*($r-$firstr)/$firstr;
} elsif ($r == 0) {
$out .= " =";
} else {
$out .= " +inf";
return $out;
sub usage {
print <<EOT;
./aggregate.perl [options] [--] [<dir_or_rev>...] [--] [<test_script>...] >
--codespeed * Format output for Codespeed
--reponame <str> * Send given reponame to codespeed
--sort-by <str> * Sort output (only "regression" criteria is supported)
--subsection <str> * Use results from given subsection
my (@dirs, %dirnames, %dirabbrevs, %prefixes, @tests,
$codespeed, $sortby, $subsection, $reponame);
Getopt::Long::Configure qw/ require_order /;
my $rc = GetOptions("codespeed" => \$codespeed,
"reponame=s" => \$reponame,
"sort-by=s" => \$sortby,
"subsection=s" => \$subsection);
usage() unless $rc;
while (scalar @ARGV) {
my $arg = $ARGV[0];
my $dir;
last if -f $arg or $arg eq "--";
if (! -d $arg) {
my $rev = Git::command_oneline(qw(rev-parse --verify), $arg);
$dir = "build/".$rev;
} else {
$arg =~ s{/*$}{};
$dir = $arg;
$dirabbrevs{$dir} = $dir;
push @dirs, $dir;
$dirnames{$dir} = $arg;
my $prefix = $dir;
$prefix =~ tr/^a-zA-Z0-9/_/c;
$prefixes{$dir} = $prefix . '.';
shift @ARGV;
if (not @dirs) {
@dirs = ('.');
$dirnames{'.'} = $dirabbrevs{'.'} = "this tree";
$prefixes{'.'} = '';
shift @ARGV if scalar @ARGV and $ARGV[0] eq "--";
@tests = @ARGV;
if (not @tests) {
@tests = glob "p????-*.sh";
my $resultsdir = "test-results";
if (! $subsection and
$subsection = $ENV{GIT_PERF_SUBSECTION};
if ($subsection) {
$resultsdir .= "/" . $subsection;
my @subtests;
my %shorttests;
for my $t (@tests) {
$t =~ s{(?:.*/)?(p(\d+)-[^/]+)\.sh$}{$1} or die "bad test name: $t";
my $n = $2;
my $fname = "$resultsdir/$t.subtests";
open my $fp, "<", $fname or die "cannot open $fname: $!";
for (<$fp>) {
/^(\d+)$/ or die "malformed subtest line: $_";
push @subtests, "$t.$1";
$shorttests{"$t.$1"} = "$n.$1";
close $fp or die "cannot close $fname: $!";
sub read_descr {
my $name = shift;
open my $fh, "<", $name or return "<error reading description>";
binmode $fh, ":utf8" or die "PANIC on binmode: $!";
my $line = <$fh>;
close $fh or die "cannot close $name";
chomp $line;
return $line;
sub have_duplicate {
my %seen;
for (@_) {
return 1 if exists $seen{$_};
$seen{$_} = 1;
return 0;
sub have_slash {
for (@_) {
return 1 if m{/};
return 0;
sub display_dir {
my ($d) = @_;
return exists $dirabbrevs{$d} ? $dirabbrevs{$d} : $dirnames{$d};
sub print_default_results {
my %descrs;
my $descrlen = 4; # "Test"
for my $t (@subtests) {
$descrs{$t} = $shorttests{$t}.": ".read_descr("$resultsdir/$t.descr");
$descrlen = length $descrs{$t} if length $descrs{$t}>$descrlen;
my %newdirabbrevs = %dirabbrevs;
while (!have_duplicate(values %newdirabbrevs)) {
%dirabbrevs = %newdirabbrevs;
last if !have_slash(values %dirabbrevs);
%newdirabbrevs = %dirabbrevs;
for (values %newdirabbrevs) {
my %times;
my @colwidth = ((0)x@dirs);
for my $i (0..$#dirs) {
my $w = length display_dir($dirs[$i]);
$colwidth[$i] = $w if $w > $colwidth[$i];
for my $t (@subtests) {
my $firstr;
for my $i (0..$#dirs) {
my $d = $dirs[$i];
$times{$prefixes{$d}.$t} = [get_times("$resultsdir/$prefixes{$d}$t.times")];
my ($r,$u,$s) = @{$times{$prefixes{$d}.$t}};
my $w = length format_times($r,$u,$s,$firstr);
$colwidth[$i] = $w if $w > $colwidth[$i];
$firstr = $r unless defined $firstr;
my $totalwidth = 3*@dirs+$descrlen;
$totalwidth += $_ for (@colwidth);
printf "%-${descrlen}s", "Test";
for my $i (0..$#dirs) {
printf " %-$colwidth[$i]s", display_dir($dirs[$i]);
print "\n";
print "-"x$totalwidth, "\n";
for my $t (@subtests) {
printf "%-${descrlen}s", $descrs{$t};
my $firstr;
for my $i (0..$#dirs) {
my $d = $dirs[$i];
my ($r,$u,$s) = @{$times{$prefixes{$d}.$t}};
printf " %-$colwidth[$i]s", format_times($r,$u,$s,$firstr);
$firstr = $r unless defined $firstr;
print "\n";
sub print_sorted_results {
my ($sortby) = @_;
if ($sortby ne "regression") {
print "Only 'regression' is supported as '--sort-by' argument\n";
my @evolutions;
for my $t (@subtests) {
my ($prevr, $prevu, $prevs, $prevrev);
for my $i (0..$#dirs) {
my $d = $dirs[$i];
my ($r, $u, $s) = get_times("$resultsdir/$prefixes{$d}$t.times");
if ($i > 0 and defined $r and defined $prevr and $prevr > 0) {
my $percent = 100.0 * ($r - $prevr) / $prevr;
push @evolutions, { "percent" => $percent,
"test" => $t,
"prevrev" => $prevrev,
"rev" => $d,
"prevr" => $prevr,
"r" => $r,
"prevu" => $prevu,
"u" => $u,
"prevs" => $prevs,
"s" => $s};
($prevr, $prevu, $prevs, $prevrev) = ($r, $u, $s, $d);
my @sorted_evolutions = sort { $b->{percent} <=> $a->{percent} } @evolutions;
for my $e (@sorted_evolutions) {
printf "%+.1f%%", $e->{percent};
print " " . $e->{test};
print " " . format_times($e->{prevr}, $e->{prevu}, $e->{prevs});
print " " . format_times($e->{r}, $e->{u}, $e->{s});
print " " . display_dir($e->{prevrev});
print " " . display_dir($e->{rev});
print "\n";
sub print_codespeed_results {
my ($subsection) = @_;
my $project = "Git";
my $executable = `uname -s -m`;
chomp $executable;
if ($subsection) {
$executable .= ", " . $subsection;
my $environment;
if ($reponame) {
$environment = $reponame;
} elsif (exists $ENV{GIT_PERF_REPO_NAME} and $ENV{GIT_PERF_REPO_NAME} ne "") {
$environment = $ENV{GIT_PERF_REPO_NAME};
} elsif (exists $ENV{GIT_TEST_INSTALLED} and $ENV{GIT_TEST_INSTALLED} ne "") {
$environment = $ENV{GIT_TEST_INSTALLED};
$environment =~ s|/bin-wrappers$||;
} else {
$environment = `uname -r`;
chomp $environment;
my @data;
for my $t (@subtests) {
for my $d (@dirs) {
my $commitid = $prefixes{$d};
$commitid =~ s/^build_//;
$commitid =~ s/\.$//;
my ($result_value, $u, $s) = get_times("$resultsdir/$prefixes{$d}$t.times");
my %vals = (
"commitid" => $commitid,
"project" => $project,
"branch" => $dirnames{$d},
"executable" => $executable,
"benchmark" => $shorttests{$t} . " " . read_descr("$resultsdir/$t.descr"),
"environment" => $environment,
"result_value" => $result_value,
push @data, \%vals;
print to_json(\@data, {utf8 => 1, pretty => 1, canonical => 1}), "\n";
binmode STDOUT, ":utf8" or die "PANIC on binmode: $!";
if ($codespeed) {
} elsif (defined $sortby) {
} else {