If we apply a hunk in either direction this may change the file's status. For example if a file is completely unstaged, and has at least two hunks in it and the user stages one hunk the file will change from "Modified, not staged" to "Portions staged for commit". Resetting the file path causes our trace on this variable to fire; that trace is used to update the file header in the diff viewer to the file's current status. Noticed by Johannes Sixt. Signed-off-by: Shawn O. Pearce <spearce@spearce.org>
365 lines
8.4 KiB
365 lines
8.4 KiB
# git-gui diff viewer
# Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Shawn Pearce
proc clear_diff {} {
global ui_diff current_diff_path current_diff_header
global ui_index ui_workdir
$ui_diff conf -state normal
$ui_diff delete 0.0 end
$ui_diff conf -state disabled
set current_diff_path {}
set current_diff_header {}
$ui_index tag remove in_diff 0.0 end
$ui_workdir tag remove in_diff 0.0 end
proc reshow_diff {} {
global file_states file_lists
global current_diff_path current_diff_side
set p $current_diff_path
if {$p eq {}} {
# No diff is being shown.
} elseif {$current_diff_side eq {}
|| [catch {set s $file_states($p)}]
|| [lsearch -sorted -exact $file_lists($current_diff_side) $p] == -1} {
} else {
show_diff $p $current_diff_side
proc handle_empty_diff {} {
global current_diff_path file_states file_lists
set path $current_diff_path
set s $file_states($path)
if {[lindex $s 0] ne {_M}} return
info_popup [mc "No differences detected.
%s has no changes.
The modification date of this file was updated by another application, but the content within the file was not changed.
A rescan will be automatically started to find other files which may have the same state." [short_path $path]]
display_file $path __
rescan ui_ready 0
proc show_diff {path w {lno {}}} {
global file_states file_lists
global is_3way_diff diff_active repo_config
global ui_diff ui_index ui_workdir
global current_diff_path current_diff_side current_diff_header
if {$diff_active || ![lock_index read]} return
if {$lno == {}} {
set lno [lsearch -sorted -exact $file_lists($w) $path]
if {$lno >= 0} {
incr lno
if {$lno >= 1} {
$w tag add in_diff $lno.0 [expr {$lno + 1}].0
set s $file_states($path)
set m [lindex $s 0]
set is_3way_diff 0
set diff_active 1
set current_diff_path $path
set current_diff_side $w
set current_diff_header {}
ui_status [mc "Loading diff of %s..." [escape_path $path]]
# - Git won't give us the diff, there's nothing to compare to!
if {$m eq {_O}} {
set max_sz [expr {128 * 1024}]
set type unknown
if {[catch {
set type [file type $path]
switch -- $type {
directory {
set type submodule
set content {}
set sz 0
link {
set content [file readlink $path]
set sz [string length $content]
file {
set fd [open $path r]
fconfigure $fd -eofchar {}
set content [read $fd $max_sz]
close $fd
set sz [file size $path]
default {
error "'$type' not supported"
} err ]} {
set diff_active 0
ui_status [mc "Unable to display %s" [escape_path $path]]
error_popup [strcat [mc "Error loading file:"] "\n\n$err"]
$ui_diff conf -state normal
if {$type eq {submodule}} {
$ui_diff insert end [append \
"* " \
[mc "Git Repository (subproject)"] \
"\n"] d_@
} elseif {![catch {set type [exec file $path]}]} {
set n [string length $path]
if {[string equal -length $n $path $type]} {
set type [string range $type $n end]
regsub {^:?\s*} $type {} type
$ui_diff insert end "* $type\n" d_@
if {[string first "\0" $content] != -1} {
$ui_diff insert end \
[mc "* Binary file (not showing content)."] \
} else {
if {$sz > $max_sz} {
$ui_diff insert end \
"* Untracked file is $sz bytes.
* Showing only first $max_sz bytes.
" d_@
$ui_diff insert end $content
if {$sz > $max_sz} {
$ui_diff insert end "
* Untracked file clipped here by [appname].
* To see the entire file, use an external editor.
" d_@
$ui_diff conf -state disabled
set diff_active 0
set cmd [list]
if {$w eq $ui_index} {
lappend cmd diff-index
lappend cmd --cached
} elseif {$w eq $ui_workdir} {
if {[string index $m 0] eq {U}} {
lappend cmd diff
} else {
lappend cmd diff-files
lappend cmd -p
lappend cmd --no-color
if {$repo_config(gui.diffcontext) >= 0} {
lappend cmd "-U$repo_config(gui.diffcontext)"
if {$w eq $ui_index} {
lappend cmd [PARENT]
lappend cmd --
lappend cmd $path
if {[catch {set fd [eval git_read --nice $cmd]} err]} {
set diff_active 0
ui_status [mc "Unable to display %s" [escape_path $path]]
error_popup [strcat [mc "Error loading diff:"] "\n\n$err"]
fconfigure $fd \
-blocking 0 \
-encoding binary \
-translation binary
fileevent $fd readable [list read_diff $fd]
proc read_diff {fd} {
global ui_diff diff_active
global is_3way_diff current_diff_header
$ui_diff conf -state normal
while {[gets $fd line] >= 0} {
# -- Cleanup uninteresting diff header lines.
if { [string match {diff --git *} $line]
|| [string match {diff --cc *} $line]
|| [string match {diff --combined *} $line]
|| [string match {--- *} $line]
|| [string match {+++ *} $line]} {
append current_diff_header $line "\n"
if {[string match {index *} $line]} continue
if {$line eq {deleted file mode 120000}} {
set line "deleted symlink"
# -- Automatically detect if this is a 3 way diff.
if {[string match {@@@ *} $line]} {set is_3way_diff 1}
if {[string match {mode *} $line]
|| [string match {new file *} $line]
|| [regexp {^(old|new) mode *} $line]
|| [string match {deleted file *} $line]
|| [string match {deleted symlink} $line]
|| [string match {Binary files * and * differ} $line]
|| $line eq {\ No newline at end of file}
|| [regexp {^\* Unmerged path } $line]} {
set tags {}
} elseif {$is_3way_diff} {
set op [string range $line 0 1]
switch -- $op {
{ } {set tags {}}
{@@} {set tags d_@}
{ +} {set tags d_s+}
{ -} {set tags d_s-}
{+ } {set tags d_+s}
{- } {set tags d_-s}
{--} {set tags d_--}
{++} {
if {[regexp {^\+\+([<>]{7} |={7})} $line _g op]} {
set line [string replace $line 0 1 { }]
set tags d$op
} else {
set tags d_++
default {
puts "error: Unhandled 3 way diff marker: {$op}"
set tags {}
} else {
set op [string index $line 0]
switch -- $op {
{ } {set tags {}}
{@} {set tags d_@}
{-} {set tags d_-}
{+} {
if {[regexp {^\+([<>]{7} |={7})} $line _g op]} {
set line [string replace $line 0 0 { }]
set tags d$op
} else {
set tags d_+
default {
puts "error: Unhandled 2 way diff marker: {$op}"
set tags {}
$ui_diff insert end $line $tags
if {[string index $line end] eq "\r"} {
$ui_diff tag add d_cr {end - 2c}
$ui_diff insert end "\n" $tags
$ui_diff conf -state disabled
if {[eof $fd]} {
close $fd
set diff_active 0
if {[$ui_diff index end] eq {2.0}} {
proc apply_hunk {x y} {
global current_diff_path current_diff_header current_diff_side
global ui_diff ui_index file_states
if {$current_diff_path eq {} || $current_diff_header eq {}} return
if {![lock_index apply_hunk]} return
set apply_cmd {apply --cached --whitespace=nowarn}
set mi [lindex $file_states($current_diff_path) 0]
if {$current_diff_side eq $ui_index} {
set failed_msg [mc "Failed to unstage selected hunk."]
lappend apply_cmd --reverse
if {[string index $mi 0] ne {M}} {
} else {
set failed_msg [mc "Failed to stage selected hunk."]
if {[string index $mi 1] ne {M}} {
set s_lno [lindex [split [$ui_diff index @$x,$y] .] 0]
set s_lno [$ui_diff search -backwards -regexp ^@@ $s_lno.0 0.0]
if {$s_lno eq {}} {
set e_lno [$ui_diff search -forwards -regexp ^@@ "$s_lno + 1 lines" end]
if {$e_lno eq {}} {
set e_lno end
if {[catch {
set p [eval git_write $apply_cmd]
fconfigure $p -translation binary -encoding binary
puts -nonewline $p $current_diff_header
puts -nonewline $p [$ui_diff get $s_lno $e_lno]
close $p} err]} {
error_popup [append $failed_msg "\n\n$err"]
$ui_diff conf -state normal
$ui_diff delete $s_lno $e_lno
$ui_diff conf -state disabled
if {[$ui_diff get 1.0 end] eq "\n"} {
set o _
} else {
set o ?
if {$current_diff_side eq $ui_index} {
set mi ${o}M
} elseif {[string index $mi 0] eq {_}} {
set mi M$o
} else {
set mi ?$o
display_file $current_diff_path $mi
if {$o eq {_}} {
} else {
set current_diff_path $current_diff_path